Constitution of THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ROOSEVELT INSTITUTE Enacted 2/25/2014 We, the GW Roosevelt Institute, are a student policy organization that engages a new generation in a unique form of progressive activism that empowers young people as leaders and promotes their ideas for change. ARTICLE I. NAME AND LOCATION Section I. This document establishes an officially recognized chapter of The Roosevelt Institute Campus Network, a national network of student think tanks. The chapter will hereafter be referred to as GW Roosevelt Institute. Section II. In all student organization directories compiled by The George Washington University, this chapter will be referred to simply as Roosevelt Institute. Section III. GW Roosevelt Institute is located and operates at The George Washington University at 2121 Eye Street, NW in Washington, DC. This includes the Mount Vernon Campus and all subsidiary campuses of The George Washington University. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE Section I. Mission Statement GW Roosevelt Institute seeks to provide a forum for expressing, researching, and implementing the public policy ideas of students at GW, and to influence progressive change in GW’s local community and the Greater Washington, DC Area. Section II. Compliance GW Roosevelt Institute may enact rules and regulations for organizational operations providing such rules and regulations are consistent with the message and language of the rules and bylaws of Roosevelt Institute Campus Network, The George Washington University, and local and federal law. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP Section I. GW Roosevelt Institute Members Members of GW Roosevelt Institute shall consist of all members of policy centers and committees, all center directors, and all other officers and members of the Executive Board. Only registered GW students are considered members of the organization; all others (friends, family, faculty, staff, etc.) are considered guests. Guests are welcome to attend events and vote, but they cannot hold officer positions or handle money on behalf of the organization. To be considered a member of GW Roosevelt Institute, one must: - Be a registered undergraduate or graduate student of The George Washington University. - Be in good standing with the university. - Attend at least 2 GW Roosevelt Institute events in a semester - Abide by the chapter constitution, the chapter’s bylaws, the university’s requirements for student organizations and student conduct, as well as the national Roosevelt Institute Campus Network charter and bylaws. Section III. Membership Withdrawal All members may voluntarily withdraw their membership at any time. Section IV. Membership Dues Should membership dues be required, as determined by the budget set by the Executive Board, members must pay them within a reasonable period of time. A member may remain active in GW Roosevelt Institute without having paid membership dues, but may lose out on certain membership privileges. The Financial Director should accommodate any member that may have financial difficulty paying dues, and work out a reasonable solution. Section V. Membership Revocation Members of GW Roosevelt Institute may have their membership revoked if they engage in behavior violating the above eligibility requirements and any other requirements for membership. In addition, membership may be revoked for engaging in activity illegal under local and federal law. Membership may be revoked by a 2/3 vote by the Executive Board. Section VI. Equal Opportunity Membership to GW Roosevelt Institute shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, religion, disability, age, veteran status, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, or any other basis in accordance with local and federal law. Section VII. Membership Privileges All members of GW Roosevelt Institute shall be allowed to: - Participate in any established policy center - Attend any event sponsored by GW Roosevelt Institute - Sit on any committee formed by the GW Roosevelt Institute Executive Board - Propose the establishment of a new policy center under the requirements of the chapter constitution and chapter bylaws. - Attend any meeting of the GW Roosevelt Institute Executive Board. - Vote in GW Roosevelt Institute general elections - Run for elected positions within the organization No student of the George Washington University may be barred from any open GW Roosevelt Institute event strictly on the basis of a missing dues payment. ARTICLE IV. STRUCTURE Section I. Overall Structure GW Roosevelt Institute shall be comprised of the following components: The Executive Board, comprised of President, Policy Chair, Advocacy Chair, Finance Director, Programming Director, Public Relations Director, Outreach Director, Secretary, Freshman Representatives, and Editor-in-Chief. The Policy Board, overseen by the Policy Chair and comprised of Policy Center Directors, members of Policy Centers, and the Advocacy Chair. Advocacy and Impact Committees, commissioned by the Executive Board and overseen by the Advocacy Chair. Section II. Executive Board - Elected Positions The Executive Board of GW Roosevelt Institute shall be the sole interpreter and executor of this constitution, and of the bylaws. It is the general purpose of the Executive Board to represent GW Roosevelt Institute, grow the organization, and organize all chapter programming. Section II. Executive Board Positions a. President The President is the leader of GW Roosevelt Institute, responsible for all operations and meetings of the Executive Board. The President is the official contact point for GW Roosevelt Institute, and shall represent the chapter throughout the university, community, and all regional and national Roosevelt Institute Campus Network operations. b. Policy Chair The Policy Chair oversees the Policy Centers and their Directors and is the primary liaison between the Executive Board and all policy operations of GW Roosevelt Institute. The Policy Chair shall be responsible for all meetings of Policy Directors, and will work with the Advocacy Chair to strive for implementation of member’s policy ideas. The Policy Chair shall also strive to connect with policy leaders in the community and Washington, DC area for the purpose of adding a student voice to the policy conversation, and advancing the resources available to the Policy Centers and their Directors. c. Advocacy Chair The Advocacy Chair is responsible for all advocacy and impact project operations, including but not limited to: implementing policy proposals, partnering with community organizations, and engaging in activism. The Advocacy Chair is a permanent member of the Policy Board and shall work with Center Directors and their respective Policy Centers to ensure that policy proposals, as endorsed by the Executive Board, move to implementation. Alongside the President, the Advocacy Chair will be the liaison between GW Roosevelt and local organizations. d. Finance Director The Finance Director is responsible for maintaining the budget of GW Roosevelt Institute, receiving and tracking dues payments, acquiring financial sponsorships, coordinating all fundraising needs, and handling other fiscal matters. The Finance Director must craft a new budget for Executive Board approval every spring semester, including a recommendation for membership dues. The Financial Director shall oversee all grant applications put forth on behalf of the GW Roosevelt Institute. e. Programming Director The Programming Director is responsible for coordinating GW Roosevelt Institute events, including room reservations and other accommodations. He or she shall advise and assist in organizing events for the various Policy Centers and committees as needed. f. Public Relations Director The Public Relations Director is responsible for advertising events, recruiting new members, and maintaining GW Roosevelt Institute’s online and social media presence, including newsletters and updates distributed to members. This includes coordinating the chapter’s presence at the student organization fairs. The Public Relations Director shall work alongside the Secretary to keep a database of all active members and their status within GW Roosevelt. g. Secretary The Secretary is responsible for all record-keeping and organizational maintenance, and for publishing meeting minutes for the availability of all GW Roosevelt Institute Members. Minutes of the Executive Board and the General Body are the direct responsibility of the Secretary; minutes of Policy Centers and committees are to be handled on a case-by-case basis. The Secretary is also responsible for the official tabulation of Executive Board voting and general elections, except in instances of a conflict of interest. h. Outreach Director The Outreach Director will be in charge of representing GW Roosevelt Institute at other student organizations on campus. Responsibilities of the Outreach Director include attending meetings of other organizations as an official representative of GW Roosevelt Institute, obtaining co-sponsorships for GW Roosevelt events, and merging GW Roosevelt efforts with parallel campaigns run by other student organizations whenever feasible. The Outreach Director may not attend another student organization meeting expressly as a representative of GW Roosevelt Institute unless such action is approved by the Executive Board. The goal of the Outreach Director shall be to build and maintain a coalition of progressive organizations at the George Washington University. The Outreach Director will work with Center Directors on contact and recruitment with issuespecific organizations. Section III. Executive Board – Appointed Positions a. Freshman Representatives Two members of the freshman class (to be determined by year and not academic standing) shall be appointed to the Executive Board. It is the Freshman Representative’s responsibility to present the opinions of freshman General Body members, engage in outreach to underclassmen, and to assist other members of the Executive Board where more resources and leadership are needed. It will be the specific leadership duty of the Freshman Representatives to organize at least one community service project per academic year. b. Editor-in-Chief The Executive board may appoint an Editor-in-Chief to assist in overseeing research and publication, including the GW Roosevelt Institute Policy Journal. The Editor-in-Chief will work in tandem with both the President and the Policy Chair, and should have a background in copyediting. Section IV. Policy a. Policy Centers Policy Centers shall be governed according to the chapter constitution and the bylaws of GW Roosevelt Institute. The Policy Centers have the purpose of establishing a structure and means by which to develop and produce the ideas of its members within a particular public policy field. All members of GW Roosevelt Institute may be a member of any Policy Center or Centers of his or her choosing. All members of any Policy Center may remove themselves from any policy center at any time. The Policy Centers shall be organized by the division between journals of the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network, unless a new Policy Center is created, or two existing centers are merged. Any member of GW Roosevelt Institute may propose the establishment of a new policy center, to be voted on by a majority of the Executive Board. In the case of membership discrepancies, the Executive Board may merge two or more existing Policy Centers by a majority vote. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board to have oversight in assuring cooperation, effectiveness, and compliance of the Policy Centers. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board to act on behalf of the Policy Centers to the national Roosevelt Institute organization. b. Policy Center Directors Each Policy Center shall have a Center Director, appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board. With the exception of Freshman Representatives, no member of the Executive Board may sit as Policy Center Director, with the exception of an interim appointment. All Center Directors are under the purview and direction of the Policy Chair. Each Center Director may handle their Center’s own policy production and maintain autonomy with respect to individual meetings and operations. Each Policy Center is bound by the same legal responsibilities as the whole GW Roosevelt Institute organization, including, but not limited to, compliance with university regulations and federal and local laws. Center Directors are required to attend at least one Executive Board meeting per month, and shall be notified of all meetings. c. Editing and Publishing The Editor-in-Chief, Policy Chair, and President are the official editorial staff of GW Roosevelt Institute. Any policy work or editorial written by a member of a Policy Center for publication online or in print on behalf of GW Roosevelt Institute must be approved by two of the three editorial staff. Any GW Roosevelt Institute member that wishes to submit a piece of writing originally published through GW Roosevelt Institute to a publication outside of the chapter must first notify the Editor-in-Chief. Ownership of original work written by members of GW Roosevelt Institute for use by the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network is a matter to be dealt with by the national office. Section VII. Advocacy All operations of the Advocacy Committees are under the purview and direction of the Advocacy Chair. A committee may be proposed by any member of GW Roosevelt Institute, to be voted on by a majority of the Executive Board, at which time the Executive Board will also appoint by majority vote a committee chair. The Executive Board may set a timeline on a committee, after which the committee must be renewed or dissolved. The Executive Board may dissolve a standing committee by a 2/3 majority vote. An Advocacy Committee Chair may be any member of GW Roosevelt Institute or the Executive Board. Committee Chairs are responsible for organizing meetings and reporting back to the Executive Board. ARTICLE VI. DECISION MAKING Section I. Executive Decisions The Executive Board shall vote on all major issues of operation for the group. All elected and appointed members of the Executive Board, as well as all Center Directors and Committee Chairs in attendance of an Executive Board Meeting shall have one vote in all decisions, with the exception of decisions on new appointees, wherein only Executive Board Members shall retain one vote each. Executive Board meetings may reach a decision on unanimous consent, unless one member calls for a vote on a decision. No member of GW Roosevelt Institute shall have more than one vote on the Executive Board. One half of elected Executive Board members plus one shall constitute a quorum. In the case of a tie in Executive Board vote, the President shall decide on a proper course of action. Section II. General Membership Decisions All major decisions on an institutional level shall come to a vote of the General Body within a reasonable time of their proposal. ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Section I. General Elections General elections shall be held in the spring academic semester prior to the first Reading Day, at a date set by the Executive Board. All members of GW Roosevelt Institute shall be eligible to run for any electable position. All members of GW Roosevelt Institute in good standing are eligible to vote in general elections, regardless of dues payment status. The sitting Secretary holds the right to dispute an election attendee’s vote if that attendee has both: a) not paid membership dues, and b) not met other membership requirements, to the point where membership consideration is spurious. Any member of GW Roosevelt Institute may withdraw themselves from an election at any point in time. All Executive Board positions are elected positions, with the exception of Freshman Representative and Editor-in-Chief. President, Policy Chair, and Advocacy Chair shall be considered tier-one elections, with all other elected positions being considered tier-two elections. A candidate that loses a tier-one election may also be considered for a tier-two position. Any candidate that wins an election for a tier-one position is automatically withdrawn from any tier-two candidacy. Candidates shall have at least 5 days before the set election date in which to declare their candidacy, with a maximum declaration of one tier-one position and one tier-two position. Elections shall be run by secret ballot. All members of GW Roosevelt Institute who cannot attend the election may cast an absentee vote for tier-one candidates only, up to 24-hours prior to the day of elections. Absentee votes will be submitted to the sitting Secretary. The responsibility of counting ballots rests with the sitting Secretary, with results approved by the Executive Board. In the case of an election with three or more candidates, an instant-runoff ballot may be used. Section II. Study-Abroad Contingency A member of GW Roosevelt Institute who is studying abroad in the fall semester may not declare sole candidacy for any position. Two candidates may run on a split ticket if one is planning on studying abroad, in which case the second candidate would take over their position without the need for an additional election. A split ticket will be voted on as if it was a single candidate. If a sitting member of the Executive Board is abroad or departs for the spring semester, a mid-year election will be run prior to the adjournment of the fall semester. Section III. Appointments All members of GW Roosevelt Institute are eligible for appointments, and all available appointments shall be made public to members. For the positions of Freshman Representative, the Executive Board may only make a year-long appointment in the fall semester after the first General Body Meeting has taken place. The positions of Editor-in-Chief and all Center Directors may be appointed any time following spring elections. All appointees are to be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The Executive Board may choose to add an additional Freshman Representative by a 2/3 majority vote. The Executive Board may appoint a temporary advisor with a set term period by a 2/3 majority vote. Any Executive Board advisors will have one vote on the Executive Board. Section IV. Transition The final Executive Board meeting of the academic year will serve as the official transition of power within GW Roosevelt Institute to the new Executive Board. The President shall maintain a handbook containing documents of historical significance to the Roosevelt Institute, advice from current Executive Board Members or other leaders, and all information which they deem necessary. Each year, the outgoing President shall deliver the handbook to the incoming Executive Board. Section V. Terms The term for all Executive Board members and appointed positions shall be one academic year. The term begins during the transition meeting. There shall be no term limits for any office. Section VI. Removal from Office Any Executive Board member or appointee considered unfit for his or her position or having failed to adequately fulfill the position’s duties may be removed from office by a 2/3 majority vote of the whole Executive Board. The responsibilities of the ex-member of the Executive Board shall be absorbed by the remaining Executive Board members until a successor to the position is elected to serve out the remainder of the term. The responsibility of the ex-appointee shall be taken up by a new appointee to complete the remainder of the term. Any member of the Executive Board or appointee may elect to remove him or herself from office. Section VII. Emergency and Summer Voting In the event that an elected Executive Board position becomes vacant during the summer prior to the start of the new academic year, it is the responsibility of the Executive Board to appoint a new candidate by a majority vote until an election can be held within the first two months of the academic year. Article VII. Meetings Section I. Executive Board Meetings The Executive Board shall meet once a week, as determined by the President. Center Directors and Committee Chairs shall be notified of every Executive Board meeting, though Center Directors are only required to attend at least one meeting per month. Center Directors and Committee Chairs shall maintain a vote on Executive Board decisions unless otherwise indicated, but will not be required to constitute a quorum. Section II. Policy Board Meetings The Policy Chair, Advocacy Chair, and Policy Center Directors shall meet as a group at least once a month. Section III. Policy Center Meetings Each individual Policy Center shall determine where and when the Center will meet. Section IV. General Body Meetings General Body Meetings shall occur at least once a month. The timing and location shall be determined by the President, who shall also act as chair for the meeting. Any member present shall have an opportunity to address the actions and direction of GW Roosevelt Institute. Section V. Attendance All members of GW Roosevelt Institute shall have the right to attend any general body or Policy Center meetings. The Executive Board may decide to open its meetings to all members. Only registered GW students are considered members of the organization; all others are considered guests. ARTICLE VIII. FINANCES AND ALLOCATION Section I. Chapter Accounting The Executive Board is responsible for establishing a GW Roosevelt Institute bank account. The Financial Director shall maintain this account as well as a record of all expenditures incurred by GW Roosevelt Institute. Section II. Funding The Executive Board shall seek funding from the university, large donors, grant applications, and through applicable membership dues. All tax-deductive donations shall be processed through The Roosevelt Institute Campus Network national organization. Section III. Budget and Dues The Finance Director is responsible for crafting a budget every spring semester, to be approved by the Executive Board and submitted to the GW Student Association for funding in the next academic year. Any dues increases included in the budget must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the executive board. Section IV. Allocation All funds for GW Roosevelt Institute shall be maintained in a general account. No Policy Center shall maintain its own funds. All fundraising done at a chapter level shall be considered available to all centers and the needs of GW Roosevelt Institute as a whole. The Policy Chair and Finance Director shall exercise immediate oversight regarding any expenditure made by any Policy Center. Any Policy Center or committee may request usage of general funds with the submission of a budget to the Executive Board. To be accepted, the President and Financial Director must approve. ARTICLE IX. FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES Section I. Legal Status As an official chapter of The Roosevelt Institute Campus Network national organization, GW Roosevelt Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit organization and is subject to the rules and regulations that govern it as a 501(c)(3) organization, as well as those enumerated in the national Roosevelt Institute Campus Network Charter and the Memorandum of Understanding Between Roosevelt Institute Campus Network and The George Washington University Chapter of The Roosevelt Institute Campus Network. GW Roosevelt Institute shall comply with all legal responsibilities therein and as a student organization of the George Washington University in compliance with all university policies and the Student Code of Conduct. Any agent of GW Roosevelt Institute is bound by these conventions, as well as the laws of the District of Columbia and the United States. ARTICLE X. BYLAWS Section I. Bylaws GW Roosevelt Institute shall maintain a list of bylaws in addition to this chapter constitution. The bylaws will be passed by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. Any member of GW Roosevelt Institute shall be permitted to propose a bylaw. Bylaws shall deal with, but are not limited to, those issues enumerated in this chapter constitution and any issue not specifically addressed in this document. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS AND PASSAGE Section I. Amendment Proposal Amendments to this chapter constitution may be proposed by any member of GW Roosevelt Institute to the Executive Board. Section II. Amendment Voting Proposed amendments to this chapter constitution must first be voted on by the Executive Board within a reasonable time following its original proposal. A 2/3 vote by the Executive Board allows the proposed amendment to be voted on by the general GW Roosevelt Institute body at a general body meeting within a reasonable period of time. A 2/3 vote by the general GW Roosevelt Institute body is required for the proposed amendment to be passed. Section III. Ratification This constitution shall be established by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Board and members present at the Constitutional Convention, upon which ARTICLE VI shall be instituted to run the election of the new Executive Board. The remainder of this constitution shall be put into effect upon the transition of the new Executive Board in the spring of 2014.