Features of Plate Tectonics

Science 10
Features of Plate Tectonics
1. What is the crust? Earth’s outermost layer.
2. What is the crust made of? Solid brittle rock
3. The Earth is made up of 4 distinct layers. What are they? The crust, the mantle, the outer core & the inner core
4. What is important about the asthenosphere? It contains radioactive elements that heat up the mantle & causes
convection currents.
5. What is a rift valley? If spreading occurs on land it creates a rift valley.
6. What is ridge push? As new material at a ridge or rift pushes older material aside the techtonic plate moves
away from the ridge
7. What is subduction? The action of one plate pushing below another plate.
8. What is slab pull? As the edge of a tectonic plate subducts it pulls the rest of the plate with it.
9. Fill in the blanks on the diagram below:
1. mid-ocean ridge
2. ridge push
3. Astenosphere
6. rift valley
7. crust
8. volcano
5. slab pull
10. What does the way in which two plate boundaries interact depend on? The type of plate & direction of plate
11. What do you call two plates spreading apart? Diverging plates
12. List two places on Earth where plates are spreading apart. Mid-Atlantic ridge, African rift valley
13. What are the tree kinds of converging plates? Continental-oceanic, oceanic-oceanic & continental-continental
14. List a place on Earth that is an example of each type of converging plate.
Oceanic-oceanic: japan, Indonesia, Philippines
Oceanic-continental: coast of BC
Continental-continental: Himalayas (India-asia)
15. What happens at a transform boundary? Tectonic plates slide past eachother in opposite directions.
16. List a place on Earth that is a transform boundary. San Andreas fault near San Fransisco
Science 10
17. Describe the type of plate boundary you are most likely near if
a. You are near the coast and you can see a composite volcano from your window
b. You are standing on a low lying plain and curtain like fountains of lava erupt
c. You are standing on a small island volcano and you can see across the see many
more volcanic islands in a line
d. You are diving deep in the ocean and can see violent lava eruptions
e. You are in Hawaii and standing on Kilauea which is a shield volcano
___hot spot____
f. You are standing beside a road that seems to have shifted slightly there are no
volcanoes or mountains in view
18. Where in the Earth’s crust can earthquakes occur? ?????The Earth’s crust?????
19. Where do 95% of earthquakes occur? At plate boundaries
20. What are the three types of plate boundaries found in and around BC? Divergent, convergent & transform
21. What happened on January 26, 1700? A great Earthquake
22. What is the focus of an earthquake? The location inside the Earth where the earthquake starts.
23. What is the epicenter of an earthquake? The point of the surface directly above the focus
24. What is seismology? The study of earthquakes & seismic waves
25. Complete the table below by filling information about the three different kinds of seismic waves.
Seismic Wave
Abbreviation Description
Ground Motion
First to arrive
Travels through solids, liquids & gases
Same direction as the
Type of body wave
Second to arrive
Travels through solids but not liquids
Roll along the surface
Travels slowly]
Causes the most damage
Perpendicular to
direction of travel.
Body wave
Body wave
Surface wave
Rolling motion
26. What is the movement of body waves through Earth’s interior affected by? The composition & depth of
dirrerent layers
27. What is a seismometer? A device that measures ground motion
28. What do different seismometers measure? Horizontal & vertical motion
29. What is a seismogram? A record of ground motion
30. What is meant by the term magnitude? A number that rates the strength of an earthquake
31. What is the difference between a magnitude 5 and 6 earthquake? A 6 is 10 greater than a 5
32. What size do earthquakes have to be to be felt? Over magnitude 2
33. What size do earthquakes have to be to damage buildings? Over magnitude 6
Science 10
34. Complete the table below for volcanoes:
Type of Volcano
Cone shaped
Found near
Subduction Zones
Mount garibaldi
Large and flat
Hot spots
Mount kiluea
Occur when magma erupts
through long cracks in the
Divergent boundary
Mid atlantic ridge
Shield volcano
Rift eruptions