The Layers of Earth Part 1: Crust What is the crust and how does it compare to other layers? What are the parts of the crust? Explain the oceanic crust. Explain the continental crust. How does the crust impact the Earth? Where is the crust located? How are the oceanic crust and continental crust different? Explain the lithosphere and tectonic plates. Explain the asthenosphere. What does the crust contain? How is the crust divided? Describe and explain the different layers of the oceanic crust. Describe and explain the upper and lower continental crust. Explain the age of the crust. Part 2: Mantle Where is the mantle located? Describe the parts of the mantle. What is the asthenosphere? What is the lithosphere? How does the mantle impact the Earth? Where are we able to see the mantle? What is the mantle made of and what is the temperature like? What happens inside the mantle? Part 3: Outer Core Where is the outer core located? What is it made of? Summarize the paragraph titled “Earth’s Liquid Outer Core Rotates”. How thick is the outer core? Where is the outer core located? What is the outer core made of? What is the temperature in the outer core? Why is the outer core liquid? Describe the magnetic field and its impact on Earth? Part 4: Inner Core *Look at the last paragraph What is the center of the earth? How thick is it? What is the temperature like? Why is it solid? What is it made of? Where is the inner core located? What impact does the core have on the earth?