Sophomore I: Writing
Some high schools in the United States have considered
creating separate classrooms for male and female students in subjects
such as mathematics and science. Some educators think separate classes
will be beneficial because students will be less distracted from
learning. Other educators think having separate classes for females
and males will not be beneficial because it seems to support false
stereotypes about differences in ability between males and females.
In your opinion, should high schools create separate classes for
male and female students?
Imagine walking outside your door to see boys on one side and girls on the other.
This sounds like a dystopic society. For the same reason that society does not separate boys and girls,
males and females should not be separated into different math and science classes. Separating males and
females because of a perceived difference in ability in math and science classes will make women feel
inferior and will contribute to the stereotype. Also, interaction between males and females can
help students learn the subject matter and learn important life skills.
Although women have been labeled as less inclined to excel in math and science, this has not
been proven, and it is just a common stereotype. Some worry that males and females may be distracted when
they are together, but if males and females are put together in other classes, why should math and science
classes be any different? Placing females and males in separate classes would make women feel inferior.
If women knew that they were not seen as fit to be in the same classes as males, then they might actually
believe that they are not smart in math and science. If females believe this, then they will be less motivated
and their performance in these subjects will decline. This could also discourage females from entering
fields of study that involve math and science. With the many problems in our world today, including
global warming and limited energy sources, we need as many scientists and engineers as possible,
women included. Some believe that women and men have such different levels of intelligence in math and
science that they are not fit to be in the same classes. I know from personal experience that the difference
between male and female students is barely noticeable. There are plenty of female students in the
honors math and science courses that I take, and many female students excel just as much, if not more,
than male students.
Separating math and science classes by gender would reduce the amount of interaction
between males and females. This is detrimental academically and socially. Interaction between students
is integral to the learning process. Students are able to ask each other questions and work together to
better understand what is being taught. Teachers are often not able to explain certain concepts as well
as other students. If males and females were separated, they would not be able to help each other learn.
If males are really brighter in math and science, then wouldn’t it be good for males to help struggling
female students? Also, female and male interaction is important in school, because in the working world,
males and females need to be able to work together in order to successfully contribute to society.
Some argue that males and females are more easily distracted when they are together. However,
males and females can successfully learn in other classes, like English and history, without
becoming too distracted. Science and math classes are no different.
Sophomore I: Writing
Our society has come along way since the days that women had no voting rights because they were thought
to be too unintelligent. However, separating women and men into different math and science classes would be
a step backward for society. Women have shown that they are just as intelligent as men, even
though the stereotype that men are brighter in math and science does still exist.
Separate math and science classes would make women feel that they are of inferior intelligence and
would lower their performances in those subjects. Also, the separation would limit the amount of interaction
and collaboration between males and females, leaving both sexes unprepared for the real world.