FA8621-12-C-6266 Expanded Text Clauses ASC/YWKH103 Change Proposals FA8621-12-C-6266 Expanded Text Clauses June 2010 References in full or modified text Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) and Contract Change Proposals (CCPs) may be requested by the Government from the contractor. The contractor shall submit a proposal, in Microsoft Word and/or Excel, to the Government within 45 days, or within the time specified by the contracting officer, following receipt of the Government's change proposal request. For a change proposal to be acceptable to the Government, it must be received within the time specified and meet the quality standards, as applicable, specified in this Special Contract Requirement (SCR). If a change proposal fails to meet either the submission time deadline or fails to meet any applicable quality standard, the proposal will be returned to the contractor for correction and revision, and the Government will disallow all proposal preparation costs. Furthermore, the Government reserves the additional right to stop any progress payments issued under this contract until such time the contractor submits a change proposal which meets the Government's requirements as specified herein. For a change proposal to be acceptable to the Government, it shall meet the following quality standards: 1. A completed first page of the proposal or a summary format as specified by the Contracting Officer in the solicitation (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 2. Index, appropriately referenced, of all cost or pricing data and information accompanying it or identified in the proposal provided. (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 3. If an exemption from the submission of certified cost or pricing data is claimed for any part of the proposal, it shall be supported and documented based on FAR 15.403-1. 4. A summary of total cost by element cross-referenced to supporting cost or pricing data. (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 5. If more than one contract line item number (CLIN) and /or sub contract line item number (Sub-CLIN) are proposed, the cost or pricing data shall be provided by CLIN/SubCLIN as required per FAR 15.408, Table 15-2. 6. If more than one CLIN is proposed, a summary of total amounts encompassing all line items for each cost element and cross-referenced to each proposed line item shall be presented. 7. CLIN/Sub-CLIN prices shall be submitted by cost element by year. The contractor shall identify by Calendar Year (CY) or Fiscal Year (FY) or both, as required. 8. A cost element breakdown using the applicable format prescribed in FAR 15.408, Table 15-2 shall be provided for each proposed line item. It shall reflect any specific requirements established by the contracting officer (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 9. Cost elements shall be provided by year for the total cost summary. They shall be identified by Calendar Year (CY) or Fiscal Year (FY) or both, as required. 10. The contactor shall segregate recurring and non-recurring costs. 11. If an incentive contract type, the contactor shall provide rationale and description of the proposed incentive arrangement. 12. The contactor shall include a consolidated priced Bill of Materials (BOM) and the basis for pricing (i.e., vendor quotes, purchase orders, history, competition, subcontract analysis) (FAR 15.408, Table 152). For all items proposed, the contractor shall identify the item and show the source, quantity, and price. This consolidated BOM shall be sorted by supplier by category (e.g. raw material, purchased parts, subcontracts) with the capability to sort by descending order by extended dollar value of part numbers. 13. If none of the exceptions to submission of cost and pricing data under the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA) apply, the contractor shall submit the subcontractor's certified cost or pricing data per FAR 15.408, Table 15-2. Provide a copy of cost or pricing data for each subcontract in accordance with the requirements of FAR 15.404-3 and applicable FAR supplements (i.e. DFARS, AFFARS, AFMCFARS). 14. The contactor shall provide the basis for establishing the source and reasonableness of price for each subcontract or purchase order priced on a noncompetitive basis which exceeds the current threshold 06-08-15 Page 1 of 4 established at FAR 15.408. This includes Price Analysis and Cost Analyses for subcontractors over the TINA threshold of $650,000 (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). If the analyses are not included, the contactor shall provide a matrix showing item description, subcontractor, proposal receipt date, fact finding completion date, Cost/Price Analysis completion date, negotiation completion date and date for contract award. 15. The contactor shall provide cost analysis of the proposed inter-organizational transfers and a breakdown of the proposed costs by element when the proposed transfers are based on cost (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 16. The contactor shall provide an explanation of the pricing method used for proposed inter-organizational transfers when the proposed transfers are based on other than cost (FAR 15.408, able 15-2). 17. The contactor shall provide data showing degree of competition and the basis for establishing the source and reasonableness of price. This shall apply for each subcontract or purchase order priced on a competitive basis exceeding the threshold established at FAR 15.408 (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 18. If applicable, the contractor shall determine whether a particular subcontract item meets the definition of a commercial item. (DFAR 244.402) If it does, the contactor shall provide a Commercial Item Determination to address the particulars of how this determination was made. 19. The contactor shall provide a Price Analysis for each subcontracted item which meets the definition of a commercial item. Identify what information is being used to determine price reasonableness, such as sales data or information other than cost or pricing data. 20. The contactor shall provide the Basis of Estimates (BOEs) included for all cost elements with detailed rationale to support the estimates. The contractor shall provide a clear traceable rationale for the BOE. 21. For labor BOEs, the contactor shall include labor categories, task descriptions, Performance Work Statement (PWS) references, applicable CLIN, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), rationale, applicable history, and time-phasing. 22. The contactor shall include a list of other direct costs and the basis for pricing (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). If travel is discretely estimated include the purpose, the number of trips, people, days, locations, and rates. 23. The contactor shall identify actual hours, costs incurred, and hours/cost to complete and the timing associated with these hours/costs. This information shall be in the same format and traceable to the applicable cost elements of the proposal. 24. The contactor shall provide all rates and factors by year utilized in the development of the proposal and forming the basis of those rates and factors. If agreement has been reached with Government representatives on use of forward pricing rates/factors, identify the agreement, the contactor shall include a copy and describe its nature (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 25. If the proposal is for a modification or change order, the contactor shall provide debits and credits in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table 15-2. 26. For deleted work, the contactor shall provide the current estimates of what the cost would have been to complete the deleted work not yet performed (not the original proposal estimates), and the cost of deleted work already performed. The cost of all deleted work performed shall be separately identified. 27. For added work, the contactor shall provide the current estimate of the cost of work added by the change. When nonrecurring costs are significant, or when specifically requested by the contracting officer, the contractor shall provide a full identification and explanation of the nonrecurring costs. When any of the costs have already been incurred, these shall be described on an attached supporting schedule. 28. If facilities capital cost of money is proposed, the contactor shall provide the supporting rationale. 29. The contactor shall provide the location and point of contact for any cost or pricing data which is identified, but not included, in the proposal. 30. The contactor shall disclose the judgmental factors applied and the mathematical or other methods used in the estimate, including those used in projecting from known data (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 31. The contactor shall disclose any known activity that could materially impact the costs such as existing excess material, changes in production methods, "make" versus "buy" decisions, company reorganizations, FA8621-12-C-6266 Expanded Text Clauses 06-08-15 Page 2 of 4 new business, or new technology. 32. The contactor shall disclose the nature and amount of any contingencies included in the proposed price (FAR 15.408, Table 15-2). 33. The contactor shall follow the format in FAR 15.408, Table 15-2 Paragraph III.C for price revisions/redeterminations. 34. The contactor shall provide the information identified in FAR 15.408, Table 15-2 Paragraph II.E if Royalties exceed $1,500 and Economic Price Adjustments (EPA) are being requested. 35. The contactor shall include anticipated indices and rationale for their use. 36. If Performance-Based Payments are being requested, the contactor shall include a monthly cost expenditure profile, proposed events and their projected dates, proposed values for each event, completion criteria, and identification of which events are severable or cumulative. 37. In accordance with DFARS 252.215-7003 Excessive Pass-through Charges- Identification of Subcontract Effort, the contactor shall provide the following information: A. Identify in the proposal the total cost of the work to be performed by the offer or and the total cost of the work to be performed by each subcontractor. B. If the contractor intends to subcontract more than 70% of the total cost of work to be performed, the contactor shall (i) specify the amount of the contractor's indirect costs and profit applicable to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s) and (ii)describe the added value provided by the contractor as related to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s). C. If any subcontractor intends to subcontract more than 70% of the total cost of work to be performed, the contactor shall identify (i) the amount of the subcontractor's indirect costs and profit applicable to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s) and (ii) a description of the added value provided by the subcontractor as related to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s). (a) The Contractor may be required to travel within the contiguous United States and overseas. The Contractor may be required to travel by Government-provided transportation. Travel requirements will be reimbursed by separate voucher and must be approved in advance by the Contracting Officer. Travel requirements will be identified, proposed, and negotiated in individual task orders on a cost reimbursement basis. Billable travel costs are air fare, ground transportation, and per diem costs, not labor hours. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any passports or visas and making travel arrangements to and from any CONUS location. (1) Per diem, air fare, and all other allowable travel costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation. All travel within overseas areas shall be approved in advance by the Contracting Officer. (2) The Government may provide travel to and from overseas work sites via Air Mobility Command (AMC) flights, if available. AMC travel fees may be Contractor-paid and invoiced to the Government. The Government will be responsible for obtaining travel clearances and issuance of any required special orders. (b) Use of AMC transportation shall be approved in advance by the Contracting Officer or designee. Orders authorizing AMC travel will specify the Contractor's Customer Identification Code (CIC). If the Contractor does not have CIC number, the orders will state "special account handling: billing for AMC transportation will be forwarded to __ ." Use of AMC transportation is subject to availability. (c) The travel CLIN is intended to pay for travel occurring at the direction of the Government, performed in conjunction with a specific trip authorized in a task order. Travel by clerical support personnel shall be approved in advance by the Contracting Officer. H047 Travel FA8621-12-C-6266 Expanded Text Clauses Feb 2003 06-08-15 Page 3 of 4 (a) Contractor personnel and their subcontractors must identify themselves as Contractors or subcontractors during meetings, telephone conversations, in electronic messages, or correspondence related to this contract. (b) Contractor-occupied facilities (on AFMC or other Government installations) such as offices, separate rooms, or cubicles must be clearly identified with Contractor supplied signs, name plates or other identification, showing that these are work areas for Contractor or subcontractor personnel. H063 H083 Contractor Identification Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Test Program) FA8621-12-C-6266 Expanded Text Clauses Feb 2003 In accordance with DFARS 252.219-7004, Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan, the Contractor's Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan dated 25 FEB 2011 and its successors is herein incorporated by reference. Feb 2003 06-08-15 Page 4 of 4