The Perils of Indifference : Analysis Presentation

The Perils of Indifference : Analysis Presentation
Create a Power Point/ Prezi/ Poster or Essay that analyzes Wiesel’s use of
argument and evidence and the impact those word choices have on the tone,
meaning and author’s purpose.
1. Create a title (slide) that identifies the title of the speech, the author and
(Analysis by) your name
2. Identify the meaning of Indifference
3. Identify the author (Wiesel’s) purpose in writing the speech.
4. Identify an Ethos Argument from the speech – quoted from the text and
explain how the argument is an ethical argument.
5. Is the argument sound? Is their evidence to support the argument?
6. How does the ethical argument impact the author’s tone?
7. How does the ethical argument impact the meaning of the speech?
8. How does the ethical argument contribute to the author’s purpose?
9. Identify a Pathos Argument from the speech – quoted from the text and
explain how the argument is an emotional argument.
10.Is the argument sound? Is their evidence to support the argument?
11.How does the emotional argument impact the author’s tone?
12.How does the emotional argument impact the meaning of the speech?
13.How does the emotional argument contribute to the author’s purpose?
14.Identify a Logos Argument from the speech – quoted from the text and
explain how the argument is a logical argument.
15.Is the argument sound? Is their evidence to support the argument?
16.How does the logical argument impact the author’s tone?
17.How does the logical argument impact the meaning of the speech?
18.How does the logical argument contribute to the author’s purpose?
19. Conclusion (slide) summarize whether you believe that Wiesel
accomplished his purpose in the speech. Which argument most