Addendum to the CHS Academic Misconduct Policy found in your

Addendum to the CHS Academic Misconduct Policy found in your Code of Conduct:
Section H. Engage in any form of academic misconduct. Examples of academic misconduct include but are
not limited to:
1. Plagiarism.
4. Copying homework.
2. Cheating.
5. Forgery of any kind.
3. Altering a grade or another student’s record on
paper or in electronic form.
It is imperative that students understand the importance of assuming the responsibility of their own work
assigned by the teacher. The use of online translators for the purpose of completing projects, compositions,
or other activities assigned by the foreign language teacher is considered a violation of the Academic
Misconduct Policy and is strictly forbidden.
What is Internet translator abuse?
Some students are misusing online translation websites and they may not be aware that this goes against the
spirit of meaningful learning. Typing English text to obtain a translation to French or Spanish is not a
reflection of the student’s knowledge. Teachers DO recognize online translator abuse.
Typing English words, phrases, or entire sentences into Internet translation sites is not allowed on school
assignments for these reasons:
1. It is cheating. You are not showing what you’ve learned. By not using the vocabulary and structures
taught in your unit lessons, you are not practicing the material that is required.
2. Sometimes the translator’s word spelling and word order are wrong. They are not 100% reliable.
3. Often the translator gives words, expressions, and verb tenses that you have not yet learned. This
leads to language that you do not understand.
If there is suspected translator abuse:
First Offense – A warning will be issued and no credit will be given for that part of the assignment.
Second Offense: Teacher will notify parents and administrators for a violation of the Academic
Misconduct Policy and no credit will be given for that assignment.
Third Offense: Severe consequences to be determined by the teacher and administration. Parents will
be notified again.
Dictionary use policy:
If you are unsure of a word, use of online resources such as an online dictionary is permitted. Please see your
teacher for a list of acceptable websites for this intended purpose. The use of a paper dictionary is preferred
in most situations - they are always available in your foreign language classroom.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand that the use of Internet translation websites is against the Cortland Junior Senior
High School Academic Misconduct Policy. I understand that there are consequences if I am suspected of
having used an Internet translation website. I accept these terms and I will not use an online translation
website, nor will I use translation software in my work because I know that it compromises the integrity of
my education.
Student Signature
Parent Signature