Pupil Premium Statement 2014-2015

What is it?
The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to children from low-income and service families
who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals in both mainstream and nonmainstream settings; and children who have been looked after (e.g. in foster care)
continuously for more than six months. The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to help support
those students from low income families to ensure that they make progress at an equal rate
to their peers. Such funding can also be used to give access to extracurricular provision and
educational visits.
‘Ever 6’
Children who have received Free School Meals at any time over the last 6 years are also
eligible for Pupil Premium Funding.
Is my child entitled to Free School Meals?
For your child to be eligible, you must receive one of the following:
Income support or income-based Job Seekers Allowance
Child Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of less than £16, 190
Pension Guarantee Credit
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The relevant forms to apply for Free School Meals for your child (ren) can be found at:
How much Pupil Premium Funding will the school receive this academic year?
’It is for the schools to decide how the Pupil Premium allocated to schools per Free School
Meal *PP) pupil is spent, since they are in the best place to assess what additional provision
should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility’. (DfE website)
The school is expecting to receive £1300 per eligible child from April 2014 – April 2015.
Therefore the allocated Pupil Premium Funding is £102,700 which is based on 79 children.
Planned Spending for the 2014 / 2015 of the Pupil Premium Grant and the expected impact
is as follows:
Project / Activity
Pastoral Intervention to
 Pastoral Care
Manager –
support, family
attendance /
 Social groups
 Taxi costs
Learning Intervention to
 Tailored
Expected Impact
Raised self- esteem, promoting
confidence and increased
motivation Improved readiness
to learn
Improved levels in whole school
attendance and a decrease in
persistent absentees
To raise self - esteem in children
across all year groups and give
confidence to them to access
learning and raise attainment
Children will be more confident
in their abilities and make
accelerated progress
Identified children that are not
currently on track to achieve the
national expectations
Booster sessions to support
targeted learners
Close the gap between PP
children and non-identified PP
children and to raise attainment
and achievement across the
Address the low baseline on
entry data through additional
adult support
Small group teaching for EAL
pupils to ensure effective
induction into school and
accelerate acquisition of English
Identify barriers to learning to
enable correct support to be put
in and therefore raise
attainment and achievement
across the school
Actual impact (to
be advised at the
end of the
academic year)
Project / Activity
Enrichment / Engagement
to include:
 Funding for
 Funding for
educational visits
Resources to include:
 Specialist
resources to
support specific
learning needs
Staff Training to include:
 Whole school
training on
 Quality
assessment and
 Developing /
Expected Impact
Improved attendance, wellbeing and readiness to learn
Raised self- esteem, promoting
confidence and increased
motivation for learning
Close the gap between PP
children and non-identified PP
children and to raise attainment
and achievement across the
Extended whole school and
class trips and activities
available to all children to
include those eligible for Pupil
Premium that may otherwise
struggle to provide voluntary
financial support. Therefore
enabling pupils to access, enjoy
and benefit from full
involvement in class, curricular
projects where the trip / activity
has played an important part in
their learning.
Close the gap between PP
children and non-identified PP
children and to raise attainment
and achievement across the
Feedback and marking are of a
consistent high standard across
the school
Staff will be trained in a variety
of aspects so that they can
continue to provide good
quality first teaching to support
the learning of pupils
Actual impact (to
be advised at the
end of the
academic year)
Results from May 2014
Percentage of pupils attaining or surpassing Level 4 and Level 5 in 2013 - 2014 in Key Stage
2 for Mathematics, Reading, Writing (TA) and English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
The cohort was 56 children with 14 (25%) children on the Pupil Premium (PP) register. We
had no Children in Care 2013 – 2014. One of the children on the PP register was on the SEN
register at School Action Plus and one chid had a Statement of Educational Need who is now
at a special school for his secondary provision.
Mathematics, Reading and Writing (TA)
64.3% (9 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L4 or higher in Mathematics,
Reading (4B+) and Writing TA (4+).
78.6% (11 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L4 or higher in Mathematics,
Reading and Writing TA.
92.9% (13 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L4 or higher in Reading.
42.9% (6 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L5 in Reading.
The group of children achieving L4 is 7.1% lower than their non PP counterparts, and for
those attaining L5, they are 7.1% lower than their counterparts.
ACTION: Children will be set according to attainment in the coming year to ensure that the
more able children are stretch and challenged appropriately and booster groups will also be
Writing (TA).
85.7% (12 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L4 or higher in Writing (TA).
14.3% (2 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L5 in Writing (TA).
The group of children achieving L4 is 4.8% lower than their non PP counterparts. However,
for those attaining L5, they are 19% lower than their counterparts.
ACTION: Targeted children will be working in small groups to support their writing skills,
focusing on comprehension. The year group will be split into groups to enable all children to
be challenged appropriately. Booster groups will also be available.
English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
92.9% (13 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L4 or higher in English Grammar
Punctuation and Spelling.
28.6% (4 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L5 in English Grammar Punctuation
and Spelling.
The group of children achieving L4 is 9.6% higher than their non PP counterparts. However,
for those attaining L5, they are 28.5% lower than their counterparts.
ACTION: English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling training will be undertaken in the
coming year to ensure high quality first teaching to support the learning of all groups.
78.6% (11 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L4 or higher in Mathematics.
21.4% (3 chn) of children eligible for PP attained L5 in Mathematics.
The group of children achieving L4 is 16.6% lower than their non PP counterparts. However,
for those attaining L5, they are 11.9% lower than their counterparts.
ACTION: Targeted children will be working in small groups to support their maths skills. The
year group will be split into groups to enable all children to be challenged appropriately.
Booster groups will also be available. Maths continues to be a key focus this year and staff
will undertake training to ensure high quality first teaching to support the learning of all
Attendance figures for the most recent full academic year (2013 – 2014) show that
attendance by those children eligible for Pupil Premium is 94.49%.