Sensory System Handout I. Charting abbreviations a. Left eye: ______________ b. Right eye: _____________ c. Both eyes: _____________ d. Drop/s: _______________ II. Conjunctivitis a. Inflammation of the ___________________: AKA “_________ eye” b. Caused by: ____________________ or ________________ c. Spread by: _______________________________ d. S&S (mild) i. __________________ ii. Itching - _____________________ iii. Tearing & __________________ e. Diagnosis i. Hx ii. ____________ exam iii. Conjunctival Scraping _____________________ f. Medications i. _____________________route ______________ g. Nursing Assessment i. Symptoms: _______________________________ ii. Effects of __________________________ iii. Assoc. symptoms: __________________________ iv. Date of last ____________________ v. Corrective _________________ vi. Past Medical history:___________________________ vii. Vision test: 1. _______________eye chart 2. ____________________ chart viii. Inspect eye Document1 2/9/2016 1 ix. Check Pupils: PERRLA 1. P__________________ 2. E__________________ 3. R__________________ 4. R__________________ 5. L__________________ 6. A__________________ h. Nrs DX: Risk for disturbed sensory perception (visual) i. Instruct to _____________________ ii. Instruct to avoid _______________________ iii. Emphasize proper ___________________ care i. Nrs DX: Acute pain i. Admin ___________________________ ii. Patch _________ eyes iii. Apply ___________ compress for _____ minutes ____X day iv. Wear ________________ glasses v. Avoid excessive _____________________ j. Nrs DX: Knowledge deficit i. Teach 1. _______________________ 2. Correct ___________ care 3. Do not share: ______________________________ 4. Do not use _____________ make-up 5. Cleansing technique for _________________ III. Eye trauma a. Types i. Foreign ____________ ii. __________________ & lacerations iii. __________________ b. Corneal Abrasion: AKA ________________________ i. S&S 1. _____________ 2. _____________________________ Document1 2/9/2016 2 3. Tearing ii. Prognosis 1. Usually heal ______________ scarring c. Burns i. Types 1. Chemical burns: e.g._______________________ 2. Thermal burns: e.g. _______________________ 3. UV burns: e.g. ___________________________ ii. S&S 1. _______________ 2. Affects _________________ 3. Swollen ____________________ 4. Conjunctiva ____________ & edematous: ______________ 5. Cornea cloudy or _______________ d. Perforated eye i. Metal flakes, ____________ shards, ________________ ii. S&S 1. ___________________ 2. Partial or complete loss of ___________ 3. ________________ 4. Loss of ____________ content e. Blunt eye trauma i. Causes: ___________________________ ii. Minor 1. Ecchymosis: AKA: _________________________ 2. Subconjunctival _______________________ f. Eye trauma Assessment i. Eye _____________ 1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ (unless peretrating object) 3. _____________________ : foreign bodies, lacerations a. ________________ anesthetic g. Eye trauma diagnostic tests Document1 2/9/2016 3 i. Fluorescein staining: ____________________________________ ii. Ophthalmoscopic exam iii. X-ray & CT-Scan: Orbital _______________ & Foreign bodies h. Treatment: Irrigation i. _____________ foreign bodies: sterile ______________________ ii. Chemical burns: ___________________ amounts of fluid iii. Procedure 1. From inner ______________ of the eye to outer 2. Head tipped to ______________ side i. Eye trauma Tx: Removing loose foreign bodies i. Use a: ______________, Sterile, ___________-tipped applicator j. Treatment severe or penetrating injury i. _________ rest ii. _______________ eye:______________ pad over _____________ eye k. Post treatment care i. Eye-drops / ________________ per order ii. Eye __________/shield per order iii. Avoid wearing _____________ until cornea has healed completely l. Nursing Acute Care Eye trauma i. Prevention: Eye ___________________, ________ belts ii. ________________ eyes immediately if chemical splash iii. Abrasion/penetrating: 1. Loosely cover with a sterile _______________ 2. Do not _______________ penetrating objects 3. _________________ both eyes m. Nursing Care: after injury i. Reinforce ________________________ care ii. Discuss ______________& application iii. Teach how to apply _____________________________ iv. Do not ___________________ or scratch the eye v. Avoid activities the ________________ intraocular pressure 1. _________________, straining, _____________ over SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS Document1 2/9/2016 4 1. Define the following abbreviations: OS, OD, UO, gtts 2. Describe conjunctivitis, how would you assess for it? 3. What is the common treatment for conjunctivitis? 4. You are fishing with a young child and the line breaks and the fish hook flies into their eye. What would you do? 5. After the hook is removed, what instructions should be given to the child? IV. Cataracts: a. Definition: ________________ of the ____________ impaired vision i. Common, __________________, Affects ____________ ii. _____ age cells become less ________________ iii. Affect _________________ first spreads towards ___________ iv. Affects ______________ & _______________ vision v. ______________ obscured vi. _______________________ vii. Pupil appear: _________________________________ b. Risk factors i. _________________: Senile cataracts ii. Sunlight iii. Smoking & Heavy __________________ consumption iv. Eye ____________________ v. Diabetes ________________________ c. Diagnosis i. Hx & __________ exam d. Treatment i. ____________________ removal 1. Clouded ___________ removed Intraocular lens ____________ e. Nursing care: eye surgery i. Pre-op 1. Assess __________________ of procedure 2. Assess vision of ________________________ eye 3. Reinforce ___________________ teaching 4. Remove all eye __________________________ Document1 2/9/2016 5 5. Administer per-op __________________ per order ii. Post-op 1. Assess a. ______________ b. ______________ c. Comfort d. Status of eye __________________ 2. Maintain eye ____________ per MD order 3. Position: _____________________________ 4. Approach from ______________________ side 5. Prevent: a. ________________________ & Straining b. ________________________ & Sneezing 6. Immediately report: __________________________________ a. _________________ or cloudiness b. ____________________ c. ________ vision d. Floaters, flashes ____________________ 7. Keep personal items & _________________ within reach 8. Admin __________________ per order 9. Arrange for _____________________ 10. Teach a. How to ________________ eye drops b. How to ________________ eye patch c. Avoid __________________ d. Wear _____________ glasses e. Make & _____________ appointments V. Glaucoma a. Pathophysiology i. _______ intraocular pressure _______________ vision loss ii. Vision loss is _______________ b. S&S: Chronic i. _____________________ Document1 2/9/2016 6 ii. Difficulty adapting from ________________ to _____________ iii. _______________ vision: halos iv. Difficulty focusing on _____________ objects c. S&S acute i. Severe eye _______________ ii. _______________ iii. Halos, red eyes, cornea clouded iv. Pupil: ___________________ & _____________________ d. Treatment i. Tonometry: Measures intraocular ____________________ ii. Visual field testing: Check ____________________ vision e. Medications i. Meds to _____________ intraocular pressure ii. Mydriatics (drugs that ___________________pupils) must be avoided f. Health promotion i. Early screening 1. >40 __________________ 2. > 60 __________________ g. Nursing assessment i. Risk factors ii. ___________ about vision iii. Fm Hx iv. ________________ eye v. Assess ___________________ & ___________________ h. Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for injury i. Assess ability to provide ______________________ ii. Alert others not to ____________________ items in room i. Application of eye drops i. Use __________________technique ii. Have clients sit ___________ or lie supine with head tilted slightly ___ iii. Rest hand on the client’s____________ , hold the dropper ______cm above conjunctival __________ and instill the medication into the _____________ of the sac. Then instruct the client to ___________his eye gently. Document1 2/9/2016 7 iv. Apply gentle pressure with your finger and a clean tissue on the nasolacrimal ______________ for 30 to 60 seconds to prevent systemic Small Group Questions 1. Differentiate between cataracts and glaucoma 2. What is the common treatment for cataracts? 3. What would you teach a patient who had/ was having cataracts surgery? 4. What is the common treatment for glaucoma? 5. What is the prognosis for glaucoma? 6. Describe how to put in eye drops VI. Otitis Media a. Pathophysiology i. Inflammation of the _______________ear 1. Ear _____________:Protects middle ear from environment 2. Eustachian ____________:Connects with nasopharynx ii. Risk factors: 1. ____________, _________________ Eustachian tube dysfunction b. Serous Otitis media i. Eustachian tube is ______________ __________ gradually absorbed _________________ pressure Serous ______________ drawn in ii. S&S 1. _________ hearing 2. ___________________ or popping 3. ___________________ or sunken ear drum 4. Change in atmospheric pressure ___________________ c. URI Eustachian tube _________________ Impairs ___________ from middle ear ______________ grows in fluid Inflammatory process ________ increases pressure Ear drum ___________ d. S&S i. _________ ii. Fever iii. _______________ or Vertigo Document1 2/9/2016 8 iv. Eardrum: _____________, Inflamed, Dull, Bulging e. Diagnostic exam i. Hx and physical exam: ______________________ f. Medications i. _________________________________ ii. Antibiotics: iii. ____________ analgesics: __________________________ g. Complementary therapies i. Drop of ______________oil: Into ear canal ii. _____________ cloth: To side of face h. Surgery i. Tympanocentesis: ___________through eardrum _______ fluid & pus ii. Myringotomy: Surgical ________________ of the middle ear iii. Ventilation (tympanostomy) tubes: Ventilation and _______________ of middle ear during healing i. Nursing Care Ear surgery: Pre-op i. _______________ hearing ii. Discuss post-op hearing ____________________ iii. Explain post-op restrictions 1. Bowing _________________ 2. _______________________ or sneezing j. Nursing Care eat surgery: post-op i. Assess 1. Bleeding: _____________________________ 2. Nausea: Admin ________________________ 3. ________________ / dizziness 4. Hearing ii. HOB: _______________________________ iii. Stand on _____________________ side to communicate iv. Remind to _______________ coughing, sneezing, blowing nose v. Instruction for home care 1. Avoid ________________ until MD OKs 2. Keep ear _______________ clean and change prn Document1 2/9/2016 9 3. Do not remove inner ear _______________ until MD OKs 4. No________________ , drive or travel by air until MD-OK 5. Anti ____________ & Anti_________________ per MD order vi. Notify MD if a. Fever, bleeding, _______ drainage, ______ dizziness, _____ hearing k. Nursing Assessment Otitis Media i. _______________: Onset / duration ii. S&S iii. Hx ___________________ iv. Move auricle / _________________ v. Inspect ________________ & ______________canal/drum vi. V/S: Temperature vii. Assess ___________________ viii. Palpate __________________ process l. Nursing Diagnosis: Pain i. _____________analgesics: Q________hour PRN ii. ______________ to affected side of face & head iii. Instruct to report abrupt pain _________________ iv. ___________ antibiotics v. S/E of antibiotics 1. Diarrhea, ____________________ & Trush 2. Eat 8oz ____________________ daily m. Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge deficit i. Instruct pt w/ tubes No…Swimming, ________________, Submerging _______ while bathing, ________ travel ii. Enc___________, ________ fluid intake & Nutritious ________ Small Group Questions 1. What are the S&S of otitis media 2. What is the pathophysiology of otitis media 3. What medications are prescribed to a client with otitis media? 4. What client teaching would you give in regards to the above medications? 5. A 2 year old is having tubes placed in their ear bilaterally. The mother is confused about the procedure and what to expect. What would you teach her? Document1 2/9/2016 10