Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the ANZCVS Small Animal Medicine Chapter 2015 Gold Coast, 5 pm Friday 10th July 2015 Present: Amy Lane, Louisa Johnson, Mellora Sharmen, Kate Gleadey, Louise Roberts / Bailey Fleur James, Sonia McGill, Jody Braddock, Lizzy Gan, Danielle Bowles, Ann Thompson, Gemma Birnie, Jana Leskinsky, Tunbi Idowu, Boyd Jones, Robyn Jarrett, Richard Malik, Peter Barron, Raelene Wouda, Steven Holloway, Elizabeth Ralph, Lisa Ricards, Peter Bennett, Patricia Newton, Ruth Sutcliff, Mike Coleman, Linda Abraham, Julie Waring, Matt Retchford, Peter Bennett, Darren Merrett, David Davies, Matt Woodruff, Anna Tebb, Lydia Hambrook Rhcard Churcher, Mary Thompson, Adrian Witham, Caroline Mansfield, Simon Craig. Apologies: None Business arising from the previous meeting: Formulate guidelines / policy for Membership & Fellowship examination team rotation by Head of CEC & Chapter executive – ongoing, and with consultation with Board of Examiners Revision of Small Animal Medicine Fellowship Subject Guidelines by Head of CEC and Chapter CEC team – ongoing, and with consultation with Board of examiners Fellowship Question Banks & file share by CEC team and all willing Fellows and Diplomats – ongoing Revise abstract guidelines – Mary Thompson - ongoing Canine Medicine Memberships – letter drafted by Adrian and Mary to College Council and Board of examiners expressing our desire to cease this exam as per the vote in 2014. No official response but unofficial response is we will move towards ceasing this exam Richard Malik motioned the previous minutes are accepted. Prizes and Awards: The prizes for the Small Animal Medicine research abstracts were awarded to: FIRST PRIZE: Kate Worthing – Characterisation of Antimicrobial Susceptible and Resistant Staphylococcal Infections in Australian Cats and Dogs SECOND PRIZE : Anne Fraser – Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and KI-67 Expression in Canine Gliomas THIRD PRIZE: Elizabeth Ralph – Canine Stress Syndrome in Four Related Male English Springer Spaniels The prize for the Feline Medicine research abstract was awarded to: FIRST PRIZE: Leonie Thom – Inflammatory myositis in cats The Small Animal Medicine Chapter Prize for Outstanding Performance in Membership Examinations was awarded to (tied) Lizzy Gan Ryan Cattin It was also noted that Barbara Jameson won this award in 2012 but not acknowledge as extensively as we would have liked. Our apologies to Barbara. Page 1 The Small Animal Chapter Service Award was awarded to Caroline Mansfield for her profound, passionate and sustained tireless commitment to the Small Animal Medicine Chapter. The Small Animal Medicine Chapter congratulates all these members Reports from executives and committees: The Treasurer’s report was not available but can be obtained by contacting the treasurer. Lisa Richards (treasurer) reported the Small Animal Medicine Chapter is soundly financial and running at surplus, “we have money”. Science week The consensus was that this year’s themes had been an outstanding success. Sponsorship and ongoing generous support of Hill’s Pet Nutrition was acknowledged and thanked by all. Boyd Jones, Caroline Mansfield, Simon Craig, Lisa Richards, Mary Thompson and Adrian Witham thanked by all for their assistance with the Chapter’s CSW. Talks by David Church and Lauren Trepanier were particular highlights. Hot shots worked very well again. Thurid Johnstone thanked for stepping in at last minute. Our best wishes to Lauren Lacorcia and her family. All speakers and associated chapters thanked for their time and efforts. Highly effective to had notes go online before start of CSW. Moderators, AV (laser pointer, roving and lapel microphone, slide advancer, screen size & height) worked well this year. Feedback forms will be collated and dispersed by Adrian Witham. Suggestions for future topics and speakers welcome Mary Thompson will continue to review eligibility of the abstract awards. Mary thanks for her outstanding efforts and a congratulated on a very strong program. Collaboration with Radiology Chapter for pre-conference “Brain Day” targeted at specialists and those in training programs (but open to all) went well. Some 40 delegates from Australia and New Zealand attended; about half were in training programs. The generous sponsorship and support of Hallmarq (Platinum), Medical Plus (Gold), and PetPlan (Silver) was acknowledged and thanked by all. Feedback will be collated and distributed by Adrian Witham. The even ran at a small profit. Adrian Witham, Cathy Beck, Marjorie Milne, Sam Long, Annie Rose, Lisa Richards, and Mary Thompson were thanks by all for their assistance with running this great event. It is desired that another pre-conference day is run next year. Suggested topics and speakers are welcome. Election of Office Bearers: President: Adrian Witham cycles from Vice President to President. Vice President: Mary Thompson cycles from President to Vice President. Mary is thanked for her outstanding efforts as President. Treasurer: Lisa Richards will stay on a chapter treasurer. She was thanked by all for her ongoing 8 years of service. SW organising committee: Mary Thompson (abstracts). Adrian Witham. Simon Craig (CD, proceedings). Simon Craig was thanked by all for his ongoing service. Notes for CSW 2015 are on the chapter website, and Simon demonstrated how to find them. Simon is looking for a trainee for this position. No other volunteers at present. Adrian Witham is happy to organize the Hill’s Small Animal Cocktail Party again next year. The main changes this year were back to the “lawn” area, 7 pm start time, different menu, invitation extended to Feline Chapter Members, and email invitation (along with AGM details for SAM and Feline). A few comments of a little crowded. Event feedback to be collated and dispersed by Page 2 Adrian Witham. CEC members: Lydia Hambrook will again be head of the CEC for next year. She was thanked by all for her service. CEC chapter liaison roles not yet filled, Lydia Hambrook will approach potential candidates. Expressions of interest to help with examinations requested. Mellora Sharman thanked for her service as Fellowship Head Subject Examiner. Darren Merrett has offered to assume this role for next year. Erin Bell thanked for her service as Membership Head Subject Examiner. The Small Animal Medicine Chapter thanks all membership and fellowship examiners, and CEC members for their service. Lydia Hambrook (Head of Chapter CEC) thanked all examiners, in particular Mellora Sharman (HSE Fellowships) and Erin Bell (HSE Memberships), for a fantastic job. There were a high number of candidates (51 in memberships, and 9 in fellowship and 3 resits). The challenges of recruiting fellowship examiners was again mentioned. The fellowship pass rate was though generally though too low (mainly for those resitting components, first time pass rate higher and similar to ACVIM), and feedback on the exam, and how the exam can be improved to ensure appropriate benchmarking (which is difficult given who our format differs from ECVIM and ACVIM). Discussed sending questions to Fellows for review. Discussion as to if answer keys should also be provided. Feedback is welcome. Discussions about the removal of choice from the exam, and colleges opinion to remove this to avoid candidates wasting time, and avoiding answering weaker areas. Challenges of candidates applying knowledge to higher order situations was discussed, and need to prepare candidates for this. Discussions around reviewing past 10 years of exams (and also compare to other colleges / chapters) and see if standard is getting higher. Pass rate may be the exam and/or candidate training related, but the exam should be looked at first. Need to look at what parts candidates struggle with, and consider adjusting scores post exam and during the review / marking process. Recognition a review a is required. Suggested that perhaps Fellows reviewing the question could provide a suggested answer key, or what score a candidate should get on each section. Importance of examiner training, especially for new examiners highlighted. The college can assist with having a private workshop and the funds will come out of the chapter costs to the college. Need for more candidate workshops for preparation. The Board of Examiners is looking into this, web based exam techniques, enabling candidates to contact each other for study groups / support, and resident forums. Feedback welcome. Expression of interest to assist with examinations or contribute to question bank welcome. Need for large rotating examiner pool to keep experience and corporate memory. Challenges of keeping examiners for 3 years discussed. The Chapter CEC will liase more with the Board of Examiners, review the exam(s) (particularly Fellowships), have exams reviewed by Fellows / Diplomates (some questions only, some questions and answers, may depends on legality). Discussed that 2 year training program is too short for some candidates, and the chapter can change this / the number of direct supervised weeks. Off line discussion planned. Fellowship guidelines are up for review. May become a vote. Desire to put together a day to help membership candidates know how to prepare and take the exams with BOE help. Desire to assist put Fellowship candidates in contact with each other and facilitate conversations, study and support groups. Memberships – Question sharing with the Feline Chapter was not allowed this year as the BOE deemed the subject guidelines are too different. Given candidate numbers, an extra pair of examiners was required. Other business: Page 3 CHAPTER SERVICE MEDAL: Reminded all presence of this medal. There are a number of potential applicants and members are encouraged to submit submissions. Chapter exec to assist with advertising this award such as annual email to member to call for nominations. Meeting closed approximately 6 p.m. ACTION ITEMS: Task Review Fellowship (Membership) Exams (see above) Formulate guidelines / policy for Membership & Fellowship examination team rotation – ongoing Revise Small Animal Medicine Fellowship Subject Guidelines (including minimal training length) & submit to Board of Examiners – ongoing Find suitable person to fill each CEC Liaison roles and other examiner roles Write Fellowship exam questions and file share (e.g. Drop box) with Lydia Hambrook Possible training day in how to prepare for Membership Exams Collate & disseminate CSW feedback forms Revise abstract guidelines - ongoing Assist fellowship candidates contact each other for study groups / support 2015 CSW Conveners including exploring pre-day Hill’s cocktail party planning 2016 Chapter Service Reminder email / promotion Responsible Head of CEC & Chapter executive, Board of Examiners Head of CEC & Chapter executive, Board of Examiners Head of CEC & Chapter CEC team, with Board of Examiners Head of CEC & Examination teams All willing Fellows / Diplomats CEC, Adrian Witham, BOE Adrian Witham Mary Thompson Mary Thompson Mary Thompson (abstracts), Adrian Witham, others TBA Adrian Witham Adrian Witham Page 4