Budget Justification Template Budget Justification – Year 1 University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. PERSONNEL COSTS Senior Personnel Dr. X (PI): The PI is requesting 1.5 months of summer salary for each year of the budget. The PI is responsible for the over scientific and teaching direction of the project and will supervise the overall administration of the grant. He will act as an expert advisor and provide technical assistance in all areas. Dr. Y, Co-PI, is requesting 2 summer months per year. She will lead development of instructional materials and video materials as well as the web-based and work sessions, develop and carry our research components of project, and work closely with the Principal Investigator. Dr. Z, Co-PI, is requesting 22.22% of her academic salary (2 academic months) and 33% of her summer salary (1 summer month). Dr. Y will direct and supervise all stages of the project design, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation. Other Personnel Professional Staff: We request 7.2 months (60%) support throughout the project for Dr. A, Scientific Computing Professional, who will design tests and carry out advanced data analyses of test and survey results. Research Associate: Dr. B, Research Associate Testing Coordinator, will oversee recruitment of High School teachers and coordinate the administration of student tests and surveys. Her effort is calculated at 75% for years 1-3 of the project. Graduate Student Research Assistant: Mr. X, Graduate Student Research Assistant, will write code for the teacher online survey and maintain the survey database. His effort is estimated at 75% throughout the project. He will support the work of the PI, including data collection and analysis for the research and evaluation components and the design and implementation of on-line educational modules and podcasts. Undergraduate Student: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant to be hired will work 15 hours per week during the academic year and 35 hours per week in the summer months logging, scanning, and compiling all test forms. The hourly rate will start at $12. Fringe Benefit Rates Fringe benefits are calculated as follows: 17% for Drs. X, Y, Z’s summer salary; 27% for Dr. Z’s academic salary; 42% for the scientific computing professional and the research associate testing coordinator; 5% of a 2/3-time graduate student health insurance; and 0% is requested for the undergraduate student worker. Equipment Spectrophotometer: The Spectrophotometer measures the amount of light that the sample absorbs by passing a beam of light through the sample and recording the intensity of light reaching the detector. This instrument will be used to analyze samples generated from exhaled breath condensate, in particular, ammonia and amylase levels. The Spectrophotometer will be allocated solely to this project. 1 unit @ $6,450 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph with Fluorescence (HPLC) and UV-NIR: The HPLC will be used to evaluate the level of various breath condensate components including glutathione, ethane and ethylene. In addition, when coupled with a mass spectrometer, it is capable of measuring overlapping volatile components also found in breath condensate. Use of the HPLC will be solely allocable to this project. 1 unit @ $44,345 Travel Domestic Travel We request $2,000 for year 1. $1,000 is allocated for Dr. X to travel twice to each of the 10 district offices in-state. This includes mileage reimbursement as well as lodging and meal expenses, where applicable (details below). $1,374 is budgeted in year 1 for Dr. Y to attend a grantee meeting, location to be determined. This includes $616 for airfare, $450 for lodging, $100 for meals, and $208 for ground transportation. Trip: Albany, GA Lodging: $0; Meals: $28; Mileage Reimbursement (miles & rate): 400 miles @ $0.19/mile = $76 Trip: Washington, DC Airfare: $315; Lodging: $250; Meals: $36; Airport Shuttle Atlanta, GA (round trip): $66 Trip: Orlando, FL Airfare: $301; Lodging: $200; Meals: $36; Airport Shuttle Atlanta, GA (round trip): $66 Total: $1,374 Foreign Travel We request $4225 support for Dr. X to travel to Chile to perform observations on the Observatory Telescope. Airfare is estimated at $1000. Per Diem is $215 (including lodging) a day for 15 days. Participant Support Costs Twelve High School teachers will be convened in Atlanta for three days each summer to be trained in overcoming science misconceptions. Each teacher will receive a $200 stipend. Travel is estimated at $300 per teacher. The Atlanta summer per diem is currently $250. Conference costs are estimated at $500 for handouts and other materials. Other Direct Costs Materials and Supplies: In Year 1, funds are requested for 4 laptop computers to be used by the PI, project manager, postdoc, and graduate student ($8,000). These computers are necessary for project personnel to collect data in the schools and other project sites, provide professional development during the summer sessions, and edit and analyze the video data; they will be used exclusively for the project. We will purchase 5 digital video cameras and 5 digital tape recorders as well as video supplies in Year 1 to be used in classroom data collection ($8,000). We will purchase a site license for XYC code, a state of the art video analysis software program for qualitative analysis, at $25,000. XYC code is a very powerful software tool used for coding and analyzing digital video and audio files, and the transcription tool is used to customize the coding framework. Fund of $5,000 is requested to cover portion of costs for sampling supplies, including purchase small instruments (under $1500) for water sampling and food sampling, as well as personal monitoring supplies. The following supplies are required to create a registration packet, program syllabus and training materials to be distributed to participants of the training program, “Hearing Conservation in Industry.” The estimated attendance is 150. A CD will be distributed to each attendee to be used during training sessions conducted in the computer lab. A writing pad and pencil will be provided to facilitate note taking. In addition, each attendee will receive a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the program. 2” Three-ring notebooks Index divider sets CD-R, 650 MB #2 Pencils Writing pads Certificate paper Name badges 150 notebooks x $2.36 ea = 150 sets x $1.89 ea = 150 CDs x $.92 = 13 boxes (12) x $.80 = 13 pkg (12) x $7.98 = 6 packet (25) x $4.42 = 3 boxes (50) x $19.32 = 354.00 283.50 138.00 10.40 103.74 26.52 57.96 $974.12 Funds of $4174 and $9060 are requested to cover costs for analysis of collected samples, including laboratory standards, chemicals, and regular supplies. Publication Costs: Funds are requested for reprints and page charges for publishing the results of the findings of the work conducted under this proposal ($1,000 per year). Tuition Costs: Tuition is budgeted for the GRA(s) at the out-of-state rate of $773.00 per credit hour for 6 credit hours per semester, 12 credit hours per academic year for a total amount of $9,276. In-state tuition is $407.50 per credit hour. Consultant Services: Funds are requested for the 9-member Advisory Board. We plan to communicate using cyber tools, but also plan to meet once per year in Years 1-3 in either Canada at the XYZ Institute or in Athens, Georgia. We plan to provide breakfast, lunch and beverages to advisors and project personnel during these all-day, two-day meetings ($800/year). The board members will receive honorariums in the amount of $2,000/year ($1,000/day). Funds are also budgeted to cover air and ground transportation, lodging, and meals for the 8 members that live outside the area ($900 each). Stipends for 10 Science Education Experts as Advisory Board members at a rate of $200 per day, meeting one day each year in years 1-3 of the project. Five experts will be local and will receive mileage and the $200 per day stipend. Five will be outside of the local area and will be reimbursed for their travel ($400 each), lodging and meals ($284 Atlanta per diem), as well as the $200/day stipend. Subawards: A subcontract to Cornell is included for Dr. X’ work in the amount of $10,364 for year 1. A separate budget page and scope of work is attached, describing ABC University’s contribution to this project. Indirect Cost Rates (F&A) The federal negotiated Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate for the University of Georgia is 37% for on-campus Public Service (see attached DHHS Agreement Letter Dated 12/23/2008).