File - Dragon Castle

Logan James
English 101
Instructor Newport
March 16, 2009
Education Gaming in Classrooms
Have you wondered what classes would be like if each student in the class could build their own
empire? The Game Civilization 4 is a computer strategy game made in 2004. This game is a turn-based
single player game that relies on historical knowledge. Classrooms should use Civilization 4 for learning
because students learn to research and explore all areas of civilization, the game is fun and interactive
and the game nurtures collaboration in disciplines of trade and economics.
Students learn to research and explore all areas of civilization by experimenting with it. In the
game, the empire starts with a single settler and a scout. Your one town expands into a giant entire
empire through expansion. Civilization 4 also provides strategy using resources to dominate other
empires. Resources enable construction (knights need iron and horse in order to be produced), double
the speed of construction (pyramids are built two times faster with stone) or simply add healthiness or
happiness to all cities (for example wine, sugar and other delicates). Trustworthiness can be another
important topic.
The game can be very fun and interactive through political and historical knowledge. People in
classrooms can intertwine with war, trade or ally deals. Diplomacy allows civilizations to talk and
interact. It also allows trading resources and making deals, although, it can also make wars if people are
unhappy enough. The Diplomacy window helps understand each individual leader. As stated from the
Pro Gamers website, “The diplomacy window now not only displays the other leader's disposition
towards the player (from friendly to furious), but why they feel that way (e.g. "-2: You refused to stop
trading with our worst enemies!"). When a leader is sympathetic towards another civilization, they are
more likely to accept deals without unfair bargaining.” It all comes down to who you can trust. Trading
and economics can be very important in a game like this.
This game nurtures collaboration in disciplines of trade and economics through political power.
Empires expand mainly from culture and trust. People will stay happy if there is no war, while culture
can come from wonders (famous buildings) or religions. The economy will always depend on something,
but only if it truly needs it. Trading is also needed to continue its economic power. Cultures thrive hugely
with wonders being built from their cities. It also thrives from religion founded or expanded into the city.
It is also noted that if an imposing city has more culture; your city might revolt and join their empire.
This is also very similar to reality, for example, the Middle East and their ongoing war. They fight over
religion and land. This is why Civilization 4 is so important to know. It can relate to reality.
Classrooms should thrive from Civilization 4. It provides so much history. Another important
aspect is all the sociality and trading that would you learn through this game. Interactive fun in
classrooms can also be fun, not only for trading, but also to gain and make new friends. This is an
important game for anyone who wants to take any subject in school. In the end, Civilization 4 can mean
more that its box cover.