
Sudarshan Mohan
Intro. To Research Experience; Dr. Schmalbeck
NCSSM Online, Fall 2010
Exploring the Relationship between Algae and Hurricanes: A Literature Review
One of the most fascinating characteristics of the earth is the interconnectivity between
nature, organisms, and other phenomenon. In this paper, we will lay the foundation for exploring
a unique connection between algae and hurricanes. Specifically, we will be answering the
question, “how does the spewing of significant amounts of dust into the atmosphere above the
Pacific Ocean east of Australia contribute to algae, and thereby, hurricane formation?” In order
to gather adequate information and resources, and to lay a foundation for this research, we will
be examining some specific properties of hurricanes, including the criteria needed for the
formation of such storms, in addition to exploring some specific nutrient requirements of algae.
Hurricanes generally form over bodies of water. The optimal hurricane conditions entail
low surface pressures and high moisture in the air above waters.1 Hurricanes also often form
within or around pre-existing thunderstorm clusters, which help catalyze the formation tropical
storms.1 We will now discuss the basic structure of hurricanes.
Tropical hurricanes are far better organized than regular tropical storms. Cyclones have a
“circular wind pattern with winds revolving around a center or eye.” 2 This eye, despite is
location at the center of the storm, is a relatively calm place, characterized by little to no winds
and precipitation. 2 Immediately outside the eye of the storm, one would find the strongest winds,
and as one moves further and further away from the eye, both the precipitation levels and wind
Sudarshan Mohan
Intro. To Research Experience; Dr. Schmalbeck
NCSSM Online, Fall 2010
speeds will tend to decrease. Another important factor to know is the fact that a vertical air
movement accompanies the rotary movement of hurricanes.2 We find that the air is forced
upward from the ocean surface along the wall clouds surrounding the eye of the hurricane.2 The
diameter of hurricanes tends to vary from less than 300 km wide to over 3000 km wide,
depending on the conditions of the environment during the formation and life of the storm. 2
Let us next examine the significance of high and low pressure systems as related to
hurricanes. Many of us would have noticed the red capital letter H and the blue capital letter L on
local TV weather reports. We see that these high and low pressure areas are especially prevalent
in certain areas of the globe. Differences in the weight of the atmosphere and the mechanics of
heating the atmosphere over the land and ocean surfaces alike that exist in the tropical regions
explain the existence of high and low pressure regions in these areas.1 it is important to note that
air tends to move towards the center of a low pressure region, and away from high pressure
regions. These atmospheric forces provide one of the factors that contribute to the unique
rotation of hurricanes.
Now that we know more about the nature, structure, and unique properties of hurricanes,
we can zone in on the information that we specifically need to correlate hurricane formation with
the abundance of algae. We must realize that in order to evaluate this topic, we have to know the
specific properties that catalyze and strengthen hurricanes. Roger A. Pielke Sr. and Roger A.
Peilke Jr.1 do a precise job of explaining the Criteria for development and intensification of a
tropical cyclone. I have isolated some of the criteria relevant for our purpose below:
1. The presence of a pre-existing low surface temperature
2. A warm, moist tropical atmosphere that is conducive for thunderstorm development
Sudarshan Mohan
Intro. To Research Experience; Dr. Schmalbeck
NCSSM Online, Fall 2010
3. Ocean surface temperatures greater than approx. 79o F, so that sufficient moisture and
heat can be supplied into the low pressure area in order to sustain hurricane development
4. Distance sufficiently removed from the equator so that air will tend to spiral inward at
low levels toward lower pressure and out ward at upper levels awa from high pressure
Algae are primitive, chlorophyll-containing, eukaryotic organisms that maily live in
aquatic environments. Algae lack true roots and stems and thus, they rely on other means to get
the nutrients that they need to survive. Algae absorb light, CO2, and water in order to carry out
photosynthesis and release the products of oxygen and carbon compounds.3 It is important to
know that the photosynthetic cost of transpiration does not occur in Algae because of the fact
that these organisms live in water.
Algae needs many nutrients in order to grow. Some macronutrients that algae need are
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.3
These nutrients are absolutely vital for the viability of algae. However, there are some key
microelements also that can stimulate algal growth in certain areas. Philip Sze writes, “[Algae
require] some microelements in lower quantities, such as iron.” 3 Some researchers who viewed
algae as a possible way of reducing atmospheric CO2 levels looked towards iron as a solution to
spur algal growth. A mass scale experiment called “Ironex” was conducted, in which ships
distributed 450 kg of iron within a 642 km region of the equatorial pacific ocean. The results
proved successful, as it was demonstrated that “Growth of phytoplankton could indeed be
increased by iron fertilization, as chlorophyll levels rose by a factor of two or three and
Sudarshan Mohan
Intro. To Research Experience; Dr. Schmalbeck
NCSSM Online, Fall 2010
phytoplankton biomass increased by four times.” 4 Scientists predict that the oceans of the past
may have been more iron rich than today’s oxygen rich waters. So, a possible explanation for
algae’s particularly strong response to the presence of iron may be due to the fact that algal
populations became “dependent on the iron as a cofactor for many enzymes.” 4
When zoning in on algal growth in coastal waters, we can see many emerging trends.
Recently, algae growth in these areas has increased worldwide. One of the primary causes for
this growth is the process of eutrophication.3 Although most of this eutrophication is due to the
run off of fertilizers from terrestrial farming areas, studies have shown that some algae can
indeed capture the iron they need from iron-rich dust settling down on the ocean from the
atmosphere. Another region where algae growth is significantly denser is in areas where coastal
upwelling is prevalent. Upwelling occurs as a result of movement of “surface water awa from
shore in response to prevailing offshore winds and the earth’s rotation [Coriolis effect].” 3 The
Coriolis effect also plays a significant role in the formation and rotation of hurricanes, and thus,
this connection may have to be explored later on in our research.
Now that we have a good background of the nature of both algae and hurricanes, we can
look towards the next step in our research. We can proceed by acquiring more information about
our area in particular (East coast of Australia) in addition to gathering data about iron
concentration in Australian soils. Then, our next step would be to simulate these iron and
environmental conditions in an artificial environment and measure the algal growth response.
Sudarshan Mohan
Intro. To Research Experience; Dr. Schmalbeck
NCSSM Online, Fall 2010
After this step, we will turn to scientific journals and articles in order to gather enough
research and information in order to make a connection between increase algal growth and
increase probabilities of hurricane formation in the corresponding areas.
1. Pielke Sr., Pielke Jr., Roger A. Hurricanes and their Nature and Impacts on Society. New
York: John Wiley and Sons, 1997. Print.
2. Chapman, David. Natural Hazards. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Print.
3. Sze, Phillip. A Biology of the Algae. New York: McgGraw-Hill Companies Inc., 1998.
4. Wilcox, Graham Linda E. Algae. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 2000. Print.