National Quality Framework – 2013 Enforcement Action Name and address of service Certified supervisor name & number (for actions against individuals) Approved provider name & number Nature of enforcement action Reason for taking enforcement action (including breach) Date of enforcement action Details of enforcement action taken 27/12/13 Compliance Notice under s.177 10/12/13 Imposition of conditions on the service approval under s.55 10/12/13 Imposition of conditions on the service approval under s.55 The approved provider failed to: Goodstart Early Learning Burnside, 277281 Westwood Drive, Burnside N/A Goodstart Early Learning Pty Ltd (PR00001129) Compliance Notice ensure that every reasonable precaution was taken to protect children being educated and cared for by the service from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury. take reasonable steps to ensure that the nominated supervisor and staff members of, and volunteers at, the service followed the policies and procedures required under regulation 168. Particulars: a child at the service who was diagnosed with a medical condition was exposed to a known allergen Serious and ongoing non-compliance by the service, particularly in relation to the following: St Vincent's Early Learning Centre, 91-101 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy Wonderkindy Port Melbourne, 5 Ingles Street, Port Melbourne N/A N/A Early Childhood Manageme nt Services Inc (PR00001947) Wonderkind y - Port Melbourne Pty Ltd (PR0002934) Conditions on service approval Conditions on service approval failure to protect children from harm and any hazard (s.167) inadequate supervision (s.165) child exiting the service (r.99) failure to notify Regulatory Authority (r.176) premises, furniture and equipment (r.103) incident, injury, trauma and illness record (r.87) medical conditions policy (r.90) heath, hygiene and safe food practices (r.77) Serious and ongoing non-compliance by the service, particularly in relation to the failure of the approved provider to ensure that an educational program is delivered in accordance with s.168 1 National Quality Framework – 2013 Enforcement Action Name and address of service Kidding Around Childcare and Kindergarten, 3638 Grimwade Crescent, Frankston Certified supervisor name & number (for actions against individuals) N/A Approved provider name & number Kenji Pty Ltd (PR00002429) Nature of enforcement action Compliance Notice Reason for taking enforcement action (including breach) The Approved provider failed to: ensure that a responsible person was present at all times that the service was educating and caring for children (s.162) take reasonable steps to ensure that the needs for sleep and rest of children being educated and cared for by the services are met, having regard to the ages, development stages and individual needs of children (r.81). ensure that emergency and evacuation procedures were rehearsed, and that these rehearsals were documented in accordance with regulation 97(3). ensure that the education and care service premises, and all equipment and furniture used in providing the education and care service was safe, clean and in good repair (r.103) ensure that at least one educator who had undertaken current approved anaphylaxis management training was in attendance at any place where children were being educated and cared for by the service, or immediately available in an emergency, at all times that children were being educated and cared for by the service (r.136(1)(b)) ensure that a staff record was kept for the education and care service in accordance with Division 9 of the National Regulations r.145) ensure that an enrolment record was kept, for each child enrolled at the education and care service, which included all of the relevant information set out in regulation 160(3)include required health information or authorisations take reasonable steps to ensure that the nominated supervisor and staff members of, and volunteers at the service followed the policies and procedures required under regulation 168 read or ensure the nominated supervisor or certified supervisor in day to day charge of the service had read a person’s working with children check before the person was engaged as an educator at the service (r.358). Date of enforcement action 9/12/13 Details of enforcement action taken Compliance Notice under s.177 2 National Quality Framework – 2013 Enforcement Action Name and address of service Certified supervisor name & number (for actions against individuals) Approved provider name & number Nature of enforcement action Reason for taking enforcement action (including breach) Date of enforcement action Details of enforcement action taken 20/09/2013 Compliance Notice under s.177 23/08/2013 Compliance Notice under s.177 31/07/13 Compliance Notice under s.177 The approved provider failed to ensure: Maria Montessori Pre School & Early Learning Centre, 42 Main Road, Thomastown Kidz Paradise Family Day Care, 358 Bell Street, Pascoe Vale N/A N/A Star Care (VIC) Pty Ltd AFT Bardan Family Trust (PR00002358) Ms Betty Twamwaa Kwarteng (PR40000228) Compliance Notice that every reasonable precaution was taken to protect children from harm and hazard (s167(1)) that a program was delivered to all children being educated and cared in accordance with r73 (s168(1)) the location and design of the toilet, washing and drying facilities enabled safe use and convenient access by the children a risk assessment was conducted in accordance with r101 prior getting authorisation for an excursion Approved Provider failed to: Compliance Notice maintain a complete register of educators (s.269) keep the prescribed documents (s175(1)), required by r. 154 Approved Provider failed to: Laughing Kookaburra Family Day Care, 94 Thomas Street, Dandenong N/A Mrs Nyamakal Riek Dhol (PR40000062) Compliance Notice maintain a complete register of educators (s.269) comply with the conditions of a service approval relating to the maximum number of educators, number of coordinators and ensuring that the education and care service is operated in a way that ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of the children (s.51(8)) keep a record of assessments of family day care residences or approved family day care venues (r.177) keep prescribed documents available for inspection by an authorised officer (s.175(1)) 3 National Quality Framework – 2013 Enforcement Action Name and address of service Certified supervisor name & number (for actions against individuals) Approved provider name & number Nature of enforcement action Reason for taking enforcement action (including breach) Date of enforcement action Details of enforcement action taken 28/05/13 Compliance Notice under s.177 Approved Provider failed to: Aussom Family Day Care Scheme, 49 Hopkins Street, Footscray N/A Aussom Family Day Care Scheme Pty Ltd (PR00002947) Compliance Notice maintain a complete register of educators (s.269) • comply with conditions on the service approval (s.19(4)) ensure every reasonable precaution was taken to protect children being cared for or educated by the service from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury (s.167) take reasonable steps to ensure that every person aged 18 years and over who resides at a family day care residence is a fit and proper person to be in the company of children. (r. 163) require each family day care educator to notify the provider of: a) any new person aged 18 years or over who resides, or intends to reside, at the educator’s family day care residence; and b) any circumstance relating to a person who has previously been considered under regulation 163 in relation to the family day care residence that may affect whether the person is a fit and proper person to be in the company of children. (r.164) have in place policies and procedures in relation to the matters set out in rr. 168-169 to take reasonable steps to ensure that family day care educators engaged with or registered with the service follows the procedures and policies set out above (r.170) notify the Regulatory Authority of certain information (s.174) ensure sufficient persons are appointed as family day care co-ordinators to monitor and support the family day care educators engaged or registered with the service; and ensure each family day care educator is adequately monitored and supported by a family day care coordinator (s.51(2)) 4 National Quality Framework – 2013 Enforcement Action Name and address of service Kushland Family Day Care, 6 Willowdale Drive, Cranbourne Precious Moments, 370 Sydney Road, Coburg Elite Enterprises Group Pty Ltd, Lalor Child Care Centre, 415 High Street, Lalor Certified supervisor name & number (for actions against individuals) N/A Approved provider name & number Kushland Family Daycare Pty Ltd (PR00006744) Nature of enforcement action Conditions on service approval N/A Precious Moments Family Day Care P/L (PR00007121) Compliance Notice N/A Elite Enterprise Group Pty Ltd (PR0007121) Compliance Notice N/A Victorian Multiethnic Slavic Welfare Association Inc (PR00001890) Compliance Notice Reason for taking enforcement action (including breach) Approved Provider failed to: keep appropriate records in relation to the operation of the service, any staff member employed or engaged by the service, and any child being cared for, or educated at those premises (s.175) employ sufficient family day coordinators to adequately support and monitor family day care educators (s.51(2)). Approved provider failed to: maintain a register of educators (r.153. s.269) to comply with the condition on their service approval relating to the number of educators and coordinators (s.51); to ensure all persons over 18 residing in an educator's residence had a working with children check (r.163, s.167). Approved provider failed to keep a Register of Family Day Care Educators (s.269). Approved provider failed to ensure that: a responsible person was present at the service (s.162(1)) the appropriate number of educators educating and caring for children was not less than the number prescribed (s.169(1)) staff records were kept in accordance with s.145(1) the appropriate health records for children were maintained (r.16(2)(c)-(d)). Date of enforcement action Details of enforcement action taken 1/5/13 Imposition of conditions on the service approval under s.55 19/4/13 Compliance Notice under s.177 13/3/13 Compliance Notice under s.177 8/2/13 Compliance Notice under s.177 5