Information - Member Care Europe

Information & Overview
Advanced Counseling Training Series—Module 1
Faculty: Raul (Paul) Rodriguez, MD.
Practicing physician since 1981.
Board-certified in psychiatry and neurology, as well as addictions treatment.
Member of the resource faculty for the College of Counseling and Health Care
of the University of the Nations, and involvement in missions and missions
training, since 1986.
 Over thirty years of experience training students and professionals in the fields
of medicine and counseling/psychology.
 Over twenty years of experience with the evaluation and treatment of the full
spectrum of mood disorders, psychosis, anxiety disorders, severe personality
disorders, addictive disorders, including victims of trauma and victims of the
sex-trafficking industry, as well as the psychiatric issues specific to both male
and female prison populations.
 Over twenty years of experience in the development, application, and
refinement of a foundational, biblically based and Christ-centered integrative
model of counseling/therapy.
 Staffed the first Medical Discipleship Training School (Jan-March 2012), at the
University of the Nations, Kona campus, Hawaii, under the Leadership of Dr.
Bruce Thompson.
 Active member of MEC-Net (Member Care East Coast Network) Core Team—a
multi-specialty team dedicated to providing guidance, training, resources and
treatment options to those who are actively serving in the mission field.
 Professional resource for the two-week marriage and family intensive
restoration programs offered at the Christian Training Center International,
Franklin, NC
Seminar Contents: The teaching will focus on the establishment of a
foundation of truth and guiding principles that are indispensable to effective
Christ-centered counseling/therapy and include the following:
Understanding and applying the fundamentals of personal and spiritual
resilience: This foundation is crucial for us to develop personal hope and courage, as
well as for us to become instrumental in engendering hope and courage in others.
These are core virtues that are founded agape love, and are essential for resilience, as
well as for the conviction to stand firm against any and all resistance.
Taking a closer look, through the lens of the New Testament, and understanding
the essence of the human spirit, how we are created to function, the fullness of the
miracle of spirit regeneration (the new birth), and of our true liberty in Christ.
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
Understanding mind, emotions, personality, the self-system, and the true self,
through the integration of the current knowledge in the fields of psychology and
neuroscience with the foundational truths of the scriptures.
Understanding the real nature our core internal conflict (as illustrated by the apostle
Paul in the seventh chapter of Romans and the fifth chapter of Galatians).
Recognizing and exposing the variations on the internal deception responsible for
the theft of our identity and the internalized distortions of the parent image of God.
Understanding the process of transformation, the fruit of brokenness, and the
power of forgiveness for the liberation of the human spirit.
Maximizing the transforming power of our relational tool:
Mastering the essential of interpersonal dynamics.
Tapping into the power and authority of our inherent Christ-likeness and agape love
in our work with each person.
Understanding and effectively countering the interpersonal projections and reenactments of wounding experiences and experiences of conditional acceptance.
Mastering the motivational dimension.
Efficiently harnessing the major human motivational forces.
Developing effective motivational leverage against all resistance.
Anticipating, recognizing and countering resistance effectively.
Developing the discernment and ability to enter the internal battle (conflict) of each
person for whom we intervene.
Exposing and challenging the enslaving (self-defeating) life-goals in each person’s
Obtaining clear and unequivocal commitment to freedom.
Effectively guiding the person into the discovery and appropriation of a life that is
in line with God’s good and perfect will for each individual.
The afternoon skills training and refinement sessions will focus on the
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
Developing the essential tools for constructive self-analysis and peer supervision
Becoming living mirrors: refining the delivery and quality of our reflections.
Enriching of our questions tool bag and refining our use of questions.
Mastering the skill of reflection-question coupling to enhance the power of probing,
challenging, and our advanced interventions.
Developing the understanding tools and skills necessary to effectively and efficiently
navigate the MAP of the Human Motivational Terrain (refer to “Mastering the
motivational dimension” above).
In addition, the Appendix to the training manual for this module contains the
following set of tools:
Key Questions to Sharpen our Listening
Writing a Transcript
Guidelines for Post-Session Feedback
Personal Application Questions
Variations on the Original Lie
Common Cognitive Distortions
Patterns that Maintain the Victim Role
Process Note Guidelines (Level I)
The Process of Forgiveness for Those Who Have Been Wounded
The Process of Forgiveness for Those Who Have Wounded Others
Suicide Intervention
Grounding the Person in the Here-and-Now
Map of the Motivational Terrain
Guidelines for the Interventional Assessment of the Addicted
Stages of Readiness for Change
o Key Elements of an Assessment Timeline
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
“Dr. Paul Rodriguez has been teaching in our College of Counseling and Health care
schools in the University of the Nations over a number of years now. He comes to us
with a wealth of experience and a love for God as well as for equipping His people. His
years involved as a psychiatrist has richly equipped him for handling life’s most
difficult and devastating situations. God used his training and experience to develop an
integrated, biblically based, Christ-centered model for healing and freedom. I commend
him and his wife Cathy to serve us…”
Dr. Bruce Thompson
International Dean Emeritus, College of Counseling and Health Care,
University of the Nations
“Dr. Paul Rodriguez brings more than excellent therapeutic models to the world of
missions and member care… he has an anointing and authority in biblically centered
therapeutic practice… he is naturally cross-cultural in his material and teaching style…
his wife Cathy and he make a warm, approachable team who minister with passion to
the whole person.
“I attended Paul’s 2013 intensive, 7-day training for our Member Care East Coast
Network (MEC-Net) Core Team, and the equipping I received has served to catapult me
further in my skills. The insights from Paul's vast history in the medical and
psychiatric world enriched the practical tools he gave us. We practiced with videorecorded sessions, group feedback and processing, coaching, and much discussion. The
time flew by, and I know I grew through this process.“
Sarah Lanier,
Author, Foreign to Familiar, a Guide to Understanding Hot and Cold Climate Cultures
YWAM International Member Care Leadership Team
Open letter to the Debriefing Community:
“Some of you have expressed an interest in further training in skills that will enable you
to implement your debriefing tools more effectively and efficiently. And some of you are
also counseling or serving in some other capacity in member care.
“We, the Le Rucher Ministries staff, highly recommend the Advanced Counseling
Training Series (ACTS) seminars, offered by Dr. Paul Rodriguez.
“After attending the ACTS [Module 1] seminar, I found I was finally able to do
reflective listening in a way that was effective. The coaching, teaching, and hands-on
skill practice have proven to be excellent keys to ministering to the ministers. And the
concepts of identity and resilience are crucial to the field worker’s spiritual walk.
“Psychologists, counselors, and even regional leaders, have given testimony to the
kinds of breakthroughs they have had by using these principles and tools.
“In His service with you,”
Sarah Lanier,
Author and International Speaker
Le Rucher Ministries Debriefing Instructor and Senior Staff
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
“My personal experience, as well as that of many in my staff, is that Dr. Rodriguez’s
model helps us to stay focused, on track and overcome resistance—especially with the
“challenging” cases. His teaching methods have greatly impacted our training program
for the good. As we are adopting his emphasis on skills training, my students have
immediately noticed the difference and are grateful… His training manual presents the
model in a thorough, clear and comprehensive way. His model contains some of the best
approaches to overcoming client resistance that I’ve ever seen.
“I look forward to continuing to integrate Dr. Rodriguez’s teaching and skill
throughout our program.”
James Eubanks
Director, Pastoral Counseling Ministry and Training
First Baptist Church Woodstock, GA
“Dr. Paul Rodriguez's Advanced Counseling Skills training was a much needed learning
experience for me. I've been counseling for over 30 years and it had been quite a while
since I had experienced the depth of training that Dr. Rodriguez provided. I walked
away with new as well as refreshed skills.
“Having been a psychiatric nurse in NYC for many years, meeting Dr. Rodriguez
was a joy. He is humble—not a word I usually associate with "psychiatrist". His love
for Jesus is central to who he is, and this love and humility continues to be evident in
how he approaches counseling.
“If you are motivated to refine your skills, as well as have God's perspective in
how to help people, this seminar is for you.”
Pat Caven
Resource Faculty and International Speaker for YWAM’s University of the Nations
Pastoral Counselor, specializing in sexual addictions, sexual abuse, and homosexuality
“I am a clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience and recently attended Dr.
Paul Rodriquez’s presentation on motivation and mapping in the practice of
counseling. I gained a great deal from the experience and have already used these tools
with difficult cases that I have been working with for years and found them to be very
helpful in moving toward a breakthrough.
“I highly recommend this training to anyone interested in improving their skills in
helping others through difficult times.”
--Harold G. Rhoades Ph.D.
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
“The 2012 advanced training seminar at Chatel gave me the practical tools to become
more effective in my counseling work. It also helped me to know myself and understand
the battle inside me more clearly. I know that these will be indispensable truths and
tools for my work in helping others to heal and be free.”
Annette Courvoisier
Associate Dean for Africa
College of Counseling and Health Care
University of the Nations
“I have been involved with Christian counseling, teaching and helping people all around
the world, for over 30 years. In May 2012 I had the privilege to attended Dr. Paul
Rodriguez Advance Counseling Training Series (A.C.T.S.). And what a gift that was!
“The seminar gave me the necessary tools to establish healthier boundaries that
protect my health and the health of my dear family. With the skills I learned, I am now
able to more accurately identify the needs and problems of those I counsel, and to lead
them to a place where they want to experience personal change… Dr. Rodriguez showed
us what the Spirit of God, the use of Godly discernment, and a good set of tool and
skills can do to transform people’s lives.
“Thank you Doc, for the powerful Godly input you brought into my life and
David de Carvalho
Senior Pastor of Mokuaikaua Church, Hawaii;
Member of the International Leadership Team,
College of Counseling and Health Care,
University of the Nations.
“It was such a blessing for me to complete the Advanced Counseling Training Series
seminars at Chatel, Switzerland, conducted by Dr. Paul Rodriguez. His whole-person
approach, based on the Bible and yet full of professional skills, equipped me for my
ministry in coaching, training, and counseling people. During these seminars, we had
hands-on, supervised training on the skills taught and modeled by Dr. Rodriguez. The
opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge we received enhanced our whole learning
experience… My hope is that so many more can get enriched in order to bring more of
God’s truth and light into people’s lives.”
Susi Schär
Burtigny, Switzerland
“After working for over 12 years with Youth With A Mission, in discipleship, in
counseling, and as a leader, I am so thankful that I finally have learned with way of
having effective, intentional communication with others. It was also very important
for me to receive teaching that has been an eye-opener about who I really am, and who
or what I am not (about my true identity)”
Hilde Aarskog
Base Co-leader
YWAM Norway
“The Advanced Counseling Training Series seminar has far exceeded my hopes and
expectations. I have been involved in Pastoral Counseling for almost 25 years and feel
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
that the information I learned not only in my head but my heart will not only bless me
but also bless the many others that I continue to minister to. Thanks you so much to
both you and Cathy! Your lives and ministry has blessed us with ACTS.”
Terry Bloemsma
Pastoral Care & Coaching
Barnabas International
“So many people are hungry for the truth but the enemy is ready to try to steal it away
at every turn. I am in a constant battle to stay confident but it is difficult, constantly
having to fight the lies he tries to tell me…
“Once again, thank you for the invaluable teaching... May you be blessed for sharing
it so generously!”
Liz Angel, Psychologist
Sydney, Australia
"It was such an honor to be able to come to your (ACTS) course. So important for
people in the business of caring for people!
“I learned so much and felt so encouraged and challenged and nurtured through the
entire process... particularly the skills training in reflection as a foundation for
everything, the motivational MAP, knowing how help people move forward in freedom
in Christ... I have learned skills that have equipped me not only to better listen to those
I care for, but also to help them root out lies that they have believed about who they are
and who God is…
“Thank you for making so much new information seem palatable and doable--not an
easy task. It was a joy to get to know both of you as well. Thank you for sharing from
your vast knowledge, as well as your prayers..."
Laurel Schone
Global Talent • People Care Specialist
Operation Mobilization USA
“Attending the 2012 advanced training seminar opened my eyes to new ways of
approaching a person, especially how to help each person to discover Gods truth for
himself or herself. I was also provided with more tools for my toolbox, and I came
away reassured of how big God's unconditional love for all of us is!
“These are tools that we can use professionally, in ministry, and in every day to day
Wies Pater
Member Care Team
YWAM South Africa
"I am honest when I say, this has been by far the BEST two weeks of teaching that we
have experienced in any school we have done in the past 17 years, and we have done a
lot of schools! There is no doubt in my mind that God was glorified in the process...
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
Your perseverance in teaching us these things has born real fruit in the hearts and lives
of our students.
“Both Debbie and I have used and continue to use our ACTS training in our
counseling. The reason why is because it works! And we have seen the results in real
time. Absolutely amazing!”
“…I speak for both Debbie and myself in that this ministry (ACTS) has changed our
lives and the life of our ministry significantly. Again, thank you both for what you
have given to us. It is a great gift”
Len & Debbie Fischer
Family Ministries, Youth With A Mission Taiwan
"We are now in Senegal. For the last 2 days, I was debriefing a woman that is leaving
Senegal for good and that has lots of issues in her marriage, and again the MAP tool
has been so useful. Lots of reflection and, at the end, she got two beautiful pictures
about herself and so much hope for what's coming next and for her marriage. God is so
"Prior Senegal, we were in Togo for leadership meetings and there too we were able to
speak about the LIE in our lives… Again, it was such a revelation to these leaders!
"You know our lives have been so impacted by this teaching that we just cannot help
taking it and applying it all the time. I just love it!
"We cannot be thankful enough for ACTS and for you two!”
Jean Patrick & Ruth Perrin
Youth With A Mission, West Africa
"Thank you for all the time and effort in sharing your insights, your talents and your
love these past two weeks... I am taking away a head full of learning, a heart that has
received more healing, and new skills to share with missionaries whom I love serving."
Irene Lange
One Another Ministries
“I'm so thankful for your teaching (in the ACTS seminars) and what the Lord showed
me in Chatel, and I am amazed at how different I see my life, life around me and the life
God is offering me. I can honestly say that something has shifted … and there is
definitely a newness in our relationship. Thank you God!
“Thank you for helping me to refocus on what is really important in this season and not
get caught up in what may happen next...
“I'm so thankful for your teaching (in the ACTS seminars) and what the Lord showed
me… I am amazed at how different I see my life—life around me and the life that God is
offering me…
Ruth Thompson
Ipswich, England
“I want to thank you for all the investment that you put into me. Realizing the power if
this model and your teaching makes me pray harder for you. It's not surprising that the
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview
enemy doesn't stop attacking you. But by watching you continuing to move forward,
inspires me so much. Makes me want to study so much more… I'm learning so much
even more about the power of full forgiveness.
“I pray that God would keep you safe and protected in next seminar that you guys
are doing. Thank you for serving the kingdom in many ways.”
YiRang (Iris) Yim
Youth With A Mission, Denver, CO
"Thank you both so very much for all you have done, and are doing, to hone this ‘model’
and give it away to others.
“I'm so grateful for the opportunity to come to ACTS, meet you both and spend time
together, and to learn from you and glean from your experiences and skills. It seems to
me that you have such a heart to help the Body of Christ mature, be healed, and serve...
"Besides the impact within the Body, the opportunity to present the incomparable
and unfathomable love of God… through these tools, is amazing. I genuinely appreciate
your obedience to pour yourselves into sharing it with us, and the many others you've
“Personally, it was such an encouraging time, even amidst my personal ‘stretching’
experience. Giving people a chance to learn in the process of making mistakes produces
a healthy growth opportunity for which I thank God."
Donna Petrel
Pioneering member care in the local church,
Former missionary to Israel, Jordan and Iraq
ACTS: Module 1 Seminar Overview