ENGL 105 Synthesis Matrix

ENGL 105 Synthesis Chart
This synthesis chart is designed to help you combine your research with the goal
of supporting of your claims. You should have at least two sources of support for
each topic sentence.
Be sure to include some type of information referencing where you found your
information (such as a page number) and any other information that you will need
when you write your References list (such as a URL).
You’ll also need to state the current date each time you update the chart so I’ll
know you’re keeping up with it. You will fill in this chart using your own topic
sentences, claims, or ideas and corresponding researched support and keep it
updated during the semester.
Also keep track of any inconsistencies, conflicts, or disagreements between your
An example is given to you.
Key Idea (a
sentence, an
idea, or a
claim you
need to
Author &
Author &
Author &
Author &
support for
support for
support for
support for
your topic
your topic
your topic
your topic
idea, or claim idea, or claim idea, or claim idea, or claim
onship between
ization economic
g area.
nal situation and
Hope, O.K
The author compare 22
countries investment
environment and specific
focus on the different
accounting standard and
the differences bring the
influence in international
accounting environment.
the author want to discuss
the influence bring by
different account standard
and want to find a better
balance to make a better
investment environment.
H. Ashbaugh
The author basic on
different countries and
compare the domestic
accounting standards with
international accounting
The author want to make a
predict for the
predictability economic
Barth, M, Wayne R.L,
Mark H.L
The authors introduce the
specific international
accounting standard and
their benefit and
disadvantages. And
introduce the history for
the development for the
international accounting
standards. Compare with
the current situation, in the
globalization economic
Khurana, K.R, K.K
The author introduce the
big four’s situation in the
ASEAN countries. And
compare with the other
countries situation which is
do not use big four’s audit
Weets, V
the author introdu
current situation i
major countries fo
international acco
Show how interna
the author want to show the accounting develo
Big Fours successful in
major countries.
ASEAN countries and it
can also represent the Big
Fours successful in the
Globalization economic
the author wants to discuss
the different period of the
international standard to
show how improvement for
the international
accounting standards can
bring to a globalization
WG Frank
Huang, M
The author gives a
This is an empirical
overview for the entire
analysis article, the author
international accounting
use his own view, science
systems and principles.
date to analysis the
And analyze the change for
different international
the financial statement.
accounting principles.
And try to compare the
differences between
The author wants to
different countries.
through the analysis to
show the common points
for international
accounting principle and
their development.
Bartov, E., Goldb
S.E., Kim, M.
The author introdu
international acco
standards and acco
The information f
article will help au
know more backg
information for m
nal fraud and the
ifferent audit’s
g systems to be a
xample to show
nship between
ion economic and
nal accounting.
GS Miller
The author through explain
the different accounting
fraud basic on different
countries and international
standard, show a press to
audits. And the problems
the audit face and will face.
M Gerety
The author introduces
some specific accounting
fraud. And use specific
case to show the
accounting fraud causes
and consequences.
It will help people to
recognize accounting
P Alleyne
The authors use the Enron
for the main thesis. And
want to compare the
different EU policy
developments before and
after Enron.
This source help to
understand better about
when fraud happen, how it
will change the accounting
principle and influence
countries economic
A. Ali, L.S. Hwang
The author explains the
financial reporting systems
country by country.
Introduce the Chinese
accounting systems in
E.A.Eccher and P.M.
This a research report for
china accounting systems.
In this report, author
analysis the accounting
systems reformation. And
compare with international
accounting system. The
author also perceptive
problems and challenges
for the reformation
Gerety, M., Lehn,
The authors anal
process of whole
accounting fraud.
cause reason and t
consequence. Also
author want try to
reader how to prev
accounting fraud.
Only if the reader
more about the ac
fraud process and
way, they can prev
fraud more efficie
onship between
AP standards and
Oxley Act.
duction for global
Bhattacharya, N., & Black,
L. E., & Christensen, E. T.,
& Larson, R. C.
The author introduces the
relative informativeness
and permanence or pro
forma earnings and GAAP
operating earnings.
This article will help
readers understand the
relationships between
specific accounting rules
with real financial report
Brecher, T., Costello, T.
These articles introduce the
conception of Global
Village. Understand this
concept better will help
reader recognize deep for
the economic globalization.
Zhang, X. I.
This author introduces the
specific standards for
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and
the economic
consequences of the rules.
Understand SarbanesOxley Act better will help
readers know accounting
fraud and Enron Scandal
duction and
or Enron
Petrick, A. J., & Scherer, F.
This article the reason for
why cause the Enron
Scandal and the
relationship between the
internal management with
accounting fraud.
Prentice, R.
This article introduce the
influence bring by Enron
Scandal to United State,
especially for the
Accounting area.
The author also introduces
the cause for SarbanesThis article will help reader Oxley Act.
to understand accounting
fraud better.