Worksheet #3 Here

Mind Your Body:
Setting Your Autopilot to Passion and Success
Video 3:
Mental Detox: Free Your Body, Flush Your Brain, Feed
Your Mind
1. Mental toxicity: Flush Out the Toxins
The negative and life-limiting influences you are immersed in, limit your ability to
make change in your life. You must unplug from this old information AND add in the
information that influences that support you. This is as essential as the food you eat.
What you put into your mind (media: TV, magazines, people around you, books you
read) have a massive impact on what you experience in life.
Examples of toxic mental information: gossip, complaining by those around you, tv
shows that profile dramatic and abusive relationships, magazines with airbrushed
photos of women, music lyrics that are hostile or violent…..etc.
This information is entering your subconscious mind and patterning the way you
think, feel and behave. You are mostly unaware of the powerful influence this has on
our outlook, perspective and ideas, however you will see the result of this reflected
in your experience of your health, work, money and relationships.
Developing habits to protect your mind from toxic information will allow you to
resonate with higher levels of information because you will not continue to be
brought down by the lower frequency information of fear, drama and violence.
These are not only not bringing any value to your life (if there is something you
really do need to know, you will hear about it anyway) but they are toxifying your
world. Cut them out.
2. How we learn and pattern our beliefs
Developing children are in a slower brain wave state called “delta” brain waves,
where we very rapidly learn and incorporate new information, without consciously
processing it first. That means there is no filter to choose whether we adopt this
new idea, belief or way of being; it is automatically downloaded.
As adults, we are mostly in “beta” brain waves, which are must faster. This is an
analytic pattern of brain waves, where we call upon information we’ve learned,
evaluate and analyze. In this faster brain wave state, we are unable to repattern the
foundation of our beliefs, which were laid down in the slower brain wave state. This
is why meditation is helpful. In meditation we bring the brain into a slower brain
wave pattern called “alpha” brain waves, where the old information can be
reformatted to a healthier belief system.
Since our beliefs were instilled while we were in delta, a very slow brain wave state,
they are unconscious, and so for the most part, we are unaware of our personal
beliefs. Since the mind is now functioning in a much faster brain wave pattern, beta,
it is difficult to make changes, because our fast minds are rapidly creating results
that keep those beliefs in place.
In order to change our beliefs, and thus, change our experience, we must change the
information our brain is processing and taking in. This part of the program is meant
to remove the toxic information that is supporting old beliefs that are not
supporting you, as well as to add supportive and nurturing information in that lets
your mind create the life you truly want.
You will begin new habits that continue to support this from here forward.
3. Feeding Your Mind: Your association and the Mastermind
Your life will reflect the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
Your wealth, health, happiness are all reflected in the people you surround yourself
Napoleon Hill: “I know of
Plug in powerful association of a Mastermind of people who are at the frequency
where you would like to be.
Invite the world’s greatest mentors into your bathroom
Listening to the teachings of people like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Mary
Morrissey, The Thrive Doctors! all have online programs for free on YouTube or
other platforms that you can listen to while brushing your teeth, or going about
your daily activities. This patterns your mind to think in a different way even
without making any other changes to begin. Begin to add something in daily that
feeds your mind with this higher level information and awareness.
Use the power of your own voice
Your mind takes you to be the world’s expert on everything. Whatever you say
and believe, you are right! Use this to your advantage. When you use your voice
to plug in affirming and empowering words and phrases, these feed your brain
in powerful ways, and your mind will work to prove that you are correct.
See your inspiring life
The images you see cause your mind to generate certain chemicals that impact
every cell in your body. When you see images that are inspiring and uplifting,
your mind causes chemicals to be secreted that improve organ function, reverse
disease, decrease pain sensation, and increase your energy levels. This also
changes the messaging in your entire nervous system, improving performance
and tonality in ways that change the results you get in life.
Cut out images that appeal to you. They may be beautiful places or people having
fun, or they may just be swatches of colors you love or abstract shapes. You can
put these together on a vision board, that you look at every day while you brush
your teeth, or just individual images you tape to your bathroom mirror or your
computer. Put these images where you will easily see them every day. They are
automatically inputting information into your mind.
Read inspiring books, 10 pages a day
Feed your mind regularly with inspired thought through reading. Napoleon Hill’s
“Think and Grow Rich,” and Esther Hicks book: “Ask and It Is Given” reveal
truths your body knows, but has been trained to ignore. Reading these books
brings you into an inspired state of resonating with these truths. There are many
books we recommend and love to read. (*See list at end of this worksheet.)
Even if you do not feel inspired to do this, FORCE yourself to read just ten pages
a day of this type of information. Search until you find a book that resonates for
you and is fun and inspiring. We guarantee this will change your mind and add
massive value to your life.
A. Go on a “Media Diet”
For the remainder of this course (and if it feels right, for the remainder of your
life) refrain from watching the news, reading the newspaper, engaging in office
banter and gossip, and perusing mainstream magazines. If you fear you will
miss something, or be “out of touch” just let that go. You have been
brainwashed to think that this information is essential to your functioning in
the world, and we are here to tell you that this is not true. Not only is this
information not serving you in any way, but it literally toxifies your mind and
is powerfully detrimental to you living the life you really want.
Reach out on the community site for support! There may be questions about
this, and it’s important to get clear so that you can choose consciously what
you want to put into your mind.
B. “Relationship Makeover”
Consider the relationships you are currently engaging in. Ask yourself whether
this relationship, as it is, is serving your personal evolution and living your
ideal life. Are there ways you could relate differently with this person? Is this a
person you want to continue relating with? Allow yourself to get clear on what
relationships are serving you and which are detrimental. Then, consider how
you might enhance the relationships that serve you, and release those that are
detrimental to your personal success. Perhaps you notice that spending time
alone instead of engaging in toxicity would be a wiser choice right now. You
may begin to see ways you can change your existing relationships by inviting
others to support you in your personal evolution. Introduce them to these
ideas and ask if they would also be interested in open, authentic conversations
instead of those that judge and evaluate people and situations.
If you are experiencing judgment and criticism of others, or frequent gossip
and sarcasm, this is a reflection of the judgment and criticism you are choosing
(unconsciously) to hold yourself. Be willing to release this inside and out, by
changing your habits and relationships now. Find compassion for others and
for yourself and leave behind your old ways of being and relating.
4. Flush Your Body: Feel Your Emotions
In this program, you will become adept at feeling your emotions. Most often we run
from our emotions, so that even if we’re used to feeling depressed, angry or anxious
all the time, what we’re often doing is avoiding feeling these emotions, instead of
just feeling them fully. In this program, you will be trained to feel your emotions
fully; let them wash over you and move out.
Emotions actually live in the physical body. Memories and beliefs keep those
motions in place and alive in the body. The unexpressed emotion creates a physical
result and motivates your actions and behaviors. When we experience these
emotions fully, feeling them deeply and completely, we repattern the memory of
them and can release the memory. In this way, the memory no longer creates an
emotional response and motivates your behavior. You become free to use that
energy to create the life you want
Be sure to share on the community site!
Ask whatever questions have come up for you!
We look forward to hearing about your results and serving you in any way we may!
Be well,
Dr. Kim and Dr. Mario
*Reading Recommendations: (There are MANY books we love and recommend, so
please ask us on the online forum if there is a specific need you have, and we’ll tailor
the recommendation for you)
Paolo Coelho- The Alchemist
Louise Hay- You Can Heal Your Life
Bruce Lipton, PhD.- The Biology of Belief
Esther Hicks- Ask and It Is Given
Dr. Larry Dossey- Healing Words
Carolyn Myss- Anatomy of the Spirit
Marshall Rosenberg- Nonviolent Communication
Mike Dooley- Leveraging the Universe
Napoleon Hill- Think and Grow Rich
Arnold Patent- You Can Have It All
Janet and Chris Atwood- The Passion Test
Joe Vitale and Hew Len, MD- Zero Limits
Rhonda Byrne- The Secret: The Power
David Hawkins- Power vs. Force
David Deida-Intimate Communion