September 13, 2013 - Public Administration

September 13, 2013
Department of Public Policy Office, West Hartford
Members Present: Maria Capriola, Alyssa Goduti (phone), Eric Gray (phone), Jeff Hallin (phone), Linda
Hodge, Alissa Johnston, Aaron McGarry (phone), Rob Phillips (phone), Barbara Rua, Scott Simoneau
(phone), Julia Yakovich (phone)
Students and Staff Present: Nancy Lin, Mark Robbins, Val Rogers, Bill Simonsen
The meeting was called to order at 12:10pm.
I. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of 6/14/2013 were moved as presented by Rua, seconded by Hodge and approved
II. Housekeeping
Gray offered to serve on the Awards Committee. The Nominating Committee needs one member
(officers can’t be members). Vacant terms and the process for interested alumni to apply to serve on the
Council were reviewed.
The October 11th meeting was moved to October 4that 2:30pm. An additional meeting has been added,
November 15th at 3pm.
III. Alumni and Student Program Offerings
Johnston provided an update on alumni-student match-ups. Tentative events for the year are as follows:
alumni-student match-ups (on-going, push in January); mock interview night (late January), career night
(February); Awards Night (May 2nd). Additional ideas/events are welcome. Hodge reported on Pi Alpha
Alpha’s meet and greet scheduled for September.
IV. 40th Anniversary
A networking event/social is scheduled for October in Washington, D.C.
The gala event scheduled for November 2nd will be held from 6-10pm at the Legislative Office Building in
Hartford. There will be a social hour, sit-down dinner, and desert. Jakubowski is assisting with securing a
guest speaker (likely to be Governor Malloy, Senator Blumenthal, or Representative Murphy). Mort
Tenzer and Simonsen will also speak at the event. Alumni are asked to scan and send old photos from
their time spent at the MPA Program to Rogers. The Storrs event will be held November 1st at 3pm and
will include a tour of Storrs Center. Capriola to inquire with the Visitor’s Center re: a guided tour of
campus following the Storrs Center tour. Alumni will be provided a listing of restaurant options in
Fundraising efforts are underway. $12,000 has been raised thus far. The five funds alumni can donate
to were discussed.
V. Program Update
Rogers and Simonsen provided an update on admissions/fall enrollment. The Program has 38 new fulltime students this fall, 20 Fast-Track students, and part-time students. 63% of admitted students chose
to come to the Program. The quality of the admitted students is very good.
Simonsen informed the Council that the Program’s curriculum is under review this fall. He has asked for
Alumni assistance with the review. Goduti, Hodge, and Johnston agreed to serve on the Curriculum SubCommittee this fall. The Alumni Council will meet November 15th, with the focus of the meeting being
curriculum review.
VI. Other Business
Robbins provided an update on faculty hires (Kerri Raissen, Doug Spencer, Eric Brunner). One faculty
recruitment is currently underway.
An update on the West Hartford campus/MPA program move to Hartford was provided. A site in
Hartford has been selected. The building should be ready for occupancy by fall 2016. If Alumni have
ideas for the space in the new building, they should send them to Robbins by October.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:23PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Maria Capriola, Secretary