Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services, Transitional Housing, Brazoria County, Substance Abuse, Alcohol Recovery,
Crisis Counseling, Mental Illness, county mental health clinic, county individual rehabilitation services,
department of social and health services, Galveston
This page lists Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services provided by Gulf Coast Center MHMR for
Brazoria and Galveston counties.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Recovery, Developmental
Disabilities, Adolescent Retardation, Galveston Texas, Brazoria County, Galveston County
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Hurricane Preparedness Information, Hurricane Emergency Procedures, 211
transportation, special assistance during an evacuation
This page provides a list of PDF's and helpful links dealing with Hurricane Preparedness on the Gulf
Coast, specifically in Galveston and Brazoria counties.
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Hurricane Crisis and Recovery, Crisis Intervention - 866-729-3848
This page provides helpful links phone numbers for friends and relatives of Gulf Coast Center MHMR
patients, or GCMHMR employees, in the case of a Hurricane.
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Connect Transportation Services, Connect Transit Services, Galveston,
Brazoria County
The Gulf Coast Center operates a transportation program known as “Connect Transit”. Transportation
services are offered to the general public at a cost of $1.00 per person per trip.
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Helpful Resource Links - Health and Human Services Agencies, Disability
Advocacy Organizations, Mental Retardation Links, Mental Health Links, Substance Use Recovery Links
This page provides a list of helpful resource links for Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance
This page provides links to Privacy Notices in Spanish and English. The privacy notices describe how
medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this
This page provides a Glossary of terms related to mental health, mental retardation and substance use
recovery. The terms are used on a state level in Texas, and some might be used on a national level.
This page provides a link to the PDF version of the revised Citizenship Documentation Requirement from
the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
The Gulf Coast Center’s Rights Protection Officer (RPO) acts as an advocate for consumers to ensure that their needs
are heard, understood and considered.
Mentally disabled consumers are provided with staff trained in Social Security Administration (SSA) rules and
regulations to assist them in developing their case and processing their claim through to a favorable decision with the
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Consumer Benefits -
Call: 800 499-1154 or 281 585-4099, Mentally disabled
consumers in Galveston County and Brazoria County
In dealing with open records requests for public information, The Gulf Coast Center (Center) is committed to
providing customer friendly service.
Under the Texas Public Information Act, formerly known as the Open Records Act, you have the right to access
information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of public officials and employees and we may
not ask why you want the information.
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Open Records, Texas Public Information Act, Open Records Act
Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services, Drug Abuse Program, Substance Abuse Program, Drug
Users, Drug Prevention, Drug Treatment, Chemical Dependency, HIV Program, Injecting Drug
Users, Galveston, Brazoria county
The Gulf Coast Center MHMR provides a number of programs for recovery from Drug and
Alcohol abuse, as well as programs to assist and support HIV patients.
Gulf Coast Center MHMR - Mental Health Services, Mental Retardation Services, Mental Health
and Mental Retardation Service, Developmental Disabilities Services, Medicaid Waver Program,
diagnosis of mental retardation, intervention
The Gulf Coast Center MHMR provides a number of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
programs for people living in Galveston and Brazoria counties.