7 th Grade - Barrington 220

To: Parents – of each class section (After each module is completed)
From: Duke / Maguire
Re: Curriculum Questions from BMS Station Applied Technology
Hello. This is Mr. Duke and Mr. Maguire your child’s Applied Technology Teacher. This week your child finished their
module in class. The students are rotating to a new module and will begin to learn new information. In an effort to
connect our curriculum with home, we would like to give you some questions to engage your child in discussion at
home. When you have a moment, please ask your child what module they finished and enjoy discussing the questions
associated with the module. The Module names and questions are listed below:
Grade 7: Aerodynamics, Animation, Desktop Publishing, Meteorology and Forecasting
Grade 8: CAD-Computer Aided Design, Digital Photography, Digital Video Editing, Engineering & Stress Analysis
Aerodynamics (7th Grade)
What are the effects of the four aerodynamic forces?
Explain aerodynamic technology?
Describe the aerodynamic scientific principles that are used to develop or change aerodynamic technology?
Describe how technological achievements in aerodynamics have potential for future innovations?
Describe Bernoulli’s Principle and why it is important?
Animation (7th Grade)
How has the technology of animation changed the way we think?
What does the technology of animation allow us to create?
In what ways can animation change or improve the way that things are done?
How has animation changed us?
How has animation changed what we create?
Desktop Publishing (7th Grade)
What role does the design and creation process play in communication?
How can you use Microsoft Publisher to create an advertisement that clearly displays your information?
Who is John Guttenberg and what did he do for society?
How do fonts affect communication?
Meteorology and Forecasting (7th Grade)
How do the changes in weather affect all life?
In what ways can weather prediction change peoples’ lives?
Can we change the weather?
Can we control the
Can we predict the weather?
What kind of weather can we not predict?
CAD-Computer Aided Design (8th Grade)
What role does CAD play in society?
What role does CAD play in the creation of products, buildings, vehicles, appliances and industrial equipment?
How has CAD changed our lives?
How has technology changed the development of products?
How has Computer Aided Design changed the engineering marketplace?
How has product development evolved?
Digital Photography (8th Grade)
How does digital photography shape our lives?
What role does digital photography play in society?
In what ways does digital photography shape everyday life?
After having studied Digital photography how would you respond to the quote “The people in the picture
don’t change, in reality they do!”
Digital Video Editing (8th Grade)
How is mainstream media affected by digital video editing?
Why use digital video?
Why use digital video for presentations?
What are the advantages of using digital video?
What ways does digital video impact everyday life?
What role does preparation play when approaching a project?
How can different techniques be applied to create a different outcome?
Engineering & Stress Analysis (8th Grade)
What roles do forces and stress play on structures?
Why is it important to analyze structure stress and the stress on a structure?
Why is it important to analyze structural stress in engineering?
How do Engineers determine strength and endurance in a construction project?
What are important factors to consider in engineering a construction project?
How does using the Design Process and building a model help you understand the type of bridge that will hold
the most weight?