
Psalters: 289: 1,2,9 + 10; 325: 1 + 2;
Reading: Law Deuteronomy 5: 1 – 21.
Romans 3: 25 – 26
306: 1 - 4;
187: 1 – 4
400: 1 – 4.
Leviticus 17
Christ the Propitiation for Sin.
sermon by Rev. C. Harinck
Christ is set forth for a propitiation
Christ is set forth for justification.
Propitiation – to make peace by means of a sacrifice for sin.
The precious Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ is this perfect sacrifice to make peace
with an angry God because of man’s fall in Paradise.
“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood.”
Christ has accomplished this on the cross of Golgotha.
Preaching that puts Christ in the dark away from the eyes of the hearers is not
Scriptural preaching.
“Before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among
you.” (Galatians 3: 1)
Christ was made known as a way of propitiation, or atonement, with God.
“Without shedding of blood is no remission.” (Hebrews 9: 22)
Propitiation, or atonement, four aspects.
Sin has been committed and God’s law has been transgressed.
This transgression has offended God and provoked Him to anger.
We the human race are guilty through this transgression, we are in a state of guilt
before our Maker.
The vicarious offer which brings reconciliation between God and the guilty sinner.
No knowledge of being a sinner before God, no need, nor desire for atonement.
Moses raised the brazen serpent in the wilderness for everyone to see, so Christ
is set forth in the preaching for a Propitiation.
A true and real faith is trusting in the blood of Christ.
The discovering of a saving interest in Christ, is the great turning point in the life
of a soul under conviction.
2 Christ is set forth for Justification.
1 To declare His righteousness for the remission of sins.
2 God is Just, Holy and Righteous, He punishes sin, according to His justice.
3 Believers of the O.T. had faith in the promise of Christ’s coming.
4 The power of the atonement applied by Christ not only reaches out forward
in time to us, but His merits also reach back in time to all the true believers
of the O.T.
5 Consider the wonder of this in amazement, a Holy, righteous and just God
that hates all sin and punishes sin with His righteous justice; God choses to
accept the sinner, to save the sinner, in His acceptance of the perfect merits
of the precious Saviour, thus He invites sinners to receive of these merits
applied to the believer by His Holy Spirit.
6 We get it wrong when we think God to be a loving God that will gladly gloss
over sin, by His power forgive without a sacrifice.
7 “That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through
righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5: 21.
8 Justification is “from the faith” or “by faith” “the faith of Jesus”
9 No boasting; a forgiven sinner, is to remember what God has done for them.