
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the ANZCVS Small Animal Medicine
Chapter 2014
Gold Coast, 4:10 pm Friday 11th July 2014
Kath Briscoe, Simon Craig, David Davies, Mellora Sharman, Darren Fry, Tuyet-Lan Tran, Amy Lane, Kate
Heading, Lydia Hambrook, Patricia Newton, Amanda Taylor, Robert Mils, Birgitte Horn, Boyd Jones, Matt
Miller, Robyn Jarrett, Steve Metcalfe, Matthew Best, Erin Bell, Fleur James, David McLelland, Tonya Stoles,
Alison Griffin, Elizabeth Ralph, Richard Malik, Mike Coleman, Adrian Witham, Peter Bennett, Darren
Merrett, Brad Gavighan, Caroline Mansfield, Mary Thompson
Apologies: None
Business arising from the previous meeting:
Prizes and Awards:
The prizes for the Small Animal Medicine research abstracts were awarded to:
FIRST PRIZE: Randolph Baral, Feline plasma biochemistry reference intervals for three in-house analysers and
a commercial laboratory analyser
SECOND PRIZE (shared): Linda Tong, Mean platelet component concentration and chronic valvular heart
disease in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
SECOND PRIZE (shared): Jeylan Aslan, Comparison of trans-thoracic aspirates and airway cytology (BAL/TTW)
in the diagnosis of generalised pulmonary parenchymal disease
The prize for the Feline Medicine research abstract was awarded to:
FIRST PRIZE: Amanda Shapiro Seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cats in Eastern Australia
The Small Animal Medicine Chapter Prize for Outstanding Performance in Membership Examinations was
awarded to
Dr. Leah Manning
The Small Animal Medicine Chapter congratulates all these members
Reports from executives and committees:
The Treasurer’s report was not available but can be obtained by contacting the treasurer.
Lisa Richards (treasurer) reported the Small Animal Medicine Chapter is some $10,000
better off this year than last year. Zoetis sponsorship from 2013 has yet to be put in the
Small Animal Medicine Chapter account. There is currently $57,250.74 in the Small Animal
Medicine Chapter account.
Darren Fry (Head of the Chapter CEC) reported it had been easier to find fellowship examiners,
but there are ongoing conflict of interest challenges. The additional workload of examinations
in Canine Memberships & Canine Fellowships was discussed. Separate examination teams can
be created by the chapter CEC, but this does depend on candidate numbers. The Board of
Examiners does recognize the additional work Canine Medicine creates. Darren Fry and Mary
Thompson suggested a 2 on, 2 off system per year with a rotating pool of membership /
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fellowship examiners with a 3 year term. A bigger group may reduce conflicts of interest,
spread the workload, and improve examiner training & handover. Mellora Sharman
(Fellowship examiner) highlighted the need to consider how examiners are renumerated /
rewarded if not completely involved in the process. David Davies suggested that more people
need to help write the exam. The college will only pay for a set number of examiners and the
Chapter could pay for the rest. Chapter will cover more costs of examiner training on a pro rata
basis. Richard Malik suggested sharing Fellowship examiners and questions (edit as needed)
with Feline Medicine and a question bank. Lydia Hambrook discussed the need for a secure
place to store questions. Lisa Richards suggest the head of the CEC should store such
questions. Caroline Mansfield suggested creating a shared folder, and questions are not shared
via email. Darren Merrett proposed a 3 year examination term. Lydia Hambrook discussed the
need to ensure examiners are available for all of the desired period. Peter Bennett discussed
the need to write questions early, and to swap people out due to conflict. Elected to create a
team of 6 fellowship, and 9 memberships candidates, with a 2 drop out & 2 pickup per year,
over a 3 year term. Unanimously voted for. Head of CEC and Chapter executive to formulate
this policy.
Lydia Hambrook (Head Subject Examiner in Small Animal Medicine Fellowships) discussed the
Small Animal Fellowship guidelines set significant constrains on the examination process,
namely how the practical examination can be administered, and potential for appeals by
having pathophysiology in Paper 2. Was discussed that Chapter CEC is able to change this
document to cover gaps in reading list, allow more flexibility in how examination is conducted
and allow pathophysiology in Paper 2. New Chapter CEC (Lydia Hambrook) will lead the
Chapter CEC team in formulating these changes and submitting them to the Board of
Fellows / Diplomats are encouraged to write exam questions and file share these with Lydia
Adrian Witham (Membership HSE) thanked the examination team of Erin Bell, Tricia Newton,
Joanna Whitney, Clint Yudelman, David Collins & Lauren Lacorcia (CEC liaison) for their
efforts with some 30 some candidates. Question sharing with the Feline Chapter had worked
well, and will hopefully continue. Adrian & Erin did write the exams for a Canine
Membership candidate, who later withdrew.
Science week
The consensus was that this year’s theme had been a success. Sponsorship and ongoing generous support
of Hill’s Pet Nutrition and Zoetis acknowledged and thanked by all. Mary Thompson, Adrian Witham, Ann
Thompson, Sue Bennett, Fiona Campbell, Mike Coleman, Simon Craig, Kath Briscoe, Andrea Harvey, and Allan
Gunn thanked by all for their assistance with the Chapter’s CSW. All speakers thanked for their time and
Need to ensure notes go online before start of CSW was highlighted. Moderators, AV (laser pointer, roving
and lapel microphone, slide advancer, screen size & height) worked well this year. Feedback forms will be
collated by Adrian Witham.
Mary Thompson will look at tightening the eligibility of the abstract awards.
Adrian Witham suggested a pre-day targeted at specialist level, but open to all members and non-members in
one room. Caroline Mansfield / Boyd Jones suggested a stream that could include how to write a scientific
paper, and later suggest different streams for residents, those training candidates, and for examiners.
Suggested to request suggested topics from members and invite expressions of interest to speak at CSW /
involvement in organization. Was discussed about a more informal post conference day round table discussion
on Sunday however this poses logistical, time & more financial challenges as outside of college science week.
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Was discussed the limiting of such an extra day to specialists and residents, however group consensus was to
target at this level, but include all who are interested. Surgery chapter reported to have charged $400 for such
a day, and limited to specialists, residents and limited numbers of members who applied for places. The new
CSW program team to action this item.
Richard Malik suggests a forum where case material, including cytology & pathology were discussed in an
integrated fashion. Other suggest topics / speakers were Richard LeCouteur on Neurology, Laurent Garosi (AHT
/ Davies?) on Feline Neurology, Clare Rushbridge on Syringomyelia / Chiari, Linda Fleeman, and Imaging. Need
to challenge ourselves, ensure program not only aimed at GP level, and include more specialist level material
highlighted. The new CSW program team to action this item.
Election of Office Bearers:
Mike Coleman has finished his term as Vice President and was thanked by all for his service.
New Vice President: Adrian Witham nominated by Mary Thompson and seconded by Mike Coleman,
unanimously supported.
Treasurer: Lisa Richards will stay on a chapter treasurer. She was thanked by all for her ongoing 7 years of
SW organising committee: The following chapter members volunteered: Caroline Mansfield,
Boyd Jones, and Mary Thompson (abstracts).
Simon Craig will again assist with organizing Proceedings on CD (400) for next year’s Science
Week & ensuring these notes are available via the Chapter Website. Currently these are shared
with the Feline Chapter, Joint sessions (Pathobiology & Dentistry Chapters), Anesthesia Emergency
& Critical Care Chapter, Oncology Chapters. Simon is looking for a trainee for this position. Simon
reported the task is easier as there are no longer printed notes. Was suggested that the Small
Animal Medicine Chapter could suggest to College Council to organize joint Science Week
proceedings, or failing this, the Small Animal Chapter could offer to include notes from other
chapters provided space allowed for this. Simon Craig was thanked by all for his ongoing service.
Adrian Witham is happy to organize the Hill’s Small Animal Cocktail Party again next year. The
main changes this year were a private venue, 30 minute later start-time, different menu, and the
addition of cocktails this year given the Hill’s metabolic diet promotion.
CEC members: Darren Fry will step down as head of the CEC. He was thanked by all for his service. Lydia
Hambrook will be the new head of the CEC for next year. CEC chapter liaison roles not yet filled, Lydia
Hambrook will approach potential candidates.
Adrian Witham will step down as Membership Head Subject Examine. Erin Bell volunteered for this role.
Adrian Witham is happy to assist in next year’s exams.
The Small Animal Medicine Chapter thanks all membership and fellowship examiners, and CEC members
for their service.
Other business:
EXAMINER / CEC ADDITIONAL FUNDING: Mary Thompson proposed that the Small Animal Medicine Chapter
cover the cost of Science Week Registrations and Dinner Tickets for the Chapter CEC Liaisons (both
membership & fellowship). Seconded by Richard Malik & Lisa Richards. Unanimously voted for. As per previous
AGMs, an additional $1,000 will be paid by the Small Animal Medicine Chapter to the head subject examiner of
Small Animal (including Canine) Fellowships to assist in compensating this demanding position. Unanimously
voted for.
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CANINE MEMBERSHIPS: Adrian Witham discussed Canine Membership examinations. At present the Small
Animal Medicine Chapter and College offers Canine Medicine Membership examinations every two years, in
addition to Small Animal (canine & feline) Memberships yearly. Canine Medicine Membership examinations
currently typically attract 1 to 2 candidates per year, sometimes none as per this year’s cycle when the one
potential candidate withdrew. Small Animal Medicine Memberships typically attracts some 30 plus candidates
per year. At present, the Small Animal Membership examination team (6 people) writes the exams (two
written papers, two orals: one for day) for the Small Animal Medicine exam. Two of these six examiners in
addition compose the extra questions for Canine Medicine Memberships (two written papers, one oral), with a
separate chapter liaison to review the exam. The ANZCVS website indicates there are currently 280 Small
Animal members, and 55 Canine Medicine members. There are currently five times as many Small Animal
members as Canine Medicine members. Our reasons for suggesting Canine Medicine Memberships are no
longer offered are as follows:
The recent candidate pool suggests there is little demand at present for examinations in Canine
The time required to prepare examinations in both Small Animal Medicine & Canine Medicine is
considerable. Offering membership examinations in Canine Medicine is not felt the most efficient use of the
Small Animal Medicine Chapter’s resources and examiner pool. The current model is more likely to result in
examiner burnout. We suggest it is not the most effective use of the College’s resources either.
Offering membership examinations in Canine Medicine is not well aligned with the Small Animal
Chapter’s objectives, and does not reflect our concurrent aims with regards to feline medicine.
Canine only clinical practice is currently very rare. We believe we are missing an opportunity to
recognise and reward Canine Medicine Membership candidates with concurrent sufficient skill in feline
medicine, to have such individuals later act as mentors and examiners for the larger pool of Small Animal
Membership candidates, and improve feline health.
Our equivalent international body, the RCVS does not offer a Canine Certificate, instead offering a
Small Animal Membership Certificate.
We are aware that some chapters such as Oncology and Dermatology may use Canine Medicine
Memberships as the membership exam prior to their specific Fellowship pathway. We suggest that Small
Animal Medicine Memberships are a more aligned membership subject than Canine Medicine for such other
disciplines. An alternative would be for other such chapters to offer their own specific membership
Withdrawing membership examinations in Canine Medicine will have no impact on the membership status of
current Canine Medicine Members & Fellows. Fellowship candidates in Canine Medicine will be able to sit
Small Animal Medicine Memberships prior to Canine Medicine Fellowships. We believe at present there are
no Canine Medicine Fellowship candidates.
Peter Bennett suggested holding it every 4 years. David Davies suggested letting it die out on its own.
Members voted (88% for, 30 to 4) for the motion “that the Small Animal Medicine Chapter should
recommend to the Board of examiners that Canine Membership examinations are no longer offered”. Proxy
forms were emailed to all Small Animal Chapter members prior to the chapter AGM. Adrian Witham will
draft a letter to the College Council and Board of Examiners.
EXAMINATIONS: Adrian Witham discussed this prize and suggested it should only be awarded to a candidate
that passes all sections (both writtens & oral) in one year, and previously failed candidates or those sitting
supplementary exams should be ineligible. After discussion, it was proposed to change the wording to “To be
eligible, candidates must complete both the written and oral examinations in the same year. Candidates
sitting supplementary exams in a given year are ineligible”. Hence previously failed candidates could be
eligible if they resit. Supplementary candidates are not eligible in a given year as it is not felt fair to compare
scores from different years with different exams. Adrian Witham will draft the necessary changes.
CHAPTER SERVICE MEDAL: Mary Thompson reminded all present of this medal. There are a number of
potential applicants and members are encouraged to submit submissions. Mary Thompson to assist with
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advertising this award such as annual email to member to call for nominations.
Meeting closed approximately 5.10 p.m.
Formulate guidelines / policy for Membership &
Fellowship examination team rotation
Revise Small Animal Medicine Fellowship Subject
Guidelines & submit to Board of Examiners
Find suitable person to fill each CEC Liaison roles
Write Fellowship exam questions and file share (e.g. Drop
box) with Lydia Hambrook
Collate & disseminate CSW feedback forms
Revise abstract guidelines
2015 CSW Conveners including exploring pre-day
Hill’s cocktail party planning 2015
Draft letter to College Council and Board of Examiners
regarding Canine Memberships
Draft Changes to SAM Membership Prize Guidelines
Chapter Service Reminder email / promotion
Head of CEC &
Head of CEC &
Head of CEC &
Adrian Witham
Mansfield, Boyd
Jones & Mary
Adrian Witham
Adrian Witham
Adrian Witham
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