Grade: 5 Unit 5 : Identity and the Media By the end of the unit, students will answer the following writing prompt: Note to teacher: There are many books on identity. The anchor text we chose was Uglies, but you can choose and read from other texts and just replace the character with another complex character. Based on what you have learned from reading the book The Uglies state and defend an opinion about the character Tally. In your essay, you should introduce your opinion. Offer logically organized reasons connected to your opinion by linking words and phrases, making sure to support your reasons with facts and details. Be sure to provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Don’t forget: ❏ To introduce the topic clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure with logically grouped ideas ❏ To provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. ❏ To link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses. ❏ To provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Week Mentor text Supplemental text/Multimedia Standards Reading 1 2 The Uglies Lexile 770 by Scott Westerfield The Uglies Lexile 770 by Scott Westerfield Culture and Identity (you may limit to first paragraph of text culture and first on identity or supplement definitions from other text)) wne/downloads/samplechapter_2.pdf Strategy: Scope Magazine Article: Should 4-year-olds be beauty queens? December 12, 2011 issue (includes graphic organizers for writing a persuasive essay) m/scope-vault/12_12_11 Strategy: American Experience: Miss America mex/missamerica/tguide/ind Assessment Writing W.5.4, W.5.9 Speaking/Listening Language SL.5.1,SL.5.3, SL.5.6 L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.5, L.5.6 quick write about theme of The Uglies supporting choice with evidence from the text, share out in groups, while in groups students summarize the thinking of their partners L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.6 Identify arguments that support each side of the issue, state your opinion in one sentence. Use this as your thesis statement to complete the essay organizer.. Inferring; summarizing Standard: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, Determining importance; summarizing Standard: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, RL.5.6 W. 5.1, W.5.4, W.5.5 SL.5.1, SL.5.3, SL.5.6 ex.html 3 4 5 The Uglies Lexile 770 by Scott Westerfield The Uglies Lexile 770 by Scott Westerfield If you finish novel early, The Struggle to be an All American Girl by Elizabeth Wong r/0/bcrocket/Old%20files.En glish%20101/wongessay.pdf Identity Short Film m/watch?v=ikGVWEvUzN M or Dove Beauty Evolution Film /watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U Pair with a poem see below for possible poem Book Trailer Strategy: tch?v=fxX8_hMDWJQ determining importance Standard: RL. 5.1, RL.5.6, RL.5.7 “A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” Strategy: Activating prior knowledge, Inferring, W.5.1, W.5.4, W.5.8, W.5.9 SL.5.1, SL.5.3, SL.5.6 RL5.1, RL.5.2, RL.5.7 Strategy: inferring; synthesizing Standard 7 Graphic Organizer http://www.cobblear no/files/2013/03/Co mmon-Core-ReadingGraphic-Organizers1lfchyj.pdf Standard: W. 5.1, W.5.4, W.5.5 SL.5.1,SL,5,3, SL.5.6 L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.5, L.5.6 As a team, create a trailer to persuade others to read The Uglies. W.5.1, W.5.4, W.5.8, W.5.9 SL.5.1, SL.5.3, SL.5.6 L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.5, L.5.6 Quick write on the how this author feels about her culture Standard: RL 5.1, RL.5.2, RL.5.6 Mahatma Gandhi Completion of Prose Constructed Response http://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/m/ mahatma_gandhi.html# qVsyBUmfOPV0Czve.9 9 *note: Bold standards indicate when new standard is introduced **Note: standards highlighted are the focus standards for the week I'm scared that I'm pretending, playing every day. I'm scared that the me I pretend to be, is the real one anyway. This fear is so very childish, L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3, L.5.5, L.5.6 Identity Anonymous The face that’s in the mirror It does not belong to me. but yet it seems so real. How can I destroy this wretched fear I feel? (can no longer be found at the site) -author unknown I wander down the halls Not sure who I should be. Some wear their masks Layered like an onion thick Removing them as needed To fit into the click. But who decides what beauty is? Must it be just one way? Who decides if I belong? Do I have a say? Hidden beneath the layers It is waiting there inside me. To be recognized, acknowledged, Unlocked, and set free. I will face the world with confidence Without a mask or shield I will be who I am meant to be My true identity revealed.