2014-15 CELT Scholarship of Learning & Teaching Grants Request for Proposals The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is offering faculty and staff awards of up to $1,000 in Professional Development Funds to support: dissemination of pedagogical research at a major academic or professional conference and/or attendance of a learning & teaching-centered conference or workshop (for professional development). Funds awarded in spring of 2015 will be disbursed to departments by the end of April and must be used or encumbered by the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2015. Proposals are due electronically to CELT by Monday December 1, 2014 at 6 PM and are available at www.csuchico.edu/CELT. Who may apply? All faculty, both temporary (part-time or full-time) and tenure-track, and staff may apply. What sort of funding is available? Professional Development Funds to defray costs related to attendance of a learning & teaching-centered conference or workshop (for professional development) and/or dissemination of pedagogical research at a major academic or professional conference. The spending of these funds is limited to items listed in the CSU, Chico PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDS PROCEDURES form. What types of proposals are funded? This call is for proposals that will further knowledge and best practices around learning and teaching. These small grants can be used to defray the costs of professional development in the area of learning & teaching, or presenting results of research related to pedagogy or best practices in learning & teaching at a professional/academic conference. NOTE: Proposals may include travel to conferences that already are in progress or have been completed any time this fiscal year (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015). Successful proposals articulate the expected improvement of student learning with reference to current/cutting edge pedagogical thought—whether via reference to scholarly pedagogical literature or by framing within proven successful programs/initiatives, such as the AAC&U LEAP High-Impact Practices, Universal Design for Learning, the CSU Chancellor’s Office Scholarly Teaching ideals, the CSU Chico Rubric for Online Instruction, or the Catalyst Quality Online Learning and Teaching program. One free source for ideas is the CSU Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) Newsletter. Please seek and document appropriate financial contributions from the department and/or the college. IMPORTANT: The appropriate department, college, and university processes for travel must be followed in initiating this CELT proposal—it is for this reason that we require a copy of the travel request form to be submitted along with the application. How does one apply? Your electronic version must be submitted by Monday December 1, 2014 at 6 pm directly to CELT@csuchico.edu. The application form must be completed as indicated, and the proposal should total no more than three additional pages, including the budget portion. Endorsement letters from the department chair and college dean are required, and it is essential that they indicate the importance of this research in your particular field. The proposal needs to include the following in this order: 1. Cover page application-please include principal requestor and title on this page. 2. Rationale and Objectives of professional development opportunity or of conference presentation: a. History and significance of problem or need (may include lit review) b. Brief explanation of how project addresses problem, followed by specific objectives of project; c. Overview of immediate and long-term impact of the project (may include impact on campus, profession, and/or community, but special emphasis should be on student learning) d. Description of how project is unique, innovative, or particularly suited to CSU Chico e. Rationale and evidence that the methodology/project plan is pedagogically sound and will be effective in improving student learning 3. Timeline of plan: Outline intended steps to implement and timeline of entire project, including evaluation and reporting. 4. Evaluation & Reporting: Explain how success of the professional development opportunity or conference presentation will be evaluated and reported to CELT and campus community. 5. Provide budget with breakdown of specific costs. 6. Copy of submitted/approved Travel Request Form. 7. Letters of endorsement from department chair and dean (these items not included in 3 page limit) Be sure to proofread your proposal for basic writing mechanics, comprehensibility and style. See the Rubric for additional information on what is expected in acceptable and/or target grant proposals. Who evaluates the proposals, and what criteria are used? A subcommittee of the CELT Advisory Board, comprising faculty, staff, and students, use the criteria found in the Rubric for CELT Learning Enhancement Grants to make a recommendation to the CELT Director and Provost, who make the final decision. When are announcements made? On or before Friday, January 30, 2015 What type of reporting is required? A brief final written report is required within 30 days of completion or by June 30, 2015 (whichever comes first). Outcomes of the travel, especially an assessment of the instructional/learning impact, and final budget allocations should be included. Funded proposals and final reports from those proposals will be made publically accessible via the CELT website. Also, you will be expected to produce a poster about your results for CELT use—the purpose being to further disseminate either your pedagogical research, or some main take-away from the conference you attended. You will not be permitted to apply for a future CELT grant if your final written report is not submitted, or you do not participate in the poster session. How will I know CELT has received my proposal? If you do not receive an email receipt from CELT (usually by email) within 10 working days after delivery to CELT, please contact CELT Director Kate McCarthy kmccarthy@csuchico.edu 2013 CELT Learning & Teaching Scholarship Grants Proposal I. Principal requestor, contact person, and project title Name _______________________________________________ Date ___________________ Title: Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Staff Department __________________________________________ Zip _____________________ Phone (Office) ___________________________ (Home or cell) _________________________ Signature of Applicant ___________________________________________________________ Names of co-requestors __________________________________________________________ (Provide above information for co-requestor(s) on a separate page.) Title__________________________________________________________________________ (Provide brief title to indicate the nature of the project.) II. Rationale and Objectives: (See instruction sheet) III. Timeline of Plan (See instruction sheet) IV. Evaluation and Reporting (See instruction sheet) V. Budget Breakdown for use of Professional Development Funds Total estimated cost of project or travel: Specify funds requested/committed from other sources: Total amount of funding requested from CELT: $________________ $________________ from ________________ $________________ Check below what the funds will be used for and provide specific breakdown of costs in the proposal: ☐ Travel Air fare $_____________ Mileage $_____________ Conference registration $_____________ Accommodations $_____________ Meals $_____________ Incidentals $_____________ Materials & support for poster session ($50) $_____50________ TOTAL $_____________ Note: It is CELT policy that all requested reimbursements be accompanied by receipts: meals, incidentals, etc. VI. VII. Travel Request Form (a scanned photocopy is sufficient) Endorsements (Attach letters of endorsement) CELT Scholarship of Learning and Grant Proposals – Rubric for Evaluation Unacceptable (score: 0) Acceptable (score: 1-3) Rationale and objectives (weighted 35%) Rationale and/or objectives are unclear. Does not address all elements from instruction sheet. Insufficient research cited. Rationale and objectives are clear. Addresses all elements from instruction sheet. Objectives based on student outcomes. Timeline and plan (weighted 20%) Plan is not clear, or implementation is vague. Vague, incomplete, or unreasonable sequence; no timeline. Plan is identified and implementation is outlined. Adequate sequence and timeline. No instruments or methods specified. Final report not included in plan, and/or no indication of accountability for final report. Instruments and/or methods are identified to assess enhancement of student learning. Project report & poster session are built into evaluation plan, as is a statement of who is accountable for submitting final report. No budget or incomplete budget. Budget provides specific breakdown of costs. College or Departmental commitment (weighted 5%) No letters of endorsements or only one letter. Endorsements from Chair and Dean included. Strong endorsements from Chair and Dean included. Mechanics within document including spelling, grammar, formatting, etc. (weighted 5%) Grammar and/or spelling mistakes; typos; inconsistency in visual presentation; poor organization of information; unclear. Only few minor grammar or spelling mistakes; follows proposal guidelines; comprehensible language. Practically no grammar or spelling mistakes; follows proposal guidelines; easy to read and comprehend; well written. Criteria Evaluation of success/Methods and final report to CELT (weighted 20%) Budget (weighted 15%) Target (score: 4-5) Rationale is significant and convincing. Addresses all elements from instruction sheet. Current research cited. Objectives specifically linked to enhancement of student learning. Detailed and reasonable plan identified, Implementation clearly presented and directly aligned with evaluation. Well-delineated and appropriate sequence and timeline Well thought-out plan of evaluation is articulated clearly, including instruments and/or methods to assess enhancement of student learning. Report & poster session built into evaluation plan and timeline. Statement of who is accountable for submitting final report. Provides specific breakdown of costs. Costs are clearly aligned to rationale and objectives. Effective use of money. Note. In constructing your narrative be aware that reviewers from many disciplines are reading your submission. While technical accuracy and specificity are important, it is also important that your proposal be understandable by those not in your specific discipline.