September 11, 2013 - University of Kentucky Student Government

Name of Org: Physical Therapy Class of 2014
Members in Org: 46
Contact: Maggie Grisanti
Phone: 859-327-1509
Purpose of Org: To organize and develop student and community events to raise awareness of the
physical therapy program at the University of Kentucky while promoting health and fitness. Also to o
contribute to the development of physical therapy students who are knowledgeable, ethical,
independent, adaptable, reflective, and service oriented.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: UK DPT Class of 2014 Run for your Life 5K
Location: Commonwealth Stadium Parking Lot
Date: 10/5/2013
Time: 9:00:00
Purpose of Event/Project: The purpose of this event is to hold a 5K race that will raise money for the
Samaritan's Touch free physical therapy clinic, providing care to the under-served population run by
physical therapy students, and to raise money for the DPT class of 2014 board preparation materials.
Total Cost: 2000
Org funds used: We have raised funds to cover the cost of the event through donations from various
businesses. Our organization does not have membership fees. So far we have raised approximately
Detailed Description of Request: Police for crowd and traffic control: ($40/per officer per hour at a 3
hour minimum): estimate $240-$360
T-shirts for the event: $3 per t-shirt for 260 estimate $800
Race bibs: estimate $20
Race bags: estimate $1/bag, for $200 total
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: UK Wrestling Club
Members in Org: 17
Contact: Brandon Cleveland
Phone: 5023108374
Purpose of Org: This club is being started due to the high levels of interest in this sport that has been
displayed throughout the students on the campus. The number of students that are determined to get
involved in wrestling once more is outstanding. We want to incorporate one of the most demanding and
challenging sports back into the University of Kentucky. Wrestling is a life altering sport in which we
have grown accustom to, therefore we hope to once again, have the opportunity to get back into
wrestling and represent for our school.
Type of Grant: Club Sport Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: UK Wrestling Club
Location: University of Kentucky campus
Date: 9/15/2013
Time: 2:30:00
Purpose of Event/Project: The funds which we hope to receive will be used to purchase team singlets,
warmups, and for tournament fees throughout the wrestling season.
Total Cost: 1500
Org funds used: Being a new team, we are yet to raise much money for the club. In the near future, we
anticipate participating in fund raisers throughout the school year.
Detailed Description of Request: The total cost for team uniform, which includes warmup jacket and
pants, and singlets, will cost approximately $1,200. Our entry to tournaments will cost at least $50.00
per tournament. With the amount of money we are asking for, we are assuming that we will have had
enough time to raise enough money of our own, so that we can afford to pay for the rest of the
wrestling season after the money from the grant has been spent.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: Yes
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Swing Dance Club
Members in Org: 12
Contact: Aaron Mabson (President)
Phone: (859) 317-1944
Purpose of Org: We strive to share the love of Swing Dancing with everyone we can through instructing
them on how to dance, providing them with opportunities to dance, and keeping the community
informed on Swing Dancing related information for the purpose of good health, recreation, and
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Dancing with The MetroGnomes
Location: Student Center Grand Ballroom
Date: October 12th
Time: 12:30pm - 11:45pm
Purpose of Event/Project: We are hiring The MetroGnomes, a 17 piece big band, to come play for us
during our October 12th Dance at the Student Center. We seek assistance in helping pay for the band.
Normally they charge $1500 but are only charging us $750.
Total Cost: 900
Org funds used: $250, donations provided to our club through volunteers.
Detailed Description of Request: We are only seeking help with paying for the band. They are charging
us $750 for their time.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Kentucky Law Journal
Members in Org: 66
Contact: Jessica Beard
Phone: 6063061311
Purpose of Org: The Kentucky Law Journal is the tenth oldest law review published by the nation's law
schools. Publication has been continuous since 1913. Four issues are published annually by the
University of Kentucky College of Law. The Journal continues its commitment to serve the legal and
academic community as a forum for the publication of original scholarship and as an arena for vigorous
debate about the law. The Journal also strives to function as an integral element in the process of
education at the University of Kentucky College of Law. In service to the students at the College of Law,
the Journal provides training in legal research, writing, and editing. The Journal aspires to afford
students an opportunity for collaboration and, by publishing student works, the Journal functions as a
forum for student ideas and activism.
Type of Grant: Senate Special Project ($2,500)--Must Have a Sponsoring Senator
Event/Project: KLJ Symposium on Securities Law
Location: College of Law Courtroom
Date: 10/11/2013
Time: 9am to 3pm
Purpose of Event/Project: The symposium will deal with the matter of whether the Securities Act of
1933 offers businesses fair and efficient access to external capital. This is a timely subject in light of the
fact that the 1933 Act is 80 years old this year and the recent enactment of the JOBS Act in 2012. KLJ and
the College of Law have assembled some of the most notable scholars in the country on this issue to
discuss and debate this topic, and subsequently publish their ideas in the fourth book of our 102nd
volume. This symposium will provide significant scholarship to the local and national legal community.
Total Cost: approximately $12,000
Org funds used: KLJ General Account - $2500
Source: Combination of member dues and participation fee
KLJ Savings Account - $2500
Source: Combination of member dues and participation fee
KLJ Association - $2000
Source: Alumni donations and fees
Detailed Description of Request: KLJ is requesting a Senate Special Project Grant for the full amount of
$2,500. This money will be put toward airfare for the visiting scholars who are participating in the
Itemized Budget:
Airfare = $3,136.88
Cox → (assuming 500)
Langevoort → 439.28
Paredes → (assuming 500)
Sjostrom → 1,197.60
Thompson → (assuming 500)
Gas = $750 (3 x $250)
Hotel = $1,189.84 [8 x $148.73 ($139+tax)]
Keeneland = $720 (12 x $60)
Dinner = $2,000 (20 x $100)
Breakfast = $240 (8 x $30)
Transportation = $100 (for UK Shuttle Van)
Incidentals = $1,600 (8 x $200)
Lunch = $2000
$ 11,736.72
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: International Student Council
Members in Org: 15 constant; 1500 general
Contact: Morgan Walker
Phone: 2702100213
Purpose of Org: International Student Council's mission is to promote understanding, tolerance, and the
celebration of diversity. We provide a forum for exchanging ideas, coordinating efforts, and planning
events among international student organizations. We strive to advocate for the interests of
international students and the organizations that support them before the Student Government
Association, the school Administration, and the community at large.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: International Festival
Location: Engineering Courtyard, University of Kentucky
Date: 9/21/2013
Time: 17:00:00
Purpose of Event/Project: The purpose of the international festival is to bring together international
student organizations, international students, as well as the entire UK community to celebrate diversity
on the UK campus. We also hope to expose all students to the various international student
organizations on campus with which they can get involved.
Total Cost: 3250
Org funds used: We currently do not have any committed funds for this event. Funding has come from
various organizations and businesses in the past. We also do not require dues to be paid by our
members. We do have fundraisers throughout the year.
Detailed Description of Request: We are requesting the $750 grant for T-shirts and yard signs to
advertise the event. We have a new logo this year and would like to publicize the organization as well as
the new logo on T-shirts that we design ourselves.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: Yes
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: University of Kentucky Agronomy Club
Members in Org: 10 and Growing
Contact: Dr. Ben Goff
Phone: 859-257-5785
Purpose of Org: The University of Kentucky Agronomy Club is a student organization whose goal is to
stimulate undergraduate interest within the state’s agronomic and livestock industries. We also strive
to promote professional development and skills that will aid students in their careers. Club members
will interact with faculty members of the UK College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, as well as,
students with other academic and personal interests to represent the college and university at various
scholastic events, such as the soil judging, weeds, or forage bowl teams.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: The National Forage Bowl
Location: 2014 American Forage & Grassland Council Meetings in Memphis, TN
Date: January 12-14, 2014
Purpose of Event/Project: Funding is requested to support the travel of students to the 2014 American
Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC) meetings to compete in the National Forage Bowl. Forage is a vital
agricultural commodity to Kentucky, as pastures and hayfields are the primary source of feed for thriving
cattle and equine industries that provide over 1.6 billion dollars to the state economy. Two teams, each
consisting of four undergraduate students and a graduate coach, will represent the University of
Kentucky in the competition. Students competing in this contest will learn the basic concepts and
management strategies for profitable forage-livestock systems. They will also begin to develop effective
communication and leadership skills by competing and working together as an academic team.
Additionally, participating within this contest will allow the students to attend a professional conference
that is renowned for gathering a diverse group of professionals (i.e. producers, industry representatives,
extension specialists, academic researchers, etc.) that will allow the students to network and explore
multiple post-graduate plans, such as graduate school or obtaining a position within industry.
Total Cost: 3572
Org funds used: As of current, the University of Kentucky Forage Bowl Teams has obtained $1,000 to
support their travel to the AFGC meeting via a donation from the UK Department of Plant and Soil
Sciences. Additional required funds are expected to be obtained from industry sponsors and state
commodity groups, such as the Kentucky Forage and Grasslands Council.
Detailed Description of Request: A total of $3,572 is expected to be required for the travel of the
University of Kentucky Forage Bowl Teams, with $744 requested from the University of Kentucky
Student Government to cover expenses for vehicle rental ($112) and mileage ($432) and a portion of the
team attire costs ($200). A 12-passenger van will be rented for four total days at a rate of $28/day from
the UK Motor Pool. The UK Motor Pool also charges a mileage rate $0.48/mile for this vehicle with an
total expected roundtrip mileage of approximately 900 miles. The funds requested for team attire will
provide team polo shirts for the eight competing undergraduate students and was calculated based on
costs from a local business (Team One, LLC: $25/shirt).
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Club Water Polo
Members in Org: 25
Contact: Rebecca Smith
Phone: (650) 773-2188
Purpose of Org: The main purpose of the Club Water Polo team is to create a unified group of
individuals, all of whcih share a common interest in aquatics. We strive to teach those who have never
come into contact with the sport, as well as trying to improve the skills of members with higher
experience levels. Along with working together for the common goal of improving in the sport, a main
goal of the club is to increase the popularity of an underrated sport throughout the state of Kentucky.
Type of Grant: Club Sport Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: UT Hillbilly Tournament
Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Date: 9/14/2013
Time: 10:00:00
Purpose of Event/Project: We are mainly asking for funding to be able to travel to tournaments in order
to increase the competitive nature of our club. The purpose of the tournament would be to compete
with other teams in the area, as well as build contacts with teams in order to arrange scrimmages and
other forms of competition. The hillbilly tournament is only one specific example of a tournament; the
Club Water Polo team is attempting to participate in 2 other tournaments throughout the semester.
Along with the tournaments, we are also requesting funding for new balls and a ball-bag. Due to the
growing size of the team, we currently do not have enough balls to be able to run practice effectively.
The ball-bag is being requested so that we are able to take our equiptment with us when we travel to
Total Cost: 1068.7
Org funds used: The funds that are committed by our organization include membership dues, which
averages to $700 per semester. The club has apparel fundraising, raising $300 per semester, and an
annual car wash that raises close to $200.
Detailed Description of Request: UT Hillbilly tournament - $450
Cincinatti Bearcats Tournament - $450
Size 5 water polo balls (5) - $29.95 / ball ($149.75 total)
Water Polo Ball Bag (1) - $18.95
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: No
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: The Navigators
Members in Org: 40
Contact: Rachel Ball
Phone: 270-735-5469
Purpose of Org: "To know Christ, and make Him known"
We're a group of college students at the University of Kentucky who are learning what it looks like to
love God and love people. We realize that we all have different opinions and experiences with church,
religion, and Jesus. No matter what your thoughts are on who Jesus is, we welcome you to come explore
and challenge your beliefs. Students can expect honest discussion and conversation about things that
really matter, a community of people that refuse to play religious games, and instruction and training to
help them put down deep roots of belief. Oh, and laughter... a lot of it.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Encounter 2013
Location: Columbus, OH
Date: October 4-6 2013
Purpose of Event/Project: Encounter is our organization's annual fall conference; this is a time for
students to be intentional about hearing from the Lord, growing and maturing in their faith, stepping
into leadership, as well as a great opportunity to dive into community and develop deeper relationships
with their peers! This weekend retreat is attended by our campus as well as several other campuses
from Ohio and Michigan.
Total Cost: $110/per student
Org funds used: The National Collegiate Office of The Navigators allocates funds to our campus each
year to scholarship 5 or so freshman to attend the conference. These funds take care of half of the cost
for each of those students, reducing their conference price to $55.
Detailed Description of Request: We would like to offer scholarships, similar to those offered to
freshman, that reduce the cost of the conference by half for all of the students attending. We estimate
that about 25 students will attend the conference this year, and to be able to reduce their conference
cost from $110/student to $55/student, we will require about $1300 in scholarship funds.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Kentucky Dream Coalition Opening Session
Members in Org: 100
Contact: Edgar Lopez
Phone: 859-608-3801
Purpose of Org: We are the Kentucky Dream Coalition. Over the years, we have fought for immigrant
youth struggles, whether its been advocating for higher education or fighting for their legal status, the
KDC has been in the front line of the highly complex immigration system we currently have in the U.S.
Due to the limited opportunities many immigrant youth face, KDC seeks to make a healthier
environments in their communities by exposing our KDC members to community service such as;
homework help at the local village branch library, participating in multicultural events like the latino
festival in lexington, hosting events like the UK street soccer tournament, taking part of leadership
retreats, facilitating week long camps for high schoolers in college experience camps, and going to
washington d.c. for marches and rallies.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Location: UK Johnson Center B-Ball Courts
Date: 9/26/2013
Time: 6:00pm-close
Purpose of Event/Project: The Street Soccer Tournament will be a 4v4 match. 10 minute halves. Double
elimination. The event name is "take it to the streets for your dreams"
We are bringing out the immigrant community to intermesh with college students to break any racial
barriers that "we as a community" over time have conditioned ourselves too.
Total Cost: 750
Org funds used: So far, we have $0.00.
Our source of funds are asking for donations and members putting from there own pockets.
We haven't established members dues.
Fundraising will be from the Soccer tournament.
Detailed Description of Request: 110.00 for making 8 soccer mini goals with PVC pipes and netting
from LOWES
90.00 for Doo Wop Speaker and Equipement Rentals
300.00 for food, drinks, and set up (sushi, indian food, mexican, african, variety of food)
150.00 for customized street soccer shirts from central printing services.
100.00 for richoh print services to advertise event.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: Yes
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Sigma Delta Pi
Members in Org: 80 (UK chapter)
Contact: Maria Jesus Lopez Soriano
Phone: 3042168136
Purpose of Org: Sigma Delta Pi is a national honors society for students of Spanish language and
Hispanic culture. Our chapter, Upsilon Epsilon provides opportunities to the UK students to practice the
language with our Tertulias. We also organize a variety of activities for the members and students of
Hispanic Studies and provide social services within the Hispanic community in Lexington.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: conference funding
Location: Kansas City,MO./ Rome, Italy
Date: October 17-19 / September 20-22
Time: n/a
Purpose of Event/Project: We request funding for our member´s attendance to conferences that
broadens their scholarly experience and helps them grow academically.
Total Cost: $868 / $1,800
Org funds used: Our organization is funded by the membership costs ($40 per member, once).
Detailed Description of Request: First Conference: Lopez Soriano, Maria Jesus. XIV Annual Conference
of the International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humor Studies. Flight: $353.60, Hotel: $464.76,
Membership fee: $20, Conference fee: $30.
Second conference: Ana Pociello Samperiz. 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences.
Flight: $1,200, Conference fee $270, Hotel: $304.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: Yes
Is this event open to all UK students: No
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Delta Gamma
Members in Org: 230
Contact: Chelsey Harrington
Phone: 270-268-8159
Purpose of Org: Protecting the gift of sight is one of Delta Gamma’s highest priorities. Since 1936, Delta
Gamma’s philanthropic purpose has been to stop blindness before it starts. For men, women, and
children who live in blindness, our mission has been to impact the quality of their lives in a myriad of
positive ways as a national organization.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Anchor Splash
Location: Lancaster Aquatics Center
Date: October 2nd, 2014
Time: 20:15:00
Purpose of Event/Project: Anchor Splash benefits Delta Gamma’s philanthropy, Service for Sight. Since
1936, Delta Gamma’s philanthropic purpose has been to stop blindness before it begins. Your donation
would help us spread the message of preventive eye care and protection. When blindness occurs across
our country, Service for Sight offers support, education, volunteers, and overall assistance.
Total Cost: 1100
Org funds used: We do not have a budget for Anchor Splash this year. Usually we do have at least $1000
to spend on putting Anchor Splash together. But this year we have had to cut that budget. The only
money we have raised for Anchor Splash is from the companies who have chosen to sponsor us this
year. So far we have raised $425 from our sponsors. However, this money is intended to go towards our
T-shirts for the event.
Detailed Description of Request: Delta Gamma is requesting funding for the rental of the Lancaster
Aquatics Center. Since Anchor Splash is a swim competition, we obviously must hold the event at a pool.
The Lancaster Aquatics Center is extremely expensive to rent out even for a few hours. Since Delta
Gamma does not have much of a budget to rent the aquatics center out, we are asking for your help in
paying for the venue for our event.
Expected Budget:
Aquatics Center: $750
Door Prizes/Food: $180
Trophies: $70
Equipment/Miscellaneous: $100
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: Yes
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: HIGSA
Members in Org: About 40
Contact: Ana Pociello Samperiz
Phone: 8592706129
Purpose of Org: HIGSA supports the graduate sudents of the Hispanic Studies department with the
organization of workshops that help the students to develop professionally and academically. Our
organization also facilitates the communication between professors and students.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Conference
Location: University of California, Davis
Date: October, 18th
Time: n/a
Purpose of Event/Project: We are requesing funds to help financially a graduate student that cannot
request funds from the Graduate School, as he is a Master's student. The attendance and his
participation in this conference will subsantially enrich the experience of this student.
Total Cost: 931
Org funds used: Higsa has no funds and the only money used for the organization of events and
workshops is provided by the Hispanic Studies Department. However, this organization does not have
any money.
Detailed Description of Request: Budget for the 9th Annual Colloquium in Latin American and
Peninsular Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Francesco Masala.
Flight: $557.60, Hotel: $174, Transportation (taxis): $140
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: No
Is this event open to all UK students: No
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: UKCD- Student Activities Counsel
Members in Org: 200+
Contact: Thadler Schroeder
Phone: 859-948-4369
Purpose of Org: The University of Kentucky College of Dentistry's Student Activities Counsel provides
organized and compliance-approved programming for dental and pre-dental students during their time
at UK. As a conglomerate of multiple UKCD student organizations, the SAC intends to schedule multiple
dental-related events on a weekly basis to provide students opportunities to become involved with the
dental field.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Dash for Dan 5k
Location: Commonwealth Stadium
Date: 10/5/2013
Time: 1:30 P.M.
Purpose of Event/Project: Dash for Dan is an annual 5k Run/Walk that is hosted by the UKCD SAC. The
purpose is to provide pre-dent and healthcare college students with an opportunity to run a 5k in
memory of a previous assistant dean at the UK College of Dentistry. In addition, all profits go toward
student funding and scholarships in the future.
Total Cost: 1500
Org funds used: As we have no direct membership dues since we are a conglomerate of other student
organizations, we only have 400$ available for the event. The 400$ was from previous years financial
awards and the financial award from the A&R committee this year is truly needed to help us pull off the
Detailed Description of Request: Predominantly, we are in need of funding to pay Johns Run/Walk shop
to run the finish line/timing systems and to pay police officers to shut down Alumni road for a given
period on October 5th as runners cross. We understand that no money is allotted for gifts, prizes, food
or drink,s but we desperately need 500$ for John's Run/Walk Shop and over 200$ for Police Rental.
Have you received SGA funding this year: No
Will your organization use UK Managed Print Services (MPS) for any printing/copying: Yes
Is this event open to all UK students: Yes
Do you agree to the Terms & Conditions: Yes