2015 09 22 - Presentation GAFSP

Strategic Support for Food Security and Nutrition Project (SSFSNP)
National Nutrition Strategy
Project component
Intervention 15
Intervention 16
Intervention 17
Intervention 18
Expand and intensify
the production of
nutritionally rich plant
based foods
Production and promotion
of animal bases protein for
household consumption
Establishment of post-harvest
facilities and safe and nutrition
enhancing food processing and
food preservation
Promotion of income
generating activities
Improved family diets in
particular improved infant and
child feeding practices and
maternal nutrition,
Including provision, where necessary, of inputs and small-scale infrastructure
Project Goal: Contribute to reduced extreme poverty and malnutrition.
Development Objective: Improved and diversified agricultural production and mother and child nutrition enhance life prospects
Outcome 1. Strengthened public services:
Output 1. Build government staff
capacities, procedures and technical
packages to support community
implementation of selected NNSPA
establish a tiered Project planning, supervision, monitoring, knowledge management and learning system within MAF and MOH, supporting nutrition
investment convergence strategies in target districts (focus on WASH and MCH);
capacitate GoL service providers (DAEC, TSCs and NAFRI) to develop and deliver sustainable climate adapted and nutrition sensitive agriculture and
natural resource management technologies and training programmes and monitor their impact;
Support GoL led convergence planning and progress review with all GoL development partners in target districts (focus WASH, education and MCH).
Outcome 2. Community-driven agricultural nutrition interventions operating sustainablyOutput 2. Community driven food
security and nutrition investment
Output 3. Community-driven food
security and nutrition development
Lead Agency: Department of Agriculture Extension and Cooperatives (DAEC)
Lead Agencies: District Agriculture and Forestry Office (DAFO) and District Health Office (DHO)
Community planning service providers, in partnership with DAFO-DAEC, enable villagers to prepare forest and land use planning-based three-year
multi-sectoral investment plans to address national nutrition strategy agriculture and mother and child nutrition interventions with direct fund flow to
district/kum ban level (applying sam sang approach)
Capacitate and mobilize villagers to implement plans and monitor results.
Infrastructure for nutrition-sensitive agriculture production. Co-financed infrastructure investments essential to community food security and nutrition,
commodity value addition and market linkages, within a changing climate.
Women’s empowerment and improved nutrition through business investment. Village women undertake business investment that promote wider use
of crop and livestock products through processing, preparation, and storage or the provision of related agricultural technologies. Investments lead to
greater diversification of diets, more nutritious foods being readily available, and, potentially, greater time for childcare, and so improved family and
child nutrition.
Nutrition behaviour change communication program. Through a variety of channels, including farmer nutrition schools and videos, the BCC program
promotes nutrition-enhancing behaviours that link production and consumption and so maximize the impact of changes in production and post-harvest
activities resulting from this project, with special attention to women and under-fives. Topics for communications include, for example, maternal and
child care and feeding; and sanitation, hygiene, and food safety, with links to essential nutrition and essential health actions.
Supplementary feeding. Review need at Project mid-term, against project results, other projects experiences and funding
Outcome 3. Sustainable and inclusive market-driven partnerships established
Lead Agencies: DAEC (Technical) and DAFO (implementation)
Output 4. Productive farmer
organizations promoted
Output 5. Linking Farmers to markets
Identification of profitable agriculture and natural resource based
Gender-inclusive farmer groups/associations engaged in innovative,
sustainable, climate adapted, nutrient rich crop and livestock
production and natural resource extraction and post-harvest
storage, processing and marketing at village or kum ban level.
Strengthen contract farming legislation;
Competitively co-financed agri-businesses engaged in profitable
collaboration with smallholder farmers.