gallery cathedral

Рабочий лист № 1
I. 1) Дайте определение профессии гида:
2) Обсудите в парах:
a) What does a guide do?
b) Can any person be a guide?
c) What is special in the job of a guide?
d) Is the guide job interesting, cool or dangerous?
c) What traits of character should a guide have?
II. Прочитайте текст о Соборной площади Московского Кремля.
The main memorials of the Russian ancient church architecture stand on Cathedral
Square. In the northern corner you can see the Assumption Cathedral with its mighty
golden cupolas and, behind it, the Patriarchʼs Palace with its home Church of the
Twelve Apostles. To the left of the Assumption Cathedral, there is a small Church of
Laying Our Lady’s Holy Robe. In the square’s southern corner there are two other
cathedrals: the golden-domed Annunciation Cathedral and the lavishly decorated
Archangel’s Cathedral. On the eastern side, the sky-high Ivan the Great Bell-Tower
gives the square its finish. Cathedral Square had been Old Russia’s center of political
and social life. Today, the Kremlin’s cathedrals are museums of Old Russian painting
and decorative and applied art.
III. Назовите объекты Соборной площади.
IV. Прочитайте текст, заполните пропуски следующими выражениями:
golden cupolas; local architects; traditional style; two entrances; white limestone;
the south-western part of; the Grand Kremlin Palace.
The Cathedral of Annunciation is located in 1. _______________ Cathedral Square
and the west wall joins 2.________________ . It is a bit smaller than the other
Kremlin cathedrals. The cathedral was constructed in the 15th-16th centuries. It was
built in a more 3. ________________, as it was created by 4. _______________
from Pskov. The most characteristic feature of the building is its nine
5._______________. They represent the nine ranks of angels. The Cathedral was
built of brick, with facades of 6._________________white limestone. There are
7.________________ to the cathedral on the eastern and the southern side of the
building. Tourists enter the cathedral via the eastern staircase.
V. Назовите объекты Благовещенского собора: the western gallery, the southern
gallery, the iconostasis, entrance, the Ivan the Terribleʼs porch, the northern gallery,
the sacristy, the northern portal, the king’s gate, the Cathedral’s porch, the western
gallery, a staircase to the kliros.
VI. Соедините вопросы с ответами.
1. Where is the Annunciation Cathedral situated?
2. When was the building erected? Who ordered to build a new cathedral on the site?
3. Who ordered to rebuild the Cathedral? When was it happen?
4. Where is the entrance to the Cathedral-museum situated in the present days?
5. Who is depicted on the fresco of Jesus Christ’s genealogy in the ceiling’s central
part of the cathedral?
6. What images are depicted on the fresco of Jesus Christ’s genealogy in the western
gallery of the cathedral?
7. What images can you see on the ceilings of the northern and western galleries of
the Cathedral?
8. What items are located opposite the altar of the Cathedral’s central section?
9. What purpose were two crosses in the southern gallery used in the 16th century?
10. What images does the 16th century fresco “The Feats of Monastic Hermits” show?
A. Ivan IV (the Terrible) rebuilt the Cathedral in the 16th century.
B. The fresco of Jesus Christ’s genealogy begins in the northern gallery of the
Annunciation Cathedral, where in the ceiling’s central part main representatives of
the kin are depicted. They are Jesse, David and Solomon.
C. The Annunciation Cathedral stands in the south-western corner of Cathedral
D. The two 16th century crosses in the southern gallery were taken out to the
Cathedral Square during the holiday processions.
E. The building dates from 1484, when Ivan III ordered to build a new cathedral on
the site.
F. In the present days, visitors enter the Cathedral-museum via the northern porch.
G. Over the door there is the 16th century fresco “The Feats of Monastic Hermits”
showing the monks voluntary suffering ordeals to absolve their sins.
H. The ceilings of the northern and western galleries of the Cathedral are adorned
with the images of Plato, Aristotle, Anacharsis, Menander, Ptolemy, Phukidydes,
Zeno, Plutarch, Homer and Virgil.
I. The genealogical tree is completed in the western gallery by the picture of Virgin
Mary with Christ in her arms.
J. Opposite the altar, the kliros is located where a staircase leads hidden inside the
southern and western thick walls.
VII. Найдите в Благовещенском соборе объекты, согласно описанию:
1) In the middle of the monumental composition of nine icons, Jesus Christ is
depicted in the white garment, sitting on the throne. Beside him, the worshipping
saints are standing, each expresses a unique idea: meekness, or love, or faithfulness,
or clearness of the soul, or rigorous dignity, each character conveys individual
feelings. The contours of the dark silhouettes against the golden background are
laconic, color mixtures are harmonious, horizontal and vertical elements of the whole
are finely thought-out.
2) On the pillars you can see princes of Kiev, Vladimir and Moscow, and Byzantine
emperors. Among them, are Emperor Constantine and his mother Queen Helen.
Kiev’s Prince Vladimir and his grandmother Princess Olga are painted in the upper
tier of the northern pillarʼs eastern facet. In the lower tier you can see the figures of
an outstanding warlord Alexander Nevsky and his grandson, Moscow
Prince Ivan Kalita. On the same pillar are Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoi and his
son Vassiliy I, who supervised the construction of the Annunciation Church that
stood on this site before the Cathedral was built.
VIII. Проведите экскурсию по Благовещенскому собору для участника из
группы № 2, согласно плану:
1. Enter the Cathedral via the northern porch. Look at the vaulted ceilings of the
northern and western galleries. Describe the fresco of Jesus Christ’s genealogy.
2. Take notice of images of Antique philosophers, poets, playwrights and historians.
What are their names?
3. Enter the Cathedral’s central section. Describe the altar and the kliros.
4. Compare the wall-painting and iconostasis of western and central sections.
5. Enter the southern gallery. Take a look at the two 16th century crosses in the
showcases to the right of the entrance. When do you think they were taken out to the
Cathedral Square?
6. Leaving the southern gallery, you find yourself again in the western gallery. Over
the door you can see a fresco “The Feats of Monastic Hermits”. Describe it.
7. Which part of the Cathedral did you find most interesting? Explain why.