Online Course Development Standards

Course Prefix & Title: _____________________________________________ CRN:____________________
Developer: ____________________________________________ Approved Stipend: ___________________
Mentor Assigned: _____________________ Mentor Provided D2L Training/Support: Yes __ ___ No ______
Online Course Development Standards
The Online Course Development Standards checklist was developed to help faculty and the college
improve the design and/or delivery of an online/hybrid course. This checklist will assist in the process
of insuring quality and consistency of online/hybrid instruction. Items marked with an asterisk * are
mandatory components for an online course and items marked with a double asterisk ** are
mandatory components which must be included in both hybrid and online courses.
Course Home
This section deals with the overall look and feel of the web course. Be mindful of font size and the use of
No. Standard
Yes No Training
**1. The Online/Hybrid course uses D2L as entry portal for course delivery.
Basic Instructor Profile is completed. Include Picture, college email, phone number, and
office location if applicable.
**3. News widget is used for welcoming students to course.
The colors and font sizes used in the course enhance readability. (Default font size is Times
**5. Copyright laws are not violated.
**6. Links in the News widget are working properly.
Navigational instructions are included in the News widget. Link to Course Syllabus is
provided in Welcome News Item.
9. Instructor knows how to use Role Switch feature.
10. The course utilizes appropriate tools and software.
Online Course Development Standards
Updated June-
Calendar Tool
Used for Key events for the course. It is the course calendar.
No. Standard
Yes No Training
**1. Start and End dates are assigned as applicable. Display in Calendar box is checked.
Be sure not to overwhelm the students with too many events. Keep it restricted to key course
events. (e.g. Quiz dates)
New Events (not entered at the tool level) are assigned to the correct course and are clearly
Content Tool
This section deals with the standards that should be followed while building the Content in your online course.
The content area is meant to be a place where students can go to see all the work expected of them. They
should be able to find information and lecture materials for each topic you will cover in the course. It can also
be used as a jumping off point to other tools in the course such as Discussion, Dropbox, and Quizzes.
No. Standard
Yes No Training
**1. All course links are working properly.
**2. Information is provided for course overview and expectations.
Information is provided to students on how to communicate with the online instructor,
including information on the process for these communications.
Netiquette expectations with regard to discussions and email communication are clearly
**5. Expectations regarding academic honesty, including plagiarism, are clearly stated.
**6. Organize into modules and topics. E.g. Module 1 - Getting Started/Syllabus
**7. Content modules and topics follow course syllabus.
--Navigational instructions make the organization of the course easy to understand.
Links are included to navigate to assignments in other tools – Dropbox, Discussions,
Quizzes, etc.
Content is interactive by including other multimedia and is not just text based. As appropriate
inclusion of videos, Softchalk, links to other webpages, etc.
Content includes supplemental activities for reinforcement of key topics. (e.g. Publisher
website, crossword puzzles, Softchalk, sample quizzes, etc.)
Sufficient learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to
students. (e.g. links to publisher resources, SSTC and Library, and Helpdesk)
Online Course Development Standards
Updated June-
Grades Tool
This tool records and manages your grade book.
No. Standard
Yes No Training
Instructors should use grade book. The grade book tool or an alternative online method is
utilized so that students may monitor their course progress
2. Completed Setup Wizard.
Organization follows syllabus grading/evaluation information. Setup categories and items to
organize your grade book in conjunction with the Syllabus.
Associations from Dropbox, Discussions, and Quizzes to the grade book are made where
5. Org Unit display options are setup. This determines what students see.
**6. Grading Scheme follows college and/or departmental policies.
Dropbox Tool
Instructors can use the Dropbox to receive digital file assignments from students. It allows the students to turn
in their digital assignments and retrieve graded files. Also, the student is allowed to view feedback from the
instructor and to see a list of submitted files in the folder(s).
Utilizing the Dropbox - If a course is entirely online, the Dropbox is the preferred method for students to
submit assignments and for instructors to grade and provide feedback.
No. Standard
Yes No Training
**1. Folders created to collect student assignments.
Categories are used to organize Dropbox folders and help students find and identify the
correct folder for their assignment.
**3. Dropbox organization matches Content modules and topics.
If the student needs additional files to complete the assignment ensure that the files are
attached and in a format that is accessible to the students.
**5. Clear instructions provided on completing and submitting the assignment.
**6. Dropbox is linked to grade book.
Online Course Development Standards
Updated June-
Discussions Tool
The Discussion Tool is used to facilitate interaction and communication between faculty and students.
No. Standard
Yes No Training
**1. Creation of a general questions Forum and Topic have been created.
Information is provided to students on how to communicate with the online instructor,
including information on the process for these communications.
The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction
including timely and frequent feedback.
The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student
4. interaction to foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that
Quizzes Tool
This is a comprehensive tool for creating and managing quizzes.
No. Standard
Yes No Training
**1. Use auto grade feature when you can.
**2. Quizzes are identified in syllabus.
**3. Method of quizzing - online/testing center or other are clearly stated.
**4. Timely feedback is given.
**5. Quizzes are associated with grade book.
**6. Quiz restrictions and submission views are considered.
**7. Quizzes correspond to Content tool.
**8. Quiz points match grade book points.
Awareness of various tools are available to deliver quizzes. (e.g. D2L, Respondus, publisher
test banks, etc.)
Online Course Development Standards
Updated June-
Faculty Developer Comments:
Department Chair/Dean Recommendations/Comments:
TEC Reviewer Recommendations/Comments:
Faculty Developer: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Department Chair/Dean: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________
TEC Reviewer: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________
TEC Director: ______________________________________________________
Online Course Development Standards
Date: _______________
Updated June-