Watford Rural Parish Council

MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Council Meeting held at the Parish Hall, Oxhey Drive on
WEDNESDAY 5th November 2014 at 7.30 pm.
Vice Chairperson Cllr. W Waite (Chaired the Meeting)
Councillors: Mr E Bishop, Mrs. P Hames, Mr B Jukes, Mrs J King, Mrs P King, Mr S King,
Mrs A Scarth,
Michele Fundrey – Clerk
Sgt. Luke Mitchell
Kips Green
Oxhey Police
Youth Connexions
Apologies for absence were received from:
Chairperson Cllr. B O’Brien, Cllr. A Bakshi, Cllr. Ms. I Able, Mr P Gordon, Mr J Kyles
Non Attendance
Cllr. Mr. D Wilkinson
Non-pecuniary interests were received from:
Cllr. P King in respect of agenda item 7.1 – Cllr. P King sits on the CAB Committee. Cllr.
P King will not vote on this item.
Cllr. S King in respect of agenda item 9 (F&A Minutes 30.3) – Cllr. S King is the supplier of
the safe via his employer.
Cllr. W Waite in respect of agenda item 7.2 – Cllr. W Waite is a Member of the Scout
Group. Cllr. Waite will leave the room whilst this item is being considered.
Sgt. Mitchell reported that there were no major problems on Halloween. PCSO’s were
interacting with the youths and handing out sweets. Only 2 calls received, 1 from staff at
The Centre and 1 from a member of the public.
Work is still continuing on the “test sale of drugs”, to date 2 people have been charged.
One male received a suspended sentence and the other 18 months imprisonment.
Sgt. Mitchell advised that the Police have been working closely with Kips Green from
Youth Connexions, as complaints have been received regarding the youths loitering after
The Centre closes. PSCO’s will be monitoring the situation.
Sgt. Mitchell reported that Jack Bunning was charged and convicted with a £7,000 fine for
fly tipping. A member of the Jordan family was in court today for fly tipping 12 months
ago, the case has been referred to the Crown Court.
Five new PCSO’s have now started and are doing well. The PCSO’s will be meeting with
Kips at The Centre to meet and get to know the youths.
Council Meeting 2014/2015
Cllr. W Waite enquired as to the thoughts of the Police and Kips Green on installing youth
shelters in the Parish. Sgt. Mitchell thought it was a good idea, as the older children
naturally tend to hang around the parks, sometimes causing damage. Youths having their
own space is a positive idea, but the shelters should not be placed near houses. Sgt.
Mitchell suggested that Kips and the youths get involved with their thoughts on the best
locations etc.
Cllr. Waite reported that the shelters would need to be located where they can be clearly
seen. One suggestion was a shelter by the Skate Park and one in Hayling Road by the
Cllr. Hames reported that some years ago, TRDC did a consultation on youth shelters and
the residents said that they did not want a shelter.
Cllr. Bishop advised that residents did not want to have a Skate Park, but it has been very
successful and residents are now very positive about it. Cllr. Bishop advised that that we
would need to let residents know that installing the youth shelters is a trial.
Kips advised that the shelters have to be in the right area. Location and how it looks will
be very important to the youths, that is why it is a good idea to get them involved.
Members explained to Kips that we may have 2 redundant bus shelters that could be
recycled for use as youth shelters and that the youths could graffiti them, this way the
youths will be involved in designing their own shelters. Sgt. Mitchell advised that this
would not be a good idea as the youths will be carrying spray cans around with them and
technically they could be causing an offence. Another suggestion was to have a
monitored weekend for the youths to decorate the shelter.
The youths could be asked how they would use it and possible locations.
The trial project would be ongoing for 6-12 months. A suggestion was to have satellite
shelters so that they could be moved during the winter/summer months to different
There were no members of the public present.
Amend: Minute 56.1 – 14/1612/FUL to 14/1662FUL
The Minutes were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairperson.
Minute 54.1 – Chilwell Gardens
The Clerk advised that the Solicitors have been authorised to start the land
Minute 54.3 – Bus Shelters Harewood Road/Hampermill Lane/Oxhey Drive
The Clerk reported that she wrote to HCC on 9.10.14 with the queries noted in the
previous minutes and is still waiting for a reply.
The Clerk is waiting for a quote for repairs to the bus shelter roof in Hampermill
Lane, from Will Stratford.
Council Meeting 2014/2015
Cllr. A Scarth expressed her concern of the intention to replace the bus shelter on
Oxhey Drive. Whilst Cllr. Scarth agreed that the perspex is in a bad state, she
considered that the shelter is structurally sound. Cllr. J King informed the Members
that residents have requested a new shelter. Cllr. P King advised that she uses the
bus shelter and the Perspex is that bad that you cannot see the buses
approaching. The bus drivers cannot see people waiting at the bus stop and drive
past without stopping. Cllr. J King reported that she will fund the new shelter from
her Highways Locality Budget, subject to HCC’s reply to the queries raised by the
Minute 54.4 – Buses
The Clerk reported that she has sent an email to Guy Brigden, but has not received
a response.
Minute 54.5 – Lamp Post Column Structural Surveys
This item was discussed under agenda item 9.
Minute 54.6 – School Reflectors Road Safety Scheme
The Clerk reported that the reflectors have now been delivered to the schools.
Greenfield Primary School sent a letter of thanks.
Minute 57.6 - Emergency Lighting
The Clerk advised that this is in progress.
Minute 57.7 – Pottery
The Clerk advised that the Working Together Document has now been signed.
Lydia confirmed that the kids workshops are for 4 hours.
CORRESPONDENCE for consideration
Grant Request – CAB
Cllr. P King cannot vote on this item.
The request was considered and it was agreed by all Members to award CAB
RESOLVED to award a grant of £4,000 to CAB.
Grant Request – Scouts
Cllr. Waite left the room.
The grant request from the Scouts was carefully considered and it was agreed that
further information would be required. Therefore the Clerk is to invite Dave Fayer
to the next meeting.
Cllr. Waite returned to the room.
The planning applications for October were noted.
Ref: 14/1622/FUL – 144 Gosforth Lane, South Oxhey, Herts WD19 7BX
The Clerk reported that TRDC had sent a revised layout which takes into account
Highways comments. Whilst it was agreed not to “call in” the revised layout, the
Clerk is to inform Planning that there were still concerns regarding the parking
Council Meeting 2014/2015
Cllr. P Hames reported that a decision on the appeal for Greenacres is still
awaited. Cllr. Bishop also advised that he has also been chasing a decision.
TRDC 2011 Elections
The Clerk distributed a copy of a letter sent by Abbotts Langley Parish Council
Clerk on behalf of all the Clerks, requesting further information. Once a response
is received, Clerks will report back to their respective Councils.
Christmas Lights/Columns
The Clerk advised that rope lights can be wrapped around the columns in the
precinct (except 11 & 12) and Station Approach. The Members agreed to rope
lights as there is no alternative other than to have no lights at all.
RESOLVED to have rope lights on the precinct columns and Station Approach.
Cllr. J King advised that it appears to be a national policy to have the structural
surveys carried out and not just Hertfordshire. The Clerk is to enquire as to who is
responsible for the testing of columns without Christmas lights.
The Clerk is to enquire as to the LED street light conversion and how it will affect
us in relation to the Christmas lights.
Dog Bins
RESOLVED that 9 new dog bins be purchased to replace the broken bins.
Wayside Seats
RESOLVED that 3 new wayside seats be purchased.
Community Bus Working Party
RESOLVED that a Community Bus Working Party be set up from January 2015
consisting of 4 Labour, 2 conservatives, 1 Liberal Democrat and 1 Independent.
Members will email the names to the Clerk.
School Crossing Patrol Contract
RESOLVED that the Contract be signed.
Cllr. J King advised that HCC have confirmed that there will not be any funding for
school crossing patrols next year. It was agreed that future funding of school
crossing patrols be discussed at the precept setting meeting.
The minutes were noted. The Clerk confirmed that Jo Carson is looking at the cost of
Cllr. P King is concerned that TRDC are publishing articles in the newspaper prior to
speaking to residents and shopkeepers first. The residents and shopkeepers were told by
TRDC that they would be the first to know updates – this is clearly not the case.
Alan Head (TRDC) delivered 2 leaflets to the Parish Hall with an update on the SOI.
Although the Clerk photocopied the leaflet for the Members, she presumed that all
households received a copy. Cllr. P King informed the meeting that even though she is on
the SOI Steering Committee, she was not aware such a leaflet was being considered and
Council Meeting 2014/2015
also that the number of potential tenderers had gone down from 11 to 5 – information
which she read in the Watford Observer.
Cllr. P King advised that some of the residents above the shops want to sell their property
but are unable to do so. The delay in progress is upsetting a lot of people. The
Shopkeepers are also upset and older shopkeepers are looking at retiring as they cannot
take much more stress. Many of the shops are in a bad state of repair but as the shops
have full repairing leases they are reluctant to spend the money. Cllr. P King stated that
this has been going on for 4 years and still no further on.
Cllr. B Jukes stated that as there was a plan shown on the leaflet which is now in the
public domain, it will deter anybody from purchasing the flats, thereby creating a blight.
The properties must be purchased at market value by the Council if they have created a
planning blight.
The Clerk is to write to the Chair of the SOI with copies to Dr.Steven Halls and Geof
Muggeridge stating that the plan shown on the leaflet will create a generalised blight for
the property owners in the vicinity of the red outline on the plan.
Cllr. Bishop left the meeting.
RESOLUTION at 9.25pm to continue the meeting for 15 minutes.
Cllr. A Scarth stated that it is a long and thorough process and TRDC have to make sure it
is done correctly.
Cllr. P Hames feels that the TRDC Legal Team are not aware of the state of the shops and
Cllr. J King reported that the shops are NNDR zero rated for at least 2 years. This will cut
the shopkeepers compensation.
The accounts for October were approved.
There being no further business to be considered, the Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.46pm.
Chairperson, 3rd December 2014
Council Meeting 2014/2015