urban sociology - The University of Texas at Austin

Reading List on Urban Sociology
General Urban Theories
Flanagan, William G. 1993. Contemporary Urban Sociology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Sassen, Saskia. 2000. “New Frontiers Facing Urban Sociology at the Millennium”. British Journal of
Sociology, Vol. No. 51, Issue No. 1 (January/March 2000), pp. 143–159.
Demographic Dimension of Urbanization
Preston, Samuel H. 1979. “Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A Demographic Reappraisal”.
Population and Development Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 195-215.
Cerrutti, Marcela and Rodolfo Bertoncello. 2003. “Urbanization and Internal Migration Patterns in Latin
America”. Paper prepared for Conference on African Migration in Comparative Perspective,
Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-7 June, 2003.
Guest, Philip. 2003. “Bridging the Gap: Internal Migration in Asia”, paper prepared for Conference on
African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-7 June, 2003.
Massey, Douglas. 2003. “Patterns and Processes of International Migration in the 21st Century”, paper
prepared for Conference on African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, South Africa,
4-7 June, 2003.
Montgomery, Mark R., Richard Stren, Barney Cohen and Holly E. Reed. 2003. Cities Transformed:
Demographic Change and Its Implications in the Developing World. The National Academies Press,
Washington DC.
Fan, C. Cindy. 2008. China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household. Routledge.
Roberts, Bryan. 2010. “Moving On and Moving Back: Rethinking Inequality and Migration in the Latin
American City”. Journal of Latin American Studies, Volume 42, Issue 03, August 2010, pp 587-614.
Political Economic Dimension of Urbanization
Portes, Alejandro. 1972. “Rationality in the Slum: An Essay on Interpretive Sociology”. Comparative
Studies on Society and History, Vol. 14, 1972(3), pp. 268-286.
Harvey, David. 1978. “The Urban Process under Capitalism: A Framework for Analysis”. International
Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 2, Issue 1-4, pages 101–131.
Sassen, Saskia. 1990. “Economic Restructuring and the American City”. Annual Review of Sociology,
1990, 16:465-90.
Sassen, Saskia. 1991. The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo. Princeton University Press, Princeton,
Walton, John. 1993. “Urban Sociology: The Contribution and Limits of Political Economy”. Annual
Review of Sociology, Vol. 19 (1993), pp. 301-320.
Roberts, Bryan R. 1995. The Making of Citizens: Cities of Peasants Revisited. Arnold, London, UK.
Logan, John R., Rachel Bridges Whaley and Kyle Crowder. 1997. “The Character and Consequences of
Growth Regimes: An Assessment of 20 Years of Research”. Urban Affairs Review, 1997(32): 603.
Florida, Richard. 2003. “Cities and the Creative Class”. City & Community, 2:1, 2003.
Harvey, David. 2003. “The Right to the City”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
Volume 27(4), December 2003, pp. 939-41.
Roberts, Bryan R. 2003. “Comparative Systems: An Overview”. Paper prepared for Conference on
African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-7 June, 2003.
Peck, Jamie. 2005. “Struggling with the Creative Class”. International Journal of Urban and Regional
Research, Volume 29(4), December 2005, pp.740–770.
Portes, Alejandro and Bryan R. Roberts. 2005. “The Free Market City: Latin American Urbanization in
the Years of the Neoliberal Experiment”. Studies in Comparative National Development, 40(1) 43-82.
Roberts, Bryan R. 2005. “Globalization and Latin American Cities”. International Journal of Urban and
Regional Research, Volume 29.1 March 2005 110–23.
Logan, John R. and Harvey Molotch. 2007. Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. University
of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA.
Roberts, Bryan R. 2011. “The Consolidation of the Latin American City and the Undermining of Social
Cohesion”. City & Community, 10:4, December 2011.
Neighborhood Effects and Residential Segregation
Wilson, William Julius. 1990. The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public
Policy. University of Chicago Press.
Massey, Douglas and Nancy Denton. 1993. American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the
Underclass. Harvard University Press.
Caldeira, Teresa P. R. 1996. “Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation”. Public Culture, 1996, 8:
Massey, Douglas. 1996. “The Age of Extremes: Concentrated Affluence and Poverty in the Twenty-First
Century”. Demography, Vol.33, No. 4, pp.395-412.
Ross, Catherine E., John Mirowsky and Shana Pribesh. 2001. “Powerlessness and the Amplification of
Threat: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Disorder, and Mistrust”. American Sociological Review, Vol. 66,
No. 4 (Aug., 2001), pp. 568-591.
Loïc Wacquant. 2001. “Deadly Symbiosis: When Ghetto and Prison Meet and Mesh”. Punishment and
Society, Vol 3(1): 95–134.
Quillian, Lincoln. 2002. “Why Is Black–White Residential Segregation So Persistent? Evidence on Three
Theories from Migration Data”. Social Science Research, 31, pp. 197–229.
Sampson, Robert J., Jeffrey D. Morenoff and Thomas Gannon-Rowley. 2002. “Assessing ‘Neighborhood
Effects’: Social Processes and New Directions in Research”. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 28 (2002),
pp. 443-478.
Francisco Sabatini. 2006. “The Social Spatial Segregation in the Cities of Latin America”. Working
Paper, No. 3418, Inter-American Development Bank, 2006.
Haynes, Bruce. 2008. “Symposium on the Ghetto: The Ghetto: Origins, History, Discourse”. City &
Community, 7(4), December 2008.
Iceland, John and Rima Wilkes. 2008. “Does Socioeconomic Status Matter? Race, Class, and Residential
Segregation”. Demography, Volume 45-Number 1, February 2008, pp. 79–94.
Roberts, Bryan R. and Robert H. Wilson. 2009. Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas.
Palgrave MacMillan, New York, NY.
Ward, Peter M. 2009. "Unpackaging Residential Segregation: The Importance of Scale and Informal
Market Processes." Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín, 70 (2009): 114-134.
Crowder, Kyle, Jeremy Pais and Scott J. South. 2012. “Neighborhood Diversity, Metropolitan
Constraints, and Household Migration”. American Sociological Review, 77(3), 325–353.
Dwyer, Rachel E. 2012. “Contained Dispersal: The Deconcentration of Poverty in US Metropolitan Areas
in the 1990s”. City & Community, 11:3, September 2012.
Quillian, Lincoln. 2012. “Segregation and Poverty Concentration: The Role of Three Segregations”.
American Sociological Review, 2012, 77: 354.
Sampson, Robert J. 2012. Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect.
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Slater, Tom. 2013. “Your Life Chances Affect Where You Live: A Critique of the ‘Cottage Industry’ of
Neighbourhood Effects Research”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 37, Issue
2, pp. 367–387.
Housing and Land
Engels, Frederick. 1887. The Housing Question.
Mangin, William. 1967. “Latin American Squatter Settlements: A Problem and a Solution”. Latin
American Research Review, Vol. 2, No. 3, (Summer, 1967), pp. 65-98.
Alan Gilbert and Peter M. Ward. 1985. Housing, the State and the Poor: Policy and Practice in Three
Latin American Cities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Eckstein, Susan. 1990. “Urbanization Revisited: Inner-City Slum of Hope and Squatter Settlement of
Despair”. World Development, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 165-181.
Jones, Gareth A. 2003. Urban Land Markets in Transition. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Vázquez Castillo, María Teresa. 2004. Land Privatization in Mexico: Urbanization, Formation of
Regions, and Globalization in Ejidos. Routledge, New York, NY.
Somerville, Peter and Nigel Sprigings. 2005. Housing and Social Policy: Contemporary Themes and
Critical Perspectives. Routledge.
Ward, Peter M. 2008. “Self Help Housing Ideas and Practice in the Americas”. Presentation Prepared for
the 2007-08 Colloquium at the SPURS Program, MIT.
Salcedo, Rodrigo. 2010. “The Last Slum: Moving from Illegal Settlements to Subsidized Home
Ownership in Chile”. Urban Affairs Review, 2010 (46): 90.
Monkkonen, Paavo. 2011. “Do Mexican Cities Sprawl? Housing-Finance Reform and Changing Patterns
of Urban Growth”. Urban Geography, 2011, 32, 3, pp. 406–423.
Hsing, You-tien. 2012. The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Kucheva, Yana Andreeva. 2013. “Subsidized Housing and the Concentration of Poverty, 1977–2008: A
Comparison of Eight U.S. Metropolitan Areas”. City & Community, 12(2), June 2013.
Pattillo, Mary. 2013. “Housing: Commodity versus Rights”. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 39, 2013,