Currents of Progressive Reform Local Communities State National Key Figures Jane Addams Lillian Wald Issues Improving health, education, welfare in urban neighborhoods Florence Kelley Child labor, 8 hour day Frederic C. Howe Celebrating immigrant cultures Samuel Jones Reforming urban politics, municipal ownership/regulation of utilities Limiting the power of railroads, other corporations Robert M. LaFollette Hiram Johnson Improving civil service Al Smith Direct democracy Applying academic scholarship to human needs Disfranchisement of African Americans Trustbusting Conservation and Western development National regulation of corporate and financial excesses Reform of national banking Muckraking James K. Vardaman Theodore Roosevelt Intellectual/Cultural Woodrow Wilson Jacob Riis, Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, S. S. McClure John Dewey Louis Brandeis Education reform Sociological jurisprudence Progressive Reforms Reform Area Goals Extension of Democracy Women’s suffrage→ Representative government Honesty and Efficiency in Government Regulation of the economy— Business Regulation of the Economy— Transportation/Communication Social Issues Conservation Appoint people to government based on merit End child labor End abuses of monopolies Regulation of business Reduce discriminatory practices of natural monopolies Municipal Reform Equitable distribution of wealth Race relations Effective national monetary system Probibition→ Preservation of natural resources Accomplishments 1920—19th Amendment 1913—Direct election of Senators--17th Amendment Referendum, Recall, and initiative Direct primary system Pendelton Act (1883) Civil Service Commission (1883) City Manager System Pure Food & Drug Act (1906) Meat Inspection Act (1906) Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) Keating-Owen Act (1916) Fair Labor Standards Act Hepburn Act (1906) Northern Securities Co. v. United States (1904) Mann-Elkins Act (1910) Hull House (1889) Graduated Income tax-16th Amendment NAACP (1909) Women’s Christian→ Temperance Union 18th Amendment Key People Susan B. Anthony Carrie Chapman Catt Alice Paul Robert M. LaFollette Forest Reserve Act (1891) Newlands Reclamation Act (1891) National Antiquities Act Theodore Roosevelt John Muir Giffort Pinchot Chester Arthur Theodore Roosevelt Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair Frank Norris Woodrow Wilson Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Jane Addams Lincoln Steffens Henry George Louis Brandeis Jacob Riis Francis Willard Louis Brandeis