Classroom Observation Form Please attach any worksheets, lesson plans, or other resource materials provided. Subject Grade Room # Start and End Time of Observation # of Students Number of Adults Lesson Objective/Language Objective Observer Name: School Name: Date: Part of Class Observed Type of Class Beginning Middle GenEd SEI Other: ______ End Pull out Are the objective and instructional task grade-aligned based on your professional judgment? Yes What is the instructional task? ie taking notes, participating in discussion, writing in response to prompts, lab, etc…Please note if the task changes during your observation. No No Objective Are the objective and instructional task aligned to a lesson plan (if seen?) Yes No No Lesson Plan What are the teacher(s) and students actually doing? Aligned to Objective? Not Aligned to Objective? Do you see evidence of the Mission and Key Design Elements in the classroom? If so, what do you see? Observations should be at least 20 minutes. Please fill this form out completely prior to leaving the observed classroom. Provide detailed evidence for each of the criteria. Instructional practices based on high expectations for ALL students Instruction fosters student engagement The school’s common instructional practices are seen in classrooms; the common practices reflect high expectations for all students. Majority of students appear to be on-task and/or participating during most/all of the lesson; describe instructional strategies used to create engagement. Circle One: Exceeds Meets Described common instructional practices: □ ENTER PRACTICES Partially Meets Falls Far Below Circle One: Exceeds Meets Partially Meets Falls Far Below Describe the implementation of these practices: Diverse learning needs Classroom environments are conducive to learning Activities/materials/strategies are differentiated to provide support for all learners; classroom staff and resources support diverse learning needs of students; SEI practices are evident in applicable classrooms. Classroom climate is characterized by respectful relationships, behaviors, tones, and discourse; well-organized; learning time is maximized for all students; safety; use of expected behavioral system/interventions where appropriate (if seen). Circle One: Exceeds Meets Partially Meets Falls Far Below Circle One: Exceeds Meets Described strategies to support diverse learners: □ ENTER STRATEGIES Groupings: Modalities: Student Voice: Whole Class Visual Rare Small Groups Auditory Occasional Pairs Kinesthetic Frequent Independent Technology Dominant Described behavioral interventions: □ ENTER INTERVENTIONS Partially Meets Falls Far Below