Learner Entitlement

Learner Entitlement Policy
Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai is committed to promoting and providing an excellent teaching and learning
environment through the delivery of a range of services supported to develop the full potential of our
The Learner Entitlement Policy underpins the delivery of College practices and procedures within the
Grŵp that serve to provide opportunities and services to enhance the learner experience. It is not the
intention of this Policy to create a binding legal obligation to individual learners.
Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai recognises the importance of providing impartial information, advice and
guidance and delivery of appropriate services to applicants and learners to help them make the right
choice and to fulfil their academic potential. The purpose of this Learner Entitlement Policy is to raise
awareness of a range of educational, welfare and financial support that is available to eligible students
studying at all college sites.
The Learner Entitlement Policy applies to all full time learners and their application to, enrolment,
successful completion and exit from their programme of study.
At all times, the College will:
 Provide equality of opportunity for all through the delivery of accessible services and fair and
non-discriminatory practice
 Promote an excellent teaching and learning environment
 Aim to deliver teaching and/or assessment in the learners preferred language of either Welsh
or English within the facilities and resources available to the Grŵp
 Take all reasonable steps to provide a safe, secure and healthy environment
 Promote Safeguarding as `Everyone’s Responsibility’ to protect our learners from the risk of
 Provide accurate and timely information
 Deliver a considerate customer care service in all that we do
 Continuously improve the quality of the learner experience
 Make reasonable adjustments to provide services and support to meet the additional learning
needs of an individual learner
 Actively promote `Learner Voice’ and always listen to and respond to concerns
2012-13 Version
Before the Learner arrives at College, we will:
 Promote all educational and training opportunities at every site and within the local
community of every College within the Grŵp
 Provide accurate, impartial and timely information to enable informed decision making
 Inform applicants of the opportunities for bilingual teaching and assessment
 Provide clear information on the entry requirements and assessment criteria of all
 Operate a fair and inclusive admissions procedure
 Be transparent regarding all fees and charges associated with all programmes of study where
 Promote the range and eligibility criteria of academic, financial and welfare support for
learners available at each College within the Grŵp
To support Learners whilst they are studying at College, we will
 Offer a curriculum that meets the needs of the learner
 Deliver a choice of relevant qualifications that enable clear progression onto employment or
further education and training opportunities
 Identify learners linguistic background, ability and preferences in order to provide appropriate
learning programmes to meet their needs
 Provide learning opportunities which develop Welsh language skills according to learners’
 Provide an induction programme relevant to the curriculum
 Tailor a personalised learning programme and progression pathway to meet learner need
 Embed the delivery of essential skills throughout the curriculum and provide further
opportunity to gain the required skills via group or one to one learning
 Provide opportunities for learners to improve their grades in GCSE English Language, Welsh
Language and Maths to enable them to progress onto the appropriate further or higher
education programme
 Provide opportunities for learners to widen their learning experience through the Welsh
Baccalaureate qualification
 Allocate a Personal Tutor to all full time learners
 Engage the Learner in the setting of academic targets and provide constructive feedback on
 Record and review the on-going academic and personal achievement of every learner
 Be clear and consistent in our approach to effectively managing learner attendance
 Inform all learners of and provide access to the College Code of Conduct and the Learner
Disciplinary Procedures
 Address barriers to learning through offering impartial advisory and information services
regarding College and external welfare, financial, childcare and transport services
 Provide access to confidential mentoring, pastoral and counselling services
2012-13 Version
 Promote extracurricular and enrichment activities
 Provide opportunity for learners to develop and enhance their employability and
entrepreneurial skills
 Actively promote citizenship and social justice amongst our learning community
 Promote opportunities for work related experience
 Accessible careers advice to prepare for the successful transition to higher education and / or
 Provide an up to date learning environment and aim to provide access to industry standard
facilities appropriate to the curriculum need
 Provide access to and guidance on the use of ICT, learning and research resources at every
College site
 Engage with and support an active Student Union
Upon successful completion of the learners programme of study, the College will aim to:
 Confirm and certify an individual learners academic history and achievements
 Celebrate learner achievement and success
 Actively engage College ambassadors from our alumni to promote the excellent learner
 Enable learners to continue to access careers services within the academic year they
completed their studies
2012-13 Version