Name: Gavin Lee Is it Worth It Globalization enslaves children and adults everywhere. There is a time when enough is enough, a time when the bad out does the good, a time when we have gone to far, there is a time when someone needs to rise up and say STOP!!!!!! That time is now. Globalization is enslaving many people for the gain a quick buck. Globalization is trapping adults, imprisoning children and pushing around developing countries. Globalization takes advantage of developing countries. There are so many commercials and organizations claiming to help these developing countries, but what people don't hear is how people are hurting them. Globalization is using developing countries for cheap labor this is causing countries like Mauritania to do unpaid labor. Mauritania is a developing country in western Africa, that has been taken advantage of by globalization. 20% of this developing country has been taken captive to work unpaid(Los Angeles times 2). Globalization is trapping adults into unpaid labor. 30 million people are held under modern slavery around the world (Los Angeles Times 1). This if not anything else should prove the magnitude of the ever so dire situation. On average in a population of three million, one hundred and fifty thousand are held captive. That is 20% of the population that is absolutely ridiculous, but that is also because of globalization. Globalization is forcing children into labor. Children are the future of the world, the way to keep civilization moving, advancing and aiding adults in their years of elder. The world needs to aid them in their youth so they can return the favor, yet the world imprisons them. Many kids are born into slavery and stay there their whole lives this is not acceptable and this can not continue on. This is not only a problem in developing countries but in the United States too. 60,000 U.S citizens are in some type of modern slavery (Los Angeles times 3). Globalization Makes goods cheaper. This is true but every penny cheaper is another slave. Americans and other countries can make more profit, But what Americans forget is that every country with more profit make a country take more slaves. Globalization causes developed countries to be taken advantage of, it forces children into labor and enslave adults. There are so many things globalization is doing wrong. The only thing globalization is doing right is cheaper prices, yet the world still chooses cheaper prices. If America and other countries keep using the method of globalization this problem will only continue and grow into something much much worst.