Introduction to Psychology Final Project Name: ______________________ Matching Match the person to the description that best fits what did. This sections should be done last. A. WIHLEM WUNDT B. JOHN WATSON C. CARL JUNG D. ABRAHAM MASLOW E. CARL ROGERS F. B.F. SKINNER G. IVAN PAVLOV H. IVAN PAVLOV I. JEAN PIAGET J. ERIK ERIKSON K. HOWARD GARDNER L. HARRY HARLOW M. SIGMUND FREUD N. LAWRENCE KOHLBERG ____1. Psychoanalytical theory that focuses on unconscious – Id-Ego-Superego. ____2. Theory of Multiple Intelligences. ____3. Humanistic psychology – the theory that emphasizes the unique quality of humans especially their freedom and potential for personal growth. ____4. People evolve through eight stages over the life span. Each stage is marked by psychological crisis that involves confronting the question of “who am I?”. ____5. Studied theory of attachment in infant Rhesus monkeys. ____6. His theory states there are three levels of moral reasoning and each level can be divided into two stages. ____7. Founder of behaviorism – studied generalization. Little Albert experiment. ____8. Pioneer in the study of Classical Conditioning. ____9. Four stage theory of cognitive development. He said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth – assimilation and accommodation. ____10. Operant conditioning – techniques to manipulate the consequences of an organism’s behavior I order to observe the effects of subsequent behavior. ____11. People have conscious and unconscious awareness. Archetypes. Collective Unconscious. ____12. Introspection. Psychology was the scientific study of conscious experience. ____13. Hierarchy of needs – needs at the lower level dominate an individual’s motivation as long as they are unsatisfied. Once these needs are adequately met, the higher needs occupy the individual’s attention. Sigmund Freud Then, click through the topics under “Exhibition Sections” Birth Name Life Dates Country of Birth County Most Associated With Field of Early Training Sigismund Schlomo Freud May 6, 1856 - Sept. 23, 1939 Czech Republic Austria Neuroscience FREUD AND COCAINE What two uses did Freud believe cocaine might have? 1. ________________________ 2.____________________________ SWITCH TO CLINICAL WORK What caused Freud to switch to clinical work? _______________________ What area did he switch from? ___________________________________ THERAPY What did Freud believe was the cause of apparently meaningless behaviors? What three techniques did Freud use to get patients to “dredge up thoughts related to their symptoms”? ________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ Later, he began asking patients to say whatever crossed their minds. What is this technique called? _____________________________ What terms did Freud use to refer to the strong emotions projected by the patient onto the doctor and the doctor onto the patient? _______________________________ __________________________ THEORY What did Freud believe dreams to be signs of? ________________________________ The Interpretation of Dreams, in part description of his methods and results, in part autobiography, and in part speculation on the workings of the mind, marks the beginning of: _____________________________ Freud’s term for the defense mechanism that turns our unacceptable desires away from us. These only appear in dreams, symptoms and other uncontrolled actions. __________________________ FROM THE INDIVIDUAL TO SOCIETY Psychoanalysis Expands Internationally Name of the association that was formed: ____________________________________ Person picked by Freud to lead: _________________________________ Two psychologists who deemphasized sexuality in favor of unconscious forces: _____________________________ __________________________ When and why did Freud leave Vienna? Using the site above describe Frued’s theory of the id, ego and superego. Wilhelm Wundt Life Dates Country of Origin 1832-1920 Germany What is Wundt often considered? ___________________________________________ What was Wundt the first to establish? _______________________________________ What did Wundt state mental events in relation to? ______________________________ _______________________________ Describe Wundt’s experimental introspection: John Watson Life Dates Country of Origin 1878-1958 USA Watson was the founder of what school of psychology? _____________________________ What did he see psychology as? What three emotions did Watson believe children to have? ________________ ______________ _______________ This lead to what experiment? __________________________________________ Why has this experiment not been duplicated? What was behaviorism intended to do? Carl Jung Life Dates Country of Origin 1875 - 1961 Switzerland What did each part of Jung’s psyche deal with? Ego – Personal Unconscious – Collective Unconscious – Archetype – _____________ - Public image BF Skinner Full Name Life Dates Country of Origin Burrhus Frederic Skinner 1904-1990 USA Operant Conditioning – Cage designed to see if a rat, through reinforcement, could be conditioned to press a lever: ______________________________ What are four schedules of reinforcement? ________________________ _ __________________________ _________________________ _________________________ While a token economy works well in specific environments, what happens when the individual leaves that environment? Jean Piaget Life Dates Country of Origin 1896-1980 Switzerland Two main fields of study: _________________________ _ ___________________________ List Piaget’s four Stages of Cognitive Development: 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ At which stage would one be able to learn algebra? ___________________________ Erik Erikson Life Dates Country of Origin Country most of his work was done in 1902-1994 Germany USA Number of stages of psychological development: _____________ A major question in each stage, particularly the fifth centers on : _____________________ Lawrence Kohlberg Life Dates Country of Origin 1927-1987 USA What inspired Kohlberg’s desire to found “just communities”? What type of development did Kohlberg focus on? _________________________ What were the two dilemmas Kohlberg used in his studies? Harry Harlow Life Dates Country of Origin 1906-1981 USA Most famous for working with this animal: _________________________ Developed the theory of ______________________, which is why we love our “loveys”. How does a negligent mother differ from an abusive mother? What impact did each have on the monkeys when they were “adults”? Carl Rogers Life Dates Country of Origin 1902-1987 USA Type of therapy Roger’s focused on: _______________________________ Field of psychology he mainly worked in / developed: __________________________ Believed that psychoanalysis stopped clients from achieving self - ? _______________________________ __________________________ The following are on the matching, but not listed here: Abraham Maslow Howard Gardner Ivan Pavlov You should be able to do the matching portion from memory, but, if you cannot, you may use your book.