form - CSI Singapore

RNA Biology Center (RBC)
Cancer Science Institute of Singapore
The Cancer Science Institute of Singapore is setting up an RNA Biology Center (RBC), which is intended
to lead groundbreaking, innovative research to study RNA biology processes in cancer. While the main
focus of the RBC will be on understanding the fundamental aspects of RNA regulation, the long-term goal
will be to develop novel RNA-based biomarkers and therapies. Our vision is to be the premier
multidisciplinary world-leading program centred around RNA biology, bringing together leading PIs in
different aspects of RNA biology and highlighting shared connections between biologists in different fields:
including epigenetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and high-resolution microscopy; We aims to build further
on this synergy to develop a coherent program that no one lab could perform on their own.
The RBC of CSI invites applications for Competitive Seed Funding for 2015. The purpose of this funding
program is to provide resources for research on RNA biology in human hematopoiesis as a common
model system including hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, and its cancer
equivalent leukemia with emphasis on acute myeloid leukemia. However, extremely exceptional
projects in the field of RNA Biology may be considered for funding as well.
In order to foster the multidisciplinary nature of this program, we encourage you to consider collaboration
with Principal Investigators from the MOE Tier 3 RNA Biology grant (list is below). Nevertheless, projects
which are not directly collaborative are also welcome, and all proposals will be evaluated primarily on the
basis of their individual scientific strength. Priority will be given for new research ideas that are not being
funded on existing grants.
The RBC grant provides seed funding with a funding quantum capped at S$300,000 direct cost per year
per project. This grant does not carry indirects. The initial funding for each project is for one year, but can
be extended up to a maximum of two years. Decisions regarding the appropriate level of funding for any
project will be made by the review committee.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for the RNA Biology Center Grant must meet all of the following requirements:
Ideally the Principal Investigator would be a full-time NUS or NTU academic staff (Asst. Prof /
Assoc. Prof / Prof) or equivalent (i.e., an A*STAR institute or a hospital based investigator), but
independent junior investigators may also apply.
Each PI may submit up to two projects per grant call.
Acceptance Criteria
In case of award granting, non-CSI PIs will be offered, and must accept, a membership at the CSI,
For non-CSI PIs, grant accounts will have to be opened only at the Cancer Science Institute of
Any publications arising from this grant funding will have to cite acknowledgement as follows:
"This research is supported by the RNA Biology Center at the Cancer Science Institute of
Singapore, NUS, as part of funding under the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Tier 3 grants.”
Application and Submission
Please apply using this form.
You may add pages or sections where necessary and include appendices, but total must be less
than 5 MB.
Lead PI/ Faculty is responsible for the completeness of the proposal submission to CSI.
Only proposals properly completed with relevant supporting documents attached will be accepted
for evaluation and assessment for awarding of grants.
Softcopy of all proposals to be submitted as a pdf by 18 Aug 2015 to Ms. Meital Hatan of the Cancer Science Institute.
Section A – Details of Applicants
All applicants should submit a CV of up to 3 pages, containing the following information (you may modify a
CV from another application or format, like an NIH biosketch, nevertheless it should contain the following):
Name, Title, Office Mailing Address, Email, Contact No
Current Position (Please provide full details, e.g. joint appointments; other academic appointments including
those outside of Singapore) and Employment History
Academic qualifications (Indicate the degree’s title, year of award and name of the institution that conferred
the degree)
Research interests
Publications of direct relevance to the study/Selected publications and Patents held (related to the study)
and a link to PubMed of complete publications (or equivalent)
Existing grant support
Section B – Collaboration of Research Team (if applicable)
Please provide details of any future, existing and/or past collaborations between/among existing RNA Biology Center
PIs (including linkages in terms of research area/s, research projects, publications, etc.)
In order to foster the multidisciplinary nature of this program, we encourage you to consider collaboration
with Principal Investigators from the MOE Tier 3 RNA Biology grant (list is attached). Nevertheless, projects
which are not directly collaborative are also welcome, and all proposals will be evaluated primarily on the
basis of their individual scientific strength. Priority will be given for new research ideas that are not being
funded on existing grants.
In no more than 150 words, concisely describe the specific aims/objectives, hypotheses, methodology and approach
of the research proposal including its importance to science or medicine in particular clinical significance. The abstract
must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the research proposal.
Project Write-up
Please describe the project in no more than 3 pages, Arial, font size 12, 0.5 inch margins), giving the project aims,
rationale, experimental design. If applicable, please establish PI and co-I competency in the experimental methods,
how this works as a collaboration, and what is the role of each team member. In addition, please indicate what the long
term plans of this work are and how this addresses the agenda of the MOE Tier 3 grant on RNA Biology on Leukemia
and Hematopoiesis. References should be provided as an appendix, and limited to no more than 2 pages.
Expenses on Manpower (EOM)
Justifications and Remarks
Total cost
This category cannot be funded through this grant. However, upon award of seed grant requests for major/minor
equipment funding can be made and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests must include cost per
equipment & justification for the equipment.
Other Operating Expenditure (OOE) (Direct Costs Only)
This category covers other expenses directly related to the project such as the purchase of animals, consumables,
laboratory manuals, literature search, and maintenance of equipment. Conference travel will be funded only if a
presentation or if an article is presented. The presentation or article must be directly related to the project. Conference
allowance will be capped at a maximum of SGD$6000.00 or less than 5% of the total grant amount requested.
Justifications and Remarks
Grand Total: _________
Proposed start date:
Project duration is potentially renewable up to a maximum of 2 years, subject to evaluation. Please indicate the
proposed start date of the project
I declare all particulars and details of the grant are true to the best of my knowledge. There is no overlap
with existing funded grants.
PI Signature: ________________________________________ Date:______________
Endorsement for PI (by HoD/ Research Director) :___________________
RNA Biology Center Principal Investigators:
Lead PI: Daniel G. Tenen, CSI, & Department of Medicine, NUS
H. Phillip Koeffler, CSI, NUS & Department of Medicine, NUS
Lorenz Poellinger, CSI, NUS & Department of Medicine, NUS
Soong Tuck Wah, Department of Physiology, NUS
Polly Leilei Chen, CSI, NUS
Melissa Jane Fullwood, CSI, NUS & SBS, NTU & IMCB, A*STAR
Touati Benoukraf, CSI, NUS
Yvonne Tay, CSI, NUS
Dennis Kappei, CSI
Core Facility Heads:
Henry Yang, CSI, NUS
Melissa Jane Fullwood, CSI, NUS & SBS, NTU & IMCB, A*STAR