2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 1.4.g.1 School Partner Survey Summary
In general, school partners (Preservice Instructive Mentors or PIMs and Administrators) look
forward to having our BSED R2T candidates in their classrooms. PIMs and Administrators are
surveyed about candidate ability to develop relationships with parents and students, collaborate,
and understand the diversity of the classroom. PIMs and Administrators are asked about the
candidate’s ability to plan for, teach and assess students’ various needs and to manage a
classroom and the resources or time available. Finally, PIMs and Administrators are asked about
a candidate’s ability to reflect and make changes as indicated by data or student reactions.
Data since 2012 has indicated that our BSED R2T candidates do very well in most areas for
beginning teachers with most (90% or more) PIMs and Administrators agreeing with positive
statements about the topics listed above. The areas that data showed caused the most issues were,
(a) assessment of students and using the assessment to plan further instruction, (b) considering
students’ strengths or culture when planning lessons, (c) classroom management, and (d)
organizing and managing time and space. Similarly, edTPA data has shown students had trouble
(a) assessing students and using that data to plan further lessons and (b) considering student’s
cultural assets when planning instruction.
Data in other exhibits points out that our BSED R2T candidates improved in the areas of
assessment of children, using the assessments to plan instruction and being cognizant of their
cultural strengths. The Student Assessment and Instructional Decision-Making course (ICL
3333) has helped as well as an increased awareness of the issues noted above.
Administrator and PIM perceptual data from the 2012-2015 surveys bears this out. The
percentages note how many respondents agree with the statement “The R2T teacher candidate
placed in your classroom for their 2014-2015 Residency demonstrates or possesses the entry level ability
Consider students' strengths
and needs when planning
Organize and manage time,
space, and resources.
2014-15 n= 58 PIMs
Manage classroom behavior
through established
techniques and procedures.
2013-14 n= 87 PIMs
2013-23 n= 64 PIMs &
Adjust instruction based on
assessment findings.
Design assessment plans for
80.00% 100.00% 120.00%
2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 1.4.g.1 School Partner Survey Summary
Sample Criterion Statements
Design assessment plans for lessons.
Adjust instruction based on assessment findings.
Manage classroom behavior through established
techniques and procedures.
Organize and manage time, space, and resources.
Consider students' strengths and needs when
planning lessons.
n= 64 PIMs
& Admin.
82.8 %
Not Asked
82.8 %
n= 87 PIMs
n= 58 PIMs
90.5 %
92.9 %
88.1 %
94.7 %
94.7 %
87.7 %
87.5 %
85.9 %
92.9 %
94.0 %
96.5 %
93.0 %
Sample statements from PIMs
Design assessment plans for lessons.
2012-13 “I don't feel the candidates have the knowledge of how much preparation goes into
creating evaluation lessons. They appear to think they can create their lessons during the
school day and don't appear as prepared as they should before the evaluation lesson begins.”
2013-14 “I believe my students have benefited academically and socially because of my TC.
She has developed engaging lessons and been caring towards my students. My data in IStation, and other report testing have been higher this year than previous years. I believe the
extra help and different teaching perspectives have strengthened my students' achievement.”
Adjust instruction based on assessment findings.
2014-15 “My assigned TC was quite helpful with making adjustments to instruction based on
assessment and data results. Together we were able to target and provide instruction to
students who were in need of remediation and enrichment.”
Manage classroom behavior through established techniques and procedures.
2012-13 “Classroom management issues [are challenging for R2T candidates]. Expectations of
candidates that all classrooms should be the way they envisioned [are challenging for R2T
2013-14 “Classroom management issues [are challenging for R2T candidates]. Expectations of
candidates that all classrooms should be the way they envisioned [are challenging for R2T
2014-15 “My teacher candidate has had a great impact on my students overall demeanor this
year. … “
Organize and manage time, space, and resources.
2012-13 “Classroom management is as much a challenge for my student teacher as it was for
me when I first began teaching. Modeling appropriate responses during college classes and
being exposed to a variety of management styles early in their teaching classes would help
prepare them better for the official classroom debut.”
2013-14 “It basically put two teachers in the classroom. I was able to supervise behavior
2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 1.4.g.1 School Partner Survey Summary
while she was teaching and vice versa. Another benefit having a teacher candidate was the
one on one opportunities to clear up any misconceptions that students were having. [sic]”
Consider students' strengths and needs when planning lessons.
2013-14 “The R2T candidates have assisted teachers to develop personalized learning plans to
meet the needs of small groups of students.”
2014-15 “The students will be successful in the academic arena because the lessons taught
were authentic and engaging. Lessons were differentiated which made all learners eager to
learn and to complete assignments through writing, drawing and speaking. Expectations were
set high for all students. These students have been set up and set apart to be the best.”
Additional PIM or Administrator comments are below. Similar comments were found in all three
years noted.
“Teacher candidates are being well-prepared for teacher evaluations in the future. My teacher
candidate had an excellent rapport with my students! She showed lots of initiative and worked
extremely hard to help my student master skills/concepts.”
“Teacher candidates are better prepared for the classroom than ever before. The University of
Memphis has done a very good job of bridging the gap between student teaching and the
“I believe the teacher candidate will have a positive effect on the students. Her presence
allowed us to incorporate multiple styles of teaching and work more with small groups or
“I think my student's learning experience has been enriched by having an R2T candidate in the
classroom. I think we were able to effectively teach and challenge students while she was
teaching in the classroom.”
“My R2T candidate has already shown that her performance greatly impacted students'
academic performance. Our ThinkLink scores showed great improvement throughout the
school year. I believe it was in part to our partnership and being able to cover more skills
“It was like having two certified teachers in the classroom. We were able to implement many
of the co-teaching strategies learned together through the university's professional
development. We were able to work with more students’ one on one or in small groups more
“The addition of another teacher in the classroom has been invaluable. Having the R2T
candidates has allowed our teachers more individualized time with students at all ability levels.
I fully expect to see great results as a result of having these teacher candidates from the
University of Memphis. They have been vital in moving our students forward this school