Lower Cascade Canal Groundwater Monitoring Program August 14, 2012 Nevada Irrigation District (District) is in the process of improving its facilities to enhance the reliability of water deliveries. As part of this process, pipelines such as the Banner/Cascade Pipeline will replace the older canal system. These improvements, however, have precipitated concerns regarding a potential reduction in groundwater recharge adjacent to the canals. The potential reduction in recharge may affect the volume of groundwater available to private shallow wells near the canal. To evaluate these concerns, a detailed monitoring program was developed to assist the District with assessment of the potential influence of reduced flows in the Lower Cascade Canal (LCC) on nearby wells, and to determine if any mitigation measures or other actions are appropriate. The LCC groundwater monitoring program is based on the following objectives: Be scientifically defensible and reproducible; Provide a clear definition of baseline, or pre-project, conditions; Have the ability to provide results quickly without lengthy delays for laboratory analysis; Be cost-effective; and Allow for District staff to conduct the monitoring, where appropriate, once the baseline relationships are established. . The LCC groundwater monitoring program includes two main components. The first component involves the measurement of water levels in eight private wells located both upslope and downslope of the canal, in two springs that are used for domestic supply and are located downslope of the canal, and within four piezometers installed immediately adjacent to the canal. Changes in water levels in the wells, springs, and piezometers are compared with rainfall patterns and fluctuations in flow within the LCC to assess potential correlations. The second component includes the evaluation of general water quality parameters and fieldmeasured parameters to evaluate whether there is a correlation between changes in canal or meteorological conditions and changes in well conditions. The following activities were conducted to collect the data used for the LCC groundwater monitoring program: Installation of four new piezometers; Modification of well heads on seven private wells; Installation of downhole pressure transducers and dataloggers in the four new piezometers, eight private wells, and two spring boxes; Routine download of water-level data from the dataloggers; and Collection and laboratory analysis of water samples for general mineral parameters. The monitoring program was initially scheduled to occur from September 2010 to October 2011. During that period, however, the rainfall was approximately 40 percent greater than average. To evaluate whether or not the high rainfall amounts may have a substantial influence on the results, the water level monitoring was continued at all locations through late January 2012. At seven of these locations (five wells, one spring, and one piezometer), the monitoring will continue through September 2012. The piezometer construction details are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Piezometer Construction Details Lower Cascade Canal Monitoring Program 2010-2011 Nevada Irrigation District Location Total Depth Drilled Soil Conditions PZ-1 20' 0-17' dry red clayey soil 15' becomes damp PZ-2 25' 0-15' dry red sandy clay 15'-20' damp red sandy clay with cobbles to 3" 20'-25' wet red sandy clay with cobbles to 3" 15'-25' 13'-25' 11'-13' Dry 12' None (concrete 50' downstream) 17'-20' wet tan sandy clay Screened Interval 14'-19' Sand Pack Interval 12'-19' Bentonite Seal 10'-12' Initial Water Level Dry Distance from Canal 16' Concrete Canal Liner All depths are in feet below ground surface All piezometers completed with neat cement from top of bentonite to ground surface Locking steel monument placed over all piezometers Installed September 22, 2010 PZ-3 20' 0-10' dry red clay PZ-4 18' 0-9' red clay 10'-15' damp red clay 7' becomes damp 15'-20' very wet tan clayey sand 10'-20' 8'-20' 6'-8' Dry 6' None 9'-18' wet tan clayey sand 10'-15' 8'-15' 6'-8' 13.59' 3' None The construction and pumping details for the wells and springs are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Well Construction Details Lower Cascade Canal Monitoring Program 2010-2011 Nevada Irrigation District Hydrofocus Well No. W2 W5 W6 W17 W23 W24 W51 W33 W34 W35 Datalogger Levelogger Levelogger WL-15 WL-15 Levelogger Levelogger Levelogger WL-15 Levelogger WL-15 September 2010 Well Tests Static Water Final Water October Hydrofocus Total Pump Level Prior Level at End 2011 Percent Midspike Depth Intake to Test Pump Rate of Test (ft Pump Canal Percent (ft bgs) (ft bgs) (ft bgs) (gpm) Duration bgs) Rate Water Decline 90 80 50 17 50 18 0% 54% 560 550 123 6 (decr to 3.5) 3 hrs 319 3.8 51% 179% 93 85 48 15 2 hrs 50 15 51% 83% spring 66% 59% 200 180 40 2 6 43% 93% 71 65 44 11 (decr to 5.2) 1 hr 35 min 65 5.4 40% 87% 83 80 50 2.3 2 0% 61% 30 16 14 8 14 8 0% 27% 80 70 18 16.5 1 hr 20 16.5 83% 54% spring 25 25 35% 30% Water samples were collected at two different time. Samples were collected in September and October 2010 to evaluate conditions at the end of the dry season. Samples were collected in May 2011 to evaluate conditions at the end of the wet season. The water quality data were evaluated using standard geochemical plots, examples of which are shown below, and by comparison of chemical concentrations with location relative to the LCC and the underlying geology. Overall, the water quality data does not show a consistent correlation with location relative to the LCC and is not correlated with the underlying geology. The water quality results, however, do indicate influences from human activities (e.g. septic systems, landscape irrigation, water softeners), which could affect the results of other types of studies, such as the use of stable isotopes. Water levels were recorded using electronic dataloggers at each monitoring location. At most locations, water levels were recorded every hour. At some locations, water levels were recorded once per day. In either case, thousands of water level measurements were recorded for this study. In particular, for each well that is still being monitored, over 15,000 water-level measurements have been recorded since the program started in late 2010. The water-level data for each monitoring location have been plotted on charts referred to as hydrographs. To evaluate the potential correlation of changes in canal flow rates and variation in rainfall on water levels, these parameters were also plotted on the hydrographs. Examples of these charts from one of the locations in the monitoring program are shown below. 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Oct-10 Dec-10 Feb-11 Apr-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Oct-11 Dec-11 Feb-12 Apr-12 Jun-12 Aug-12 Groundwater Level Canal Flow Canal Flow (cfs) Groundwater Level (ft) Groundwater Level vs Canal Flow 40 80 35 70 30 60 25 50 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 Cumulative Rainfall (in) Groundwater Level (ft) Daily Rainfall (in) Groundwater Level vs Rainfall 0 0 Oct-10 Dec-10 Feb-11 Apr-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Oct-11 Dec-11 Feb-12 Apr-12 Jun-12 Aug-12 Groundwater Level Daily Rainfall Cumulative Rainfall Both the daily rainfall amounts and the cumulative rainfall for the water year are shown. A water year extends from October 1 a calendar-year through September 30 of the subsequent calendar-year. A water year provides a better representation of rainfall conditions than a calendar year does because of the nature of seasonal weather patterns in California. The average annual rainfall in the Grass Valley area is approximately 54 inches per year. In the 2010-2011 water year, the rainfall total was about 40 percent above normal. So far in the 2011-2012 water year, the rainfall total is about 15 percent below normal. These differences are reflected in the cumulative rainfall amounts on the chart above. Specific details regarding the monitoring data for each location will be presented and available for review at the August 14, 2012 meeting. The results for each location, however, are consistent with the examples shown above, independent of whether the monitoring locations was a well, a spring, or a piezometer. Overall, there is no clear or consistent correlation between canal flows and water levels at the monitoring locations. In contrast, there is a very strong correlation between rainfall and water levels. This correlation is especially apparent in the cumulative rainfall curves. With each major storm event, indicated by a sharp rise in the cumulative rainfall curve, the water level also rises. Between storm events, or at the end of the rainy season, (represented by flat periods in the cumulative rainfall curve) water levels decline.