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Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme
The Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme is funded by
Fáilte Ireland, The National Tourism Development Authority
Terms and Conditions/Assessment Procedures
N.B. Applicants should carefully study these Terms and Conditions before submitting their applications.
Applications will be accepted in either the Irish or English Languages.
The Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme offers opportunities for students from tourism and
hospitality-related disciplines, to pursue one of the following postgraduate degrees at a recognised higher education
institution in Ireland:
 A masters degree by research
 A doctoral degree by research
 An integrated masters/doctoral programme leading to the award of a doctorate.
The maximum period of funding is up to two academic years.
Applications to pursue one-year taught degrees, masters degrees by research or degrees where a thesis/accumulated
papers are valued at 60% or less of the final mark of the degree, are not eligible.
Applications will be accepted from suitably qualified applicants who are either citizens of Ireland or citizens of a
Member State of the European Union (that is, a State which is a full member of the European Union as of the
Scheme’s closing date) who have been ordinarily resident within Ireland for a continuous period of not less than 3
years prior to the closing date ('the Qualifying Period').
For the purpose of eligibility under this Scheme, 'ordinary residence' shall be deemed to refer to the applicant's place
of actual legal permanent residence during the Qualifying Period.
If an applicant has been temporarily resident outside of Ireland during the Qualifying Period, for any one or more of
the following reasons, Fáilte Ireland may at its discretion deem an application to be eligible: training or employment
of the applicant, the applicant's spouse or parents; the full time education of the applicant, or his/her spouse; an
absence or absences outside of Ireland for cultural or personal reasons, provided that in no circumstances whatsoever
will an application be deemed to be eligible if the applicant has for whatever reason resided outside of Ireland for
longer than 18 months of the Qualifying Period.
Scholarships must be held at a recognised third-level institution in Ireland (see paragraph 4).
A recognised third-level institution, for the purposes of the Fáilte Ireland Scholarship Scheme, must be within the
meaning of Section One of the Higher Education Authority Act, 1971 and/or be in receipt of public funding and be
approved by the Minister for Education and Science for the purposes of the Free Fees Initiative.
Applicants must have a first or upper second class honours primary degree, or the equivalent. If examination results
are not known at the time of application, Fáilte Ireland may make a provisional offer of a Scholarship on condition that
the applicant’s undergraduate degree result is a first or upper second class honours or the equivalent. Fáilte Ireland's
decision in these matters is final.
Those who already hold a postgraduate research degree, or who hope to attain a postgraduate research degree for a
project other than one, which might be presented to this Scheme, are not eligible.
Applicants who are not already registered for a degree as specified in paragraph 1 must
have been provisionally accepted by a head of department/school (or his/her authorised deputy) by at the latest 1
August 2013, and
be formally accepted by the relevant department/school by at the latest 15 October 2013.
It will be the personal responsibility of successful applicants to inform Fáilte Ireland of these matters before the
relevant dates.
The Scheme supports research which broadly supports the mission of the National Tourism Development Authority
‘to support the tourism industry and work to sustain Ireland as a high-quality and competitive tourism destination’.
The aim of the Scholarship is to promote research and understanding of tourism across a range of disciplines and to
promote the training and development of tourism professionals.
In accordance with Fáilte Ireland’s strategic role, the research topic should address an issue of concern for the tourism
and hospitality industry and/or the tourism and hospitality education sector. Where applicants are uncertain if their
Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme
proposed area of research falls within the scope of Fáilte Ireland’s remit, they are advised to consult the Research
Scheme Manager in Fáilte Ireland.
Applications which are deemed not to fall within the terms of this paragraph, or which are technically or otherwise
inadmissible under the Terms and Conditions of this Scheme, will not be assessed. Fáilte Ireland’s conclusions on
these matters will be final.
Successful applicants to this Scheme will be designated as ‘Fáilte Ireland Scholars’ (hereafter referred to as
'Scholars'). The recognised third-level institution where the Scholarship is to be held is hereafter referred to as the
'host institution'.
Applications may be made in either Irish or English. In order to facilitate evaluation by International reviewers, Fáilte
Ireland may have to provide a translation of an application in Irish where such has not been provided by the applicant
himself/herself. Applicants are free to submit their own English translations with their applications.
Fáilte Ireland is committed to the maintenance of high ethical standards in the research funded through this Scheme.
Where ethical issues may arise in their research, applicants will be required to submit to Fáilte Ireland a written
statement to the effect that full consideration has been given to the ethical implications of the research proposal. This
statement must further demonstrate the applicant’s proposed resolution of the ethical issues arising. Where an
applicant’s research proposal requires approval by the University Ethics Committee or the equivalent body in his/her
institution, written evidence of such ethical approval will need to be received by Fáilte Ireland in the event of a
successful outcome to this application prior to confirmation of the award. If a research project requires access to
archival material in private custodianship or archival material with restricted access, written evidence of appropriate
permission to consult such material must be furnished to Fáilte Ireland.
All rights, title and interest in any Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) created by the Scholar and arising from the
research conducted by the Scholar as funded by the Scheme, shall vest in the third level institution. In the event that
the third level institution wishes to commercialise the IPR for the purpose of the public benefit, the third level
institution shall in good faith discuss with Fáilte Ireland the proposed commercial exploitation plan and any revenue
sharing shall be agreed between the parties before the third level institution takes any steps to commercialise the IPR.
The third level institution hereby grants to Fáilte Ireland a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free, licence to use the
IPR and the third level institution confirms that Fáilte Ireland shall have of the right to use the results of the research
for development, promotion, marketing, distribution, and dealing in relation to the results of the research and the IPR
created by, or arising from, the research, provided that any such use is on a not for profit basis and solely to promote
tourism in Ireland. Fáilte Ireland reserves the right to publish the results of research carried out under this Scheme,
subject to receiving the third level institution's prior written consent to the publication of the results (such consent not
to be unreasonably withheld) and subject to the moral rights of the author. Fáilte Ireland hereby agrees that in
connection with Fáilte Ireland's use of the foregoing licence, the third level institution and the Scholar shall have no
liability whatsoever for any material or product produced by Fáilte Ireland that contains or refers to results of the
research carried out under the Scheme. The Scholar and / or the third level institution shall immediately notify Fáilte
Ireland in the event that any third party claims that the research carried out under the Scheme infringes its IPR.
Applicants must complete the appropriate and current application form for the Scheme. They must include the
relevant supporting materials and non-returnable original transcripts of their academic record. Transcripts can usually
be obtained from one of the following offices, or their equivalent: the Registrar, faculty, or department/school of the
applicant’s institution. All transcripts must be appropriately stamped or endorsed.
Either the applicant’s supervisor or his/her authorised deputy must endorse the application form and confirm the type
of postgraduate degree that the applicant will pursue/is pursuing. Applicants are advised that applications which
are not appropriately stamped or endorsed will be automatically disallowed.
Applications will be assessed on the basis of their excellence, originality and potential. Each application will be
assessed by the Assessment Board members consisting of independent academic members and Fáilte Ireland
representatives. Such members will be asked to provide a written evaluation of the application referred to them as
In respect of an applicant who, in October 2013, will be new to the degree programmes listed in paragraph 1
above, the application will be initially evaluated under the following headings:
Description of the topic (no more than 600 words).
 Aims and objectives
 Central research questions
Research Methodology, including for example (no more than 600 words)
 Investigative and analytic methods
 Theoretical frameworks
Research plan ( no more than 400 words)
Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme
Including a schedule of tasks / phases of the project and efficient management and
performance of research. This should include ideas for how the research outputs will
be disseminated.
Description of the relationship of the project to existing research. Suggest how the research will
make a contribution to knowledge (no more than 600 words). Do not provide bibliographical lists or
Description of any specialist knowledge / data required to undertake the project (e.g. language
competence, technical skills, use of specialist software etc.). Describe plans for acquiring this
knowledge / data if it is not already in place. Describe how data required for this project will be
Description of the reason for choosing the institution and supervisor for the project. Please provide
details if the project will be part of the work of an established research team.
The applicant’s record and academic achievements (no more than 100 words)
Relevance of research project to the tourism and hospitality industry (no more than 100 words)
In respect of an applicant who is already registered as a postgraduate student for the degree programmes
listed in paragraph 1, the application will be evaluated under the following headings:
Description of the topic (no more than 600 words).
 Aims and objectives
 Central research questions
Research Methodology, including for example (no more than 600 words)
 Investigative and analytic methods
 Theoretical frameworks
Research plan ( no more than 400 words)
 Including a schedule of tasks / phases of the project and efficient management and
performance of research. This should include ideas for how the research outputs will
be disseminated.
Description of the relationship of the project to existing research. Suggest how the research will
make a contribution to knowledge (no more than 600 words). Do not provide bibliographical lists or
Description of any specialist knowledge / data required to undertake the project (e.g. language
competence, technical skills, use of specialist software etc.). Describe plans for acquiring this
knowledge / data if it is not already in place. Describe how data required for this project will be
Description of the reason for choosing the institution and supervisor for the project. Please provide
details if the project will be part of the work of an established research team.
Relevance of research project to the tourism and hospitality industry (no more than 100 words)
Assess your progress to date (no more than 500 words)
Description of modifications made to the proposal if the proposal has been previously submitted
The applicant’s record and academic achievements (no more than 100 words)
Applicants must not exceed the word limit of the stated categories.
All Assessors have subscribed to an agreed Code of Conduct.
Assessment Board members consisting of independent academic members and Fáilte Ireland
representatives will review the applications. It will be the task of this Board to rank the
Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme
applications on the basis of the materials supplied, to arrive at an overall judgement of standard
and to make final recommendations to Fáilte Ireland in the form of a letter grade as follows:
An application of exceptional and rare quality
An application which is outstanding in terms of the potential, merit and feasibility of the proposed
project, the distinction of the applicant, and the potential contribution of the project to the
applicant’s career, research skills and profession
An application which shows clear potential but which is not outstanding in all of the above respects
An application which may be significant but which is not of a consistently high quality
An application which is good and which would derive some benefit from the Scheme but which is
of lesser quality than alpha-rated proposals. Such proposals are unlikely to have a significant
influence on the development of research in the relevant area or make a significant contribution to
the development of the applicant’s career or research skills
Such applications are not recommended because they are regarded as deficient at a technical level,
or repetitious of other work or otherwise not deemed to be worthy of funding.
Fáilte Ireland's decision whether to make an award under this Scheme shall be final. In response to a written request
from an applicant, Fáilte Ireland may make available a report of the evaluation of the application. Any report so
issued shall be on a strictly anonymous basis.
Successful applicants to this Scheme will not be requested to pay fees to the host institution. The
Scholarship is valued at up to €16,000 per annum and may be held in conjunction with other
awards, provided that such other awards will not exceed a total value of €16,000 in any given year
during the period of the Scholarship and provided that:
before 1 September 2013, the Scholar will inform the source of any other such award in writing of his/her award
under this Scheme, if he/she hopes to hold, or currently holds, funding from such another source
 should Scholars apply for further funding to another source, they will state as part of that application, whether or
not they are requested to do so, that they hold a Fáilte Ireland Scholarship, and
 the source of such another fund agrees in writing that a Fáilte Ireland Scholarship may be held in conjunction
with funds provided by it
 copies of all such correspondence are furnished to Fáilte Ireland’s office not later than 1 September 2013, and, if
applicable, 1 September of any subsequent year.
Fáilte Ireland will not involve itself in the decisions of other funding agencies in this regard.
The terms of the preceding paragraph do not preclude a Scholar from applying for, or benefiting
from, funding which has been awarded to support a research project, in which the Scholar will
participate during the term of his/her Scholarship, provided that the Scholar does not derive
additional personal remuneration from such a source. In such circumstances, however, Scholars
must advise Fáilte Ireland of their involvement in such projects, when and if, this applies.
Scholarships may not be held or continued at an institution other than that specified in the application form, or held to
provide funding for a project other than as set out in the application form. Former Fáilte Ireland Scholarship holders
are automatically deemed ineligible to reapply to this Scheme.
Scholarships will be awarded only to those who are full-time students and who will engage full-time in research
during the period of the Scholarship. They will be awarded for periods of one, or two years, according to the original
date of the applicant’s registration for the relevant degree with reference to 1 October 2013.
Scholars who are pursuing stand-alone masters degrees by research, stand-alone doctoral programme or the masters
element of an integrated Masters/Doctoral programme may be funded (depending on the date of their first registration
for such degrees) for one or two years, provided that they have been registered for such a degree for no longer than
one year prior to October 2013. Fáilte Ireland reserves the right to fund a Scholar who has already completed the
masters element of an integrated masters/doctoral programme, if appropriate. A maximum of 2 years of funding will
be awarded.
Allowances may be made in the above condition for those who have taken maternity leave from their degree
programmes or who have temporarily withdrawn from them for duly certified medical reasons. However, these
circumstances must be brought to the attention of the Fáilte Ireland at the time of application and must be
authenticated by the applicant and if requested independent verification furnished.
Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme
If an applicant feels that his/her case should be an exception to the above rubric, he/she should make a written
submission to Fáilte Ireland. Such submissions, together with all relevant supporting documentation, must be
enclosed with the application. The decision of Fáilte Ireland on such matters will be final and submissions will, in
any event, be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
In the case of Scholars who have been awarded two-years’ funding, the first year shall be devoted exclusively to
research. Scholars undertake not to engage in any other type of paid employment during this first year. During the
second year, Scholarships may be held in conjunction with tutorial or demonstration work which is relevant to the
Scholar’s research, provided that this
does not exceed three hours teaching in any given week
is undertaken in the host institution
has the written support of the Scholar’s supervisor and that Fáilte Ireland has been informed before such
teaching assignments have been agreed.
Payment for such teaching work will not affect the level of the Scholar’s award from Fáilte Ireland.
In the case of Scholars who receive funding for one year only, any teaching work must be undertaken on the same
conditions as outlined in the preceding paragraph.
Scholars are expected to maintain an actual presence within their respective departments/schools during the period of
their Scholarships and to reside within a reasonable travelling distance of the host institution. However, Fáilte Ireland
recognises that some Scholars may benefit from spending part of the term of the Scholarship away from their host
institution. Such periods might involve either:
taking courses which are relevant to the Scholar’s training. Except in special circumstances, such courses
may only be taken prior to the commencement of the research phase of the degree and providing that the
case for taking such courses has been made to Fáilte Ireland by the Scholar’s supervisor. Fáilte Ireland will
not normally sanction such courses over a period of more than one academic term and will not be liable for
paying any fees or expenses associated with such courses
spending part of the academic year engaged in archival or fieldwork at other research or archival institutions
in Ireland or abroad. Where such research trips are conducted during the regular teaching term of the
Scholar’s institution, Scholars must have the prior approval of Fáilte Ireland and the written approval of
his/her supervisor.
Fáilte Ireland attaches considerable importance to procedures for monitoring and renewing the Fáilte Ireland
Scholarship. Scholars will be required to submit two written progress reports to Fáilte Ireland before 31 January and
30 June, respectively, following the initial date of the Scholar’s award. These reports shall be accompanied by a
confidential and comprehensive evaluation from the Scholar’s supervisor on the progress of the research. It will be
the Scholar’s responsibility to ensure that these reports are submitted before the stated dates.
The timely submission (not later than the stated dates) of these reports by the Scholar and the supervisor are an
absolute condition of holding and renewing the Scholarship. Fáilte Ireland stresses that if it receives an unsatisfactory
report on a Scholar’s progress, or if the reports are not submitted on time, the Scholarship will be terminated and the
Scholar will be required to refund to Fáilte Ireland monies that have been paid to him/her.
Scholarships will automatically cease on the submission of the Scholar’s thesis. Their value will
be adjusted accordingly if the thesis is submitted more than two months before the expiration date
of the Scholarship. A final report or copy of the Scholar’s thesis is also required on completion of
the project. Where appropriate, results of the research should also be reported in Fáilte Ireland
literature and at Fáilte Ireland seminars.
It will be the responsibility of the Scholar’s supervisor to ensure that if the Scholar leaves his/her host institution, or is
not dedicating sufficient time or effort to the project, Fáilte Ireland will be informed immediately.
Scholarships may not be deferred.
Should a Scholar be unable for any reason (including medical reasons) to pursue his/her studies in accordance with
the Terms and Conditions of the Scholarship, he/she must inform Fáilte Ireland’s Research Scheme Manager within
Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scholarship Scheme
two weeks of such a situation coming to his/her attention. In such situations, Fáilte Ireland will have regard to the
usual conventions of the Scholar’s institution. However, given the basis on which Scholarships are awarded, Fáilte
Ireland reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the Scholarship.
Fáilte Ireland recognises that for personal, professional or other reasons, a Scholar may wish to terminate his/her
Scholarship. This should not be done without prior consultation with Fáilte Ireland as it may involve reimbursement
by the Scholar to Fáilte Ireland if the Scholar is unable to justify the funding received by him/her up to the date of
All publicity, including public lectures, publications, print materials and press releases, television and radio
advertisements, websites, film, video and audio recordings associated with or arising from the research undertaken by
a Scholar while in receipt of a Scholarship must contain acknowledgment of funding received from ‘Fáilte Ireland’.
As a Fáilte Ireland Research Scholar it is expected that the Scholar, while in receipt of the Scholarship will personally
present his / her research to the Fáilte Ireland Tourism Research Scheme Manager and Fáilte Ireland representatives
on a twice yearly basis. In addition, it is expected that the Scholar will submit a research paper and present his / her
research at one tourism-related conference on a yearly basis and acknowledge funding received from Fáilte Ireland.
The Scholar should consult with the Fáilte Ireland Research Scheme Manager for information on appropriate tourismrelated conferences.
Fáilte Ireland reserves the right to revise the Terms and Conditions of this Scheme at any time.
It is the responsibility of the Scholar to inform Fáilte Ireland in writing of any change of address, telephone, or e-mail
within four weeks of such a change.
Applications will not be assessed if they
are incomplete, or
have been received in Fáilte Ireland’s office postmarked after the advertised closing date.
The Fáilte Ireland Scholarship is held subject to these Terms and Conditions. If any of the above are breached by a
Scholar, Fáilte Ireland, will suspend or terminate the Research Scholarship and/or will require the Scholar to
reimburse Fáilte Ireland for such payments as have already been made to the Scholar.
Successful applicants will be required to sign a form of consent under the Data Protection Act 1988 in relation to
records on data concerning their registration status and academic record.
The award of a Fáilte Ireland Scholarship is subject to receipt of funding by Fáilte Ireland from the Department of
Arts, Sport and Tourism. In the event of such funding being reduced or being discontinued, Fáilte Ireland will not be
under any liability to provide funding or to compensate a Scholar for any reduction or cessation of such funding.
Please return all completed documents to Fáilte Ireland at the address below. Applications must be submitted by letter post,
postmarked on or before Monday, 15 July 2013, and should be clearly marked ‘Fáilte Ireland Scholarship Scheme
Gabriela Airini
Fáilte Ireland Research Scholarship Scheme,
Education Policy,
Fáilte Ireland,
88 - 95 Amiens Street,
Dublin 1.