
Meeting Summary
ONC S&I Framework
Lab Results Interface Initiative
Success Metrics Sub-Workgroup
Date: 06/08/11
Name: Laboratory Results Interface (LRI) Success Metrics Sub-Workgroup Session 7
Agenda/ Objectives:
Review long term approach for measuring success of the LRI initiative.
Panelist Attendees:
Ed Larsen, Brandy Hays, Merideth Vida
Sub-Workgroup Attendees:
Lester Keepper, Andy Splitz, Bob Dieterle, Ernest Grove
Action Items:
Action Item
Support leads will reach out
to ONC to inquire about
collecting data points related
to the volume of installs
performed from the
Informational Interview
Next Steps / Status
In Progress
Brandy Hays
Merideth Vida,
Ed Larsen
Due Date
Long Term Approach Slides
Key Discussion Points:
 Collecting data points related to the volume of installs conducted would be a valuable addition to
this analysis making the baseline more comprehensive.
o The participants noted that it could be useful from a validation point to do a weighted
average of the data points collected related to volume. It would be interesting to
calculate a new mean and distribution to see if the high volume users bias the data one
way or another.
 If there is one vendor that installs 90% of the interfaces, it would be important to
focus in on the cost and time reduction for that entity.
o The support leads noted that not everyone responded to the question of how many
implementations they have each completed, therefore leaving our current data points
incomplete for this field.
 The workgroup members suggested reaching back out to the informational interviewees to
gather additional cost and time data points based on the volume of installs. The group
determined that it is acceptable if it takes longer to collect these data points from the same
entities that participated in the informational interview because the measure of success will not
be calculated for a long time.
LRI – Success Metrics Sub-Workgroup Session 7, 06/08/11
Meeting Summary
ONC S&I Framework
Lab Results Interface Initiative
Success Metrics Sub-Workgroup
The time frame of when the data should be collected for is from project kick-off until after testing
is done.
Support leads will reach out to ONC to get their approval for reaching back out to the
Informational Interview participants again for more data points regarding the volume of installs
Adjusting / weighting for the volume of implementations will create a much more valuable
baseline dataset.
No one had issues or additions to the second slide.
 Within the diagram on the slide that has a column for new questions we can add:
o “What is the average cost and time associated with implementing an interface using the
LRI Implementation Guide?”
 Support leads will speak to ONC for approval to reach out to ONC to get stamp of approval for
collecting more data points regarding the volume of installs performed by the informational
interview participants. If approved the following questions will be asked:
o “During the past 12 months, or calendar year, how many results only interfaces did your
company implement? What was the average time, from contract to completion of testing
for implementing the interface? What was the average cost from the contract to
completion of testing for the implementation of the interface?”
 Ask exactly the same question for a bi-directional interface for that same time
LRI – Success Metrics Sub-Workgroup Session 7, 06/08/11