LESSON 16 – PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS (5 min) Confirmation Program Upcoming Dates Journal Reminder Youth Group Program Announcements Confirmation Requirement Reminders – Wed. Night, Retreat, Service Project Confirmation Service is May 4th. 4:30 pm INTRODUCTION: LISTEN UP! (5 min) Place 3 chairs up front. SAY: I need two volunteers who really like to talk. Invite these volunteers to sit in the two chairs on the end. SAY: Now I need one more volunteer. Have this person sit in the middle chair. INSTRUCTIONS The two people on the ends will begin talking when I say “Go.” Give them some ideas about what to talk about. Possibilities include: what you did this weekend, the story of your favorite movie or book, a high or low from your week. The two people on the end’s task: to both talk – at the same time – for one minute – without stopping. Try to get the person in the middle to listen to you. The person in the middle’s task is just to sit and listen. At the end of 1 minute say “Stop.” Thank the talkers for their effort. Ask the person in the middle to tell us what he/she remembers from listening to the two people. Recall as many details as possible as well as who said what. Discussion 1. For the person in the middle: What was it like trying to listen to both people at once? 2. For the talkers: What was it like trying to get the person to listen to you? 3. To the class: What was your experience like during this activity? Did you try to listen as well or tune them out or something else? Why? LESSON (10 min) Today our lesson is on prayer. We have stressed the importance of prayer throughout our Confirmation Experience. We feel prayer is so important and powerful that we also have devoted an entire lesson to learning about prayer and getting to practice some different ways of praying. One important aspect of prayer is that prayer is conversation. Prayer is talking, but just as important – perhaps even more important – prayer is listening. Like our activity, so often we are surrounded by many voices telling us different things that it might be hard to listen. The same can be true with our prayers. We feel like we have to do all the talking, but often we just need to be quiet and listen. Former CBS anchor Dan Rather found himself unprepared for a television interview with Mother Teresa several years ago. "When you pray," asked Rather, "what do you say to God?" "I don't say anything," she replied. "I just listen." Rather cleared his throat...paused, and then said "Well, okay...when God speaks to you, then, what does He say?" Mother Teresa sat in her chair, smiled at Mr. Rather, and said..."He doesn't say anything...He just listens." Rather was bewildered. For an instant, he didn't know what to say. "And if you don't understand that," Mother Teresa added, "I can't explain it to you." WHAT PRAYER IS AND IS NOT Divide into small groups. Assign each group one of the verses below. Have the groups read their scripture and discuss “What does this scripture say about what prayer is and/or is not.” Tell groups that they will share their findings with the class so have someone write down what is discussed and someone to share the list with the class. 1. LUKE 11:1-4 – Jesus teaching his disciples to pray. a. Prayer can be memorized lines, prayer can be taught, prayer can be done corporately (said together in groups), prayer does not need to be spontaneous to be authentic. 2. ROMANS 8:26-27 – The Holy Spirit intercedes for us. a. Sometimes we may not know what to pray for, it is normal to not know what to say, God knows our prayers even if we do not speak them, the Holy Spirit can intercede for us. 3. JAMES 5:13-18 – The power of prayer a. You should pray if you are suffering, pray for those who are sick, prayer can heal sickness and be a path to forgiveness, prayer is powerful. 4. LUKE 18:9-14 – Prayer of the tax collector and the Pharisee a. Prayer should be done with humility, God accepts true prayer even from sinners, our prayers should be genuine Invite groups one at a time to share what their scripture says about prayer. What it is and what it is not. Make a list of IS and IS NOT on the board or chart paper. You may use some of the things in italics above. You can also add some of the things below or add your own ideas. IS NOT: Telling God something God does not already know or catching God up on things. Not a means of influencing God or getting God to do something God would otherwise not do, Not leverage with God. Not manipulating God. Not about treating God like a vending machine – making our request then waiting for it to immediately and magically pop out for us. IS: Drawing close to God. A mystery. Prayer changes us. Makes us aware of who we are and who God is. Brings us into alignment with God. A setting for relationship. Space to hear God. Conversation – talking to and listening to God. TRANSITION: Prayer can be an intimidating and even scary. ASK: How many of you have ever been asked to pray out loud and you did not want to? Invite someone to share an example – or share one from your life. What are some reasons why people do not pray? (Either out loud or just in general) ASK: Have you ever tried to pray but did not know what to say or do? ASK: Do you ever skip praying because you don’t feel like you are good at it, or that prayer may not really make the difference you are hoping for? REINFORCING (15-20 Min) There are many different prayers throughout the Bible. We are now going to get back into our groups. Each group will be assigned a prayer from someone in the Bible. In your groups, read the prayer together, and then discuss the following: SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION 1. What did this person pray for? 2. Why do you think this person prayed for this? 3. How do you think this prayer made an impact on the person who was praying or who he/she was praying for? 4. What question(s) do you have about prayer? PRAYERS FROM SCRIPTURE 1. Matthew 6:5-15 - The Lord’s Prayer 2. Daniel 9:4-19 - Daniel’s Prayer. God’s people had sinned—and were under His judgment. Rather than blame God, make excuses, or simply despair, the prophet Daniel instead voiced one of the most moving prayers of repentance recorded in the entire Bible: 3. Chronicles 20:5-12 - Jehoshaphat Prays for Deliverance. We don’t know what to do so we are looking to you. 4. Nehemiah 1:4-11 – Nehemiah prays for his people. PRAYER STATIONS We have talked a lot about prayer, now we will now move into a time for you to practice praying. There are 3 different stations set up for you to explore ways to pray. You may try as many of as few as you like in the time. If you really enjoy one and want to stay there for a while, feel free. If you want to hop around and try all four, that is fine too. If you have any questions, please ask one of the teachers to help you. PRAYER STATIONS DOODLE PRAYERS ACTS PRAYER FINGER LABYRINTH Prayer station instructions are provided. You can download them along with the lesson. Hard copies will be available at the welcome desk. FEEL FREE TO ADD ANOTHER STATION IF YOU HAVE ONE THAT YOU PARTICULARLY LIKE OR FEEL WILL HELP THE STUDENTS UNDERSTAND AND ENGAGE IN PRAYER. CLOSING AND REMINDERS (Recap and 2nd reminders of announcements)