Program of Study Design Framework Framework Element Legislation & Policies: State and local legislation, rules and regulations, or administrative policies that promote POS development and implementation. a. b. Partnerships: Ongoing relationships among education, business, and other community stakeholders that support POS design, implementation, and maintenance. a. Professional Development: Sustained, intensive, and focused professional development opportunities for administrators, teachers, (guidance staff) and faculty that foster HSPOS design, implementation, and maintenance. a. Implementation Status What legislation and/or policy (local and state) currently exists that supports HSPOS? What additional legislation and/or policy (local and state) would most help HSPOS? i.e. Require secondary students to develop an individual graduation or career plan Do state level HS partnerships coordinate with local partnerships? b. Are state level partnerships organized around the HS cluster and cluster committees where available? c. Are there examples of how partnerships have “opened doors” that support HSPOS implementation? d. Describe the partnerships with business and industry, including local advisory committees. e. What role do partnerships play in HS cluster standards, curriculum and assessment? f. Who’s at the table with the development and implementation of HSPOS? (E.g. secondary & postsecondary education levels, employers, workforce/economic development agencies, others?) f. How formal are the partnerships? g. Written partnership agreements? h. Memorandums of Understanding? b. c. d. e. Is there academic and technical integration at your site? If yes, is it ongoing? Do high school faculty and postsecondary faculty coordinate instruction? Describe the types of HSPOS professional development offered. Is the professional development required or optional? (Probe for secondary AND postsecondary examples) Describe how a specific HSPOS professional development activity has been useful? Accountability & Evaluation Systems: Systems and strategies that gather quantitative and qualitative data on all 10 framework elements as well as on student outcomes to inform ongoing efforts to develop and implement HSPOS and to determine its effectiveness. a. Is there a system in place that allows high schools and postsecondary to share data? c. Is there a system in place that allows high schools and postsecondary to collect data from employers? d. Is data used to improve programs? College & Career Readiness Standards: HSPOS a. How do you ensure that HSPOS standards are 1 8/05/15 Program of Study Design Framework content standards that define what students are expected to know and be able to do to enter and advance in college and/or their careers comprise the foundation of the HSPOS. b. c. d. e. f. Course Sequences: Course sequences within a POS that help students transition to postsecondary education with the need to duplicate classes or enroll in remedial courses. a. b. c. d. e. Credit Transfer Agreements: Formal credit transfer agreements among secondary schools and postsecondary institutions. a. b. c. d. f. Guidance Counseling & Career Advisement: Systems that provide career counseling and academic advisory services to help students make informed decisions about which POS to pursue. a. b. c. d. e. Teaching & Learning Strategies: Innovative and a. industry based and postsecondary validated? Have all standards been aligned with cluster standard? Do the standards incorporate the essential knowledge and skills (i.e., academic, communication, and problem-solving skills) which students must master regardless of their chosen career area or POS taught? Do the standards provide the same knowledge and skills in English and mathematics that employers and colleges expect of high school graduates? Is academic credit awarded for HSPOS course(s)? How are postsecondary placement requirements integrated into the secondary HSPOS component in a way that will eliminate the need for postsecondary remediation? Are courses broad to narrow connecting to postsecondary and credential or degree? Is there a core set of HSPOS courses? Describe how the HSPOS course sequence is designed. How is the potential duplication between education levels been reduced or eliminated? How are opportunities provided at the secondary level that can award college credit? Are there local articulation agreements between your high schools and postsecondary, and between postsecondary institutions? Is criteria defined for high school HS instructors teaching postsecondary courses? Is credit transcripted and immediate? How is concurrent credit funded? Describe the expectations and requirements for secondary teachers offering college credit for their high school courses. Do guidance/career counseling and advisement professionals understand and support HSPOS? Does coordination exist between high school and postsecondary ed? Describe how the guidance staff is provided with up-to-date career and HSPOS information – either by the state or locally. Do guidance counselors see HSPOS as a planned sequence of learning that prepares students for HS college and careers? How do guidance counselors communicate to students and parents about HSPOS opportunities? Describe a couple of examples you consider to be 2 8/05/15 Program of Study Design Framework creative instructional approaches that enable teachers to integrate academic and technical instruction and also enable students to apply academic and technical learning in their POS coursework. b. c. d. e. f. Technical Skill Assessments: Existing valid and reliable technical skill assessments that provide ongoing information on the extent to which students are attaining the necessary knowledge and skills for entry into and advancement in postsecondary education and careers in their chosen POS. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. innovative HSPOS teaching and learning strategies. What professional development activities have been conducted that focus on innovative and creative instructional approaches? Do academic and HS faculty collaborate? Do the teaching and learning strategies focus on the integration of academic and CTE content? Do the effective teaching strategies employ contextualized work-based, project-based, and problem-based learning approaches? Do the teaching and learning strategies incorporate team-building, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills (i.e., activities organized by the career and technical student organization (CTSO)? What industry certification assessments are offered? What state approved TSA are offered? How are TSA used by the state, local site and classroom teacher? How are the assessments of technical skill chosen and validated? Do the technical skill assessments incorporate performance-based assessment items, to Do the TSA incorporate performance-based assessment items, to the greatest extent possible, where students must demonstrate the application of their knowledge and skills? Are postsecondary partners consulted in the selection of secondary technical skill assessments 3 8/05/15