FORM 8 – PROGRAM OF STUDY SEQUENCE The Program of Study Sequence is a customized pathway of courses in both academic and career and technical content. It is developed as a career planning aid for students, counselors, faculty, and administrators. Courses included are designed to address local and state high school graduation requirements, college entrance standards, and college degree or certificate completion requirements. POS sequences should be developed collaboratively with regional partners. As part of the FY13 Annual Plan Submission, community colleges are required to submit one completed Program of Study for approval. PLEASE NOTE: Colleges must select a program listed on the Local Program of Study Inventory (Form 6). Colleges should select a program that best represents their overall approach to POS development. Previous PTR sites should consider selecting the POS reviewed as part of that project (see Form 10 – POS Continuous Quality Improvement Process - for more information). As part of the FY13 postsecondary Perkins Annual Plan submission, community colleges must submit a POS Sequence Form for every high school-community college partnership that offers the specific POS. Directions for Completing Program of Study Sequence (Form 8): 1. Identify the specific Cluster, Pathway, and CIP Code for the selected POS. 2. Identify the secondary coursework that will address the high school graduation requirements. 3. Identify in “BOLD” the recommended courses (both academic and CTE) for the program of study. This should include specific academic and CTE courses needed to provide relevance for students’ specific career goals and successfully transition them to the postsecondary portion of the POS. Courses listed may also include additional years of math, science, and recommended electives that will adequately prepare students for postsecondary education. 4. Identify college credit opportunities embedded in the POS (academic and CTE, where applicable) 5. Identify work-based learning opportunities embedded in the POS. 6. Identify student organizations relevant to the program of study in which a student could participate. 7. Identify industry certifications and/or credentials to be earned at the secondary (where applicable) and postsecondary levels of education for the program of study. Program of Study Checklist Are both academic and degree major courses included? Are both secondary and postsecondary courses included? Does coursework reflect the recognized Cluster and Pathways Knowledge and Skills statements? Does the coursework represent a sequence of instruction that leads to a postsecondary degree or certificate? Does the total content represent a coherent and rigorous Program of Study? Have courses been cross-referenced against state and national standards? Does completion of the high school courses ensure success at the postsecondary level? Does the high school portion include opportunities for postsecondary credit? Program of Study Sequence Community College High School Program of Study: CIP Code Grade Educational Level Cluster SECONDARY 9 10 11 12 13 (Fall) 13 POSTSECONDARY (Spring) 14 (Fall) 14 (Spring) 15 (Fall) 15 (Spring) 16 (Fall) 16 (Spring) CTE/Degree Major Courses Pathway English Mathematics Science Social Science Other required Courses/Recommended Electives Work-Based Learning Opportunities