Midlands Energy Group Travel Grant Conference Summary International Power Electronics and Motion Control – ECCE ASIA Harbin, China 2nd, June – 5th, June, 2012 Yu Duan University of Nottingham Background The International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC) were initiated by China Electrotechnical Society in 1994. It has been held every three years. This conference was growing steadily and developed into one of the major international conference in the field of power electronics and motion control. The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2012) was held during June 2-5, 2012 in Harbin, China. It was sponsored by China Electrotechnical Society (CES), IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and National Science Foundation of China (NSFC). IPEMC2012 is hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology, China. A summary of the conference’s focus and aims: IPEMC conference provides a forum for researchers, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present and discuss the latest technology advancement and achievement as well as further trends and needs in power electronics and motion control. Conference scope covers all aspects of the theory, design and applications in these areas. Key outcomes of the event This well organized international conference provides an excellent environment for the conference participates. The conference program covered keynote speech, industrial exhibitions, workshops, tutorials, oral presentation, and poster presentation in the field of power electronics and drives. Many famous local and international VIPs all attended in this event. During the conference, many advanced issues, topics, ideas, suggestions were discussed especially the feedback from the experienced academics and industrial people. The level and nature of industrial/non-academic involvement: There were many exhibition stands during conference and the exhibition was last for three days. The exhibition attendees were: Siemens, Fuji motor, PLECS, Macmic, Mitsubishi motor, Gree electric, Huasheng Yuantong, Eagtop, Step, JZE. I have talk to some of representatives for their products and they passed their business cards to me so that we can have a long term contact between OEMs and university of Nottingham. Your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the conference: The strengths include: the large scale industrial involvement, the keynote speakers, characters involved, networking flexibility, topics covered. The only weakness from my point of view is that the photographers disturbed the presentation sessions and tutorials using the flash lights. Specific benefits obtained from attending the conference: Overall about 900 participates have attended the IPEMC conference. There were 600 academic papers have been published in this international conference. I was lucky to meet and talk to some of well known people during the conference such as Prof. Robert Lorenz, Prof. Ralph Kennel, Prof. Sul Seung-Ki, Prof. Boroyevich Dushan, Prof. Yongdong Li, and Prof. Thomas Lipo. I really enjoyed chatting with them and I have obtained many useful suggestions on my PhD research projects. I believe my project will make more progress and my project can step forward when they gave me their point of view on my project. I also talked to some industrial people about the principle between the concepts to the products. I have learned the long term process will be carried out and the safety concern is really important in industrial manufactory. . The conference provided a fantastic technical environment for young researchers and also opportunities for the contact between university academics and OEMs. The next conference of IPEMC will be held next year in Japan and this is a really good recommendation for PhD students and researchers who are going to publish their papers in the power electronics and motion control fields. We expect “power electronics are leading a low carbon life. “