Unit 3 Questions to study

Unit 3 Questions for Studying
1. What two ways do we get evidence from the
Earth’s interior?
2. Why can’t we just travel to the Earth’s interior?
3. What are the layers of the Earth? (Begin with
the outermost)
4. Which is the thickest layer?
5. Which is the thinnest layer?
6. Which layer is composed of magma?
7. What is the inner core composed of?
8. What is the outer core composed of?
9. What happens to temperature as you go deeper
into the Earth?
10. What happens to pressure as you go deeper
into the Earth?
11. Which layer is the most dense?
12. What is density?
13. Where do convection currents occur?
14. Can you describe the convection currents?
15. What is Pangaea?
16. Who developed the Theory of continental
17. What does the theory of continental drift
18. What evidence do we get from land
19. What evidence do we get from fossils?
20. How do we get evidence from climate?
21. Why was the theory of continental drift
22. How can you describe a convergent
23. How can you describe a divergent
24. How can you describe a transform
1. Seismic waves-indirect evidence & rock
samples-direct evidence
2. Too much HEAT & PRESSURE!!!
3. Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
4. The mantle
5. The crust
6. The mantle
7. Solid iron and nickel
8. Liquid iron and nickel
9. Temperature increases!
10. Pressure increases!
11. The inner core
12. How packed the particles are
13. In the Earth’s mantle
14. Hotter, less dense particles rise. Cooler,
more dense particles sink. This cycle continues
forever in our mantle.
15. A supercontinent that existed thousands of
years ago, when the continents were connected
16. Alfred Wegener –a German scientist
17. All continents were once joined together in
a single landmass, and have since DRIFTED
18. Mountain ranges on the continents of Africa
and South America line up. European coal fields
match up with coal fields in North America.
19. The same fossils of a fern are found in
Africa, South America, Australia, India, and
Antarctica. Fresh water reptiles are found in
places now separated by oceans.
20. Fossils of tropical plants are found on an
island in the Arctic ocean! It must have been
warmer there at one time! Deep scratches show
that South Africa was once covered by glaciers!
It must have been colder there at one time!
21. Wegener could not provide an explanation
for the force that pushes or pulls the
22. Two plates COLLIDE. Mountain ranges can
form if it is 2 continental plates. A trench can
form if an oceanic plates collides and goes
under a continental plate.
23. Two plates DIVIDE. Mid ocean ridges form
when two oceanic plates diverge. A rift valley
forms when two continental plates diverge.
24. Two plates slide past each other. Causes