Literature mucoderm

Literature mucoderm®
Komplexe, dreidimensionale Hart- und Weichgewebsrekonstruktion des Oberkiefers mit allogenen
Knochenblöcken und xenogener Kollagenmatrix
Ingmar Schau, Dr. Mathias Plöger. DENT IMPLANTOL 16, 2, 100-109 (2012)
Für die Rekonstruktion dreidimensionaler Kieferkammdefekte vor einer Implantation bedient sich die
Implantologie zumeist autogener Knochenblocktransplantate aus Beckenkamm, Symphyse oder Ramus
ascendens der Mandibula. Dies bedeutet für den Patienten einen zusätzlichen OP-Situs mit zusätzlicher
körperlicher Belastung und zusätzlichen Risiken. Auch für die Rekonstruktion weichgeweblicher
Strukturen ist nach herkömmlichem Protokoll eine Gewebeentnahme am Körper des Patienten, zumeist
aus der Gaumenregion, notwendig.
Evaluation of a novel 3D collagen matrix (mucoderm®) to cover periodontal recessions
Pabst A., Willershausen B., Callaway A., Ziebart T., Walter C., Kasaj A.; Universitätsmedizin Mainz; Poster
NAGP 2012
Today, autologous connective tissue transplants are considered as the “gold standard“ for the treatment
of periodontal recessions, although harvesting is often painful for the patient. 3D collagen matrices offer
a feasible alternative for the harvesting of autologous transplants. The clinical case presented shows first
clinical results with the 3D collagen matrix (mucoderm®, Botiss Dental, Berlin). In addition, the viability of
gingival fibroblasts (GF) and endothelial cells (HUVEC), both playing an important role in wound healing
and vascularization, was analyzed using an in vitro viability assay.
The influence of mucosal tissue thickening on crestal bone stability around bone level implants.
A.Puisys, T.Linkevicius, N.Maslova, E.Vindasiute, Vilnius University, Institute of Odontology Vilnius,
Lithuania. Poster EAO Athens 2012
Mucosal tissue thickness has been shown as an important factor in etiology of early crestal bone loss
around dental implants. Few animal studies have shown that if we have thin tissues during implant
placement, crestal bone loss may occur during the formation of the biologic width. Recently, prospective
controlled clinical study reported that if tissue thickness at the crest was 2 mm or less, all implants,
irrespective to their position to the bone level, developed crestal bone loss within 1-year of follow-up.
On the contrary, in thick tissue pattern, supracrestally placed implants had significantly less bone loss,
compared to crestally positioned implants. Mucosal tissue thickness becomes very important also in
short implant placement. In regions with very limited bone height, when only 6 mm or less implant could
be installed, even the smallest inch of the bone support is important for the survival and stability of the
implant. Sometimes limited bone height is accompanied by thin tissue biotype, thus the risk to loose
crestal bone around short implants is very high.
N. Maslova, A. Puisys, T. Linkevicius, E. Vindasiute ; Vilnius Implantology Center, Vilnius University,
Institute of Odontology, Lithuania. Poster EAO Athens 2012
It is very important to keep favorable anatomical situation in the esthetic zone after tooth extraction.
Many studies confirm loss of a buccal bone wall after tooth being extracted, especially in the clinical
cases with thin soft tissue biotype , bone destruction due to periodontal pathology or as a result of
fractured tooth root. Therefore the need of two surgical procedures occurs: implantation with bone and
soft tissue augmentation and healing abutments placement after 6 months.