English Internet Resource Guide Final


A Guide for


Science Students:

Finding Experience

Outside of the



Alexandra Marie Everhart

English 202C

Professor Amy White



I. Information about the Guide

1. Content & Scope………………………………………………………2

2. Audience & Purpose…………………………………………………..2

3. Guide Assumptions…………………………………………………....2

4. Organization & Navigation……………………………………………3

5. Tips for Using this Guide………………………………………………3

II. Resources in this Guide


Websites for finding Environmental Sustainability & Research Projects a. Global Brigades…………………………………………………4 b. Penn State Research Website…………………………………...6


Websites for finding Environmental Jobs & Internships a. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics…………………………………8 b. Pennsylvania DEP……………………………………………....10 c. Career Builder Jobsite…………………………………………..12

3. Helpful Environmental Science Publications a. International Journal of Environmental Sciences……………….14 b. Catalog of U.S. Government Publications………………………16 c. Springer Link Database……………………………………….....19



Contents & Scope

This guide holds information about all the different approaches an Environmental Resource

Management Student at Penn State University can take to gain experience in their field.

Undergraduate ERM students can use this guide to learn how to access credible technical documents for class research or general knowledge. This document also walks you through how to approach securing an internship and full time job. It explains how you can use the U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics to narrow what industries you want to apply to, then gives an example of a common place ERM majors work after graduation, and then navigates you through a standard job search website. Another great aspect of this guide is that it has components that take you internationally. The International Journal of Environmental Science is discussed as well as how to get involved in global projects addressing the environmental issues we learn about in class. Also, contained inside is a step by step process on how to get involved in Penn State Research which has large impacts in the United States and globally.

Audience & Purpose

This guide was written for all environmental resource management students at Penn State

University. Gaining experience outside the classroom is as important freshmen year as it is senior year. This guide is geared towards helping students use the Internet to find projects or research, and jobs that they are interested in. The part of the guide that might be most applicable to freshmen would be the section on how to use the Internet to find environmental and sustainability projects. This is important to do because it helps you see if this ERM is really the right major for you. The job resource section is especially geared to upperclassmen who are trying to build their resume while doing things they enjoy. The purpose is for you to pick up this guide, go to the section you think most applies to your life, get on the internet, and apply for a research position or job or to take part in a project.


This guide has been written with the understanding that the readers are aware of the pressing environmental issues they are studying and have a desire to learn more about the environment and how to solve these issues outside the classroom. It is also assumed that you have undergraduate level understanding with computers and technology. It also assumes you want a more “hands on” approach to learning the topics studied in the ERM major.



Organization & Navigation

This guide is organized into three sections. The first section is about how to get involved in environmental projects and research. The second section is about the best ways to find jobs and internships. The last section gives ways on how you can further your knowledge and stay up to date on the latest research and news in the environmental science field. Each section has two or three online sources of information. The website location is given and then a description of the website. Each description describes why that resource is useful and contains a step by step process on how to navigate through the website so you won’t get distracted on the quest to find experience outside the classroom. And then after each description some hints are given just to help navigating or make decisions easier.

Tips for Using this Guide

Some tips for this guide are that you do not need to start at the beginning! Look through the table of contents and if you see a resource that catches your eye. Feel free to start there! Also, if you have a lot of time you can browse around the websites. However, if you are short on time like most college students, follow the directions closely and the process will go faster.



1.a Global Brigades

Location https://www.globalbrigades.org/


The Global Water Brigade website is well organized and easy to navigate so that you can find the specific brigade or trip that fits your interest the most. A brigade is a one to three week trip where you volunteer to travel to a developing country and implement BLANK solutions. When you go to the website, about a third of the way down the page there are ten different pictures or logos representing each of the types of trips you can go on. The ones that apply to ERM students are the engineering, water, and environmental brigades.

These apply to you because many ERM students decide to minor in Environmental Engineering and specialize in the water science option of the major which is why the water and engineering brigade trips are almost perfect for applying your knowledge from the classroom. In many of our classes we learn how to design water systems and water filtration systems, and this is exactly what the engineering chapter does. Also, many of ERM students are more interested in the agriculture farming aspect of environmental science. The environmental brigade is ideal for you because you get to design “model farms” and teach the local communities about the newest farming techniques and research.


The maroon wheel symbolizes the engineering brigade, and the blue raindrop symbolizes the water brigade. These two chapters work in conjunction. The engineering brigade designs the water system and the water brigade implements it. The green leaves symbolize the environmental brigade. You can click on these symbols and each one will take you to its own separate page describing what that brigade does.



1.a. Continued

After reading, if you decide this is interesting to you, as a Penn State student you would want to go to this website. http://psuglobalbrigades.weebly.com/brigades.html. This is the Penn State

University global brigades chapter webpage. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the engineering/water brigade or half way down the page for the environmental page. For whatever one you choose click on the

This link will take you to their website. On the right hand side it says the location and time of their next meeting on campus. Go to the next meeting and the leaders will guide you through how to get started applying and fundraising for your trip. If the first meeting is not for a few weeks and you have questions; click on the contact link at the top of that specific Penn State brigades webpage. This link will take you to page with all the leaders of the brigade and will have all their emails and contact information. You can email them to ask more questions. If you have no questions and just want to apply, click the link at the top of the general Penn State

Global Brigade web page that just says apply here.


If these projects seem really interesting to you but you do not want to pursue them because of the cost, don’t let that stop you! The Penn State chapters do fundraisers throughout the school year, you can send out letters, and utilize social media and before you know it, your whole trip will be funded.

There is no need to be afraid of contacting the officers at Penn State to get involved.

They are all very welcoming and will happily give you all the information you need to get started.

If you do not have the desire to travel overseas, the Global Brigades also does service trips within the United States.



Penn State University Undergraduate Research Website

Location - https://undergradresearch.psu.edu/


This website is very easy to use and is almost a guide in and of itself. The tabs at the top which are picture below are the main tools navigating this website. The home page has a link saying

It gives you five steps to follow: Get involved right away, don’t be afraid to ask, be patient, make use of campus resources, and explore different fields of study. This is helpful if you are not sure about whether you want to do research. If you are sure, you will want to read the

“Getting Started Page.” This page to tells you to

Think, Explore, and Contact. But how do you explore? On the right hand side of the page under “Faculty Postings” click on

By college/campus. This will take you to a new page with a list of all the different areas you can do research in.

Click on the one that is most interesting to you. This link will take you to a new page where all the different research projects that department is working on are listed.




1.b. Continued

You can click on any of these links and it will take you to a page describing the research that that professor is working on. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and it will say all of the contact information for that professor; the office, phone number, and email. Pick one method of communication and contact the professor to see how you can get involved. Once you have picked the one that sounds interesting to you and have contacted a professor, you are well on your way on being involved in Penn State undergraduate research!


Make sure to thoroughly read of all the different options in the department so you do not just pick one when there may have been another research project you really would have enjoyed.

Do not be afraid to contact many professors at one time asking about getting involved in research. It is always good to keep your options open!




2.a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Location http://www.bls.gov/


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is the site you will want to go to before any other job site.

Why? The BLS gives concrete data about the future. You can see what jobs in your field will be growing or shrinking in the next twenty years. This is important because when you apply for jobs after you graduate, you want to be sure that the specific career path you are choosing within your major has job security. To find all the statistics that will help to make these difficult decisions, first go to Data Tools tab at the top of the web page as pictured below.

Scroll down to the page until you get to the Employment Projection section pictured below to the left and click on the yellow box to the right of the Search by Occupation.

Type into the “3D animator box” what particular field you are interested in. Most ERM majors would type Environmental Scientist as shown in the screen shot below.


2.a. Continued

Once you click on this, you are taken to a chart that tells you what percentage of environmental scientists work in consulting firms, for the government, non-profits, science labs, education system, and so much more. An example of one of these charts is displayed below. The table provides the projected increase or decrease in employment in that certain discipline. This is an invaluable tool because if you are caught between maybe wanting to work for a consulting firm or in the government, but you see that in the next ten years the government is going to be cutting back on environmental jobs. This tells you that you may want to gear your job hunt more towards consulting firms.



While you are on this site, try typing in many different occupations that can be derived from the ERM Major. For example, “natural resource specialist”, “soil scientist”, “water resource engineer.” This way your research will be well rounded.

Note that when there is a negative sign in front of a percentage or number that means that it is decreasing!

This guide only introduced you to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and one of its most popular features. If you explore on your own, there are multiple more databases with information that may be helpful.



2.b Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

Location - http://www.depweb.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/dep_home/5968


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is not only a great website for staying current on the projects the DEP is conducting, but it also one of the prime places Penn

State ERM students work after they graduate. The DEP is where Pennsylvania’s environmental

Laws are made and enforced. So if you are interested in Environmental Law this may be a wellsuited fit. The DEP works to reduce air pollution, keep waters of the state safe, clean hazardous waste, and save energy. All of the THINGS they do, are major topics of study for

Environmental Resource Management students. This is why the DEP is worth considering for an internship or full time job. An out of state Penn State student is likely to work at their own state specific DEP. To learn about all the different THINGS the DEP does, click on any of the links on the sidebar shown below

If you are looking for a job with the DEP, click on the About DEP link under the Log In tab. This will take you to a page with these options below. Click on Employment. On this web page there is a list showing all of the entry level positions that may be open at the DEP. So if you see these options and like how they sound, how do you apply? Click on the link under all the possible jobs which is www.scsc.state.pa.us

. This link will take you to a whole new website. Once you are there click on the

Job Seekers tab at the top of the webpage. On the next page, click on

Engineering & Environmental Control . Finally you will come to a list of jobs available in the DEP. It is important to reach this by navigating through the DEP’s website because learning what the DEP is about and does is very important before applying to work for them.



2.b. Continued

After reading through the jobs and you find one pertains to your field of study. Click on the blue number on the left hand side as shown in the image below.

This number will take you to a page that will tell you step by step how to turn in your application to the Pennsylvanian Department of Environmental Protection.

If you are looking for an internship with DEP, you will want to go back to the employment page on the DEP website and click on the Internships link highlighted in green below.

This will take you to a page that explains what interns for the

DEP do and exactly how to apply. There are options for paid internships and unpaid internships. Scroll down to the middle of the page and there is a link saying

Click here to complete an application. Once you have done this, just complete the application and soon you very well may be employed at the DEP.


- The way the application process is explained can seem confusing. Something that might help is write a list of every document they want and just finish one item at a time instead of never finishing because you do not know where to start.

- If you come back to the DEP website without this guide with you just remember that the job postings are not on the website but that there is a link you need to find which will take you to a list of the open DEP jobs on a separate site.



2.c Career Builder Jobsite

Location - http://www.careerbuilder.com


The career builder website is similar to many other job search site. This one was chosen however for this guide because it is one of the more reputable ones that is still free. There are other similar sites such as http://biocareers.com/ or http://www.ecojobs.com/ . These sites have no ads popping up but they cost a yearly subscription fee and as undergrad the reason you are looking for a job is because you have no money so the Career Builder site is a great place to find out what jobs are available in your field and where. They make it pretty easy to navigate!

Once you are on the website, the first step is to type the key words of a job position you are searching for into the keywords box located at the top left of the web page or you can type in a specific job title. Although, it is important to note that Career Builder searches each word separately so if you type in “natural resource technician,” many natural resource jobs will appear, but also many technician jobs that have no relation to natural resources. In the example below you can see that just “natural resource” was typed in. So you can type in key words or a specific position, but be aware that what is described above might happen. So for ERM students you may be typing environmental scientist, soil scientist, geohydrology, natural resource, environmental engineer, wetland delineation, or any other topic you desire! If you do not want to see every job posting in this field in America it is important to pick a location. Once this is done click find jobs. And a list of jobs appears as well as a more detailed search bar as pictured below.


2.c. Continued

In the advanced search bar, you can pick jobs that were posted in the last 24 hours, 7 days, 15 days, or 30 days. The advantage to the 24 hour postings is if you are able to complete your application quickly you may be one of the first to apply therefore increasing your chances of scoring the job. To narrow the search, you can select different categories, companies, and cities within whatever state you originally chose. Once you have sorted out your optimal search and press “Find Jobs” A list of jobs will appear as pictured below.


Once you are here, you can read the full job description by clicking on View full job description in blue, or save whatever jobs sound interesting to read later. At the end of every job description is an “Apply Now” button. Clicking this will link you to that specific company’s application. It can’t get much simpler! A benefit of these job sites is that you do not have to navigate through many separate company websites to see if they have openings or reach the applications.


If you are looking for internships and not full time positions all you have to do is type “Intern” after the other keywords you have typed into the keyword box

If you do not like this certain job site, there are many other ones that operate similarly.

Once you apply to a company, make sure to contact by email or phone call that company to make sure they received your application and it is complete. Doing this, will make you stand out among the people who submit and wait to hear back from the company first.

In the advanced search bar, you can organize your job listings to show the closest jobs to you first, the most relevant, or the most recently posted.



3.a International Journal of Environmental Sciences

Location - http://www.ipublishing.co.in/jesindex.html


The international journal of environmental sciences objectives are as they say, “to report on the latest research achievement and developments, to strengthen academic exchanges between researchers and academia, to contribute to the progress in environmental sciences, and to provide high quality online platform for publishing original research works.” They do this by posting journals that cover all aspects of environmental research. A strength of this journal is that they reject many articles, this sounds bad at first but this ensures that only the best articles make it into the six issues of the journal per year. Another plus to this journal is that it is free online and you do not have to pay to subscribe. Another strength about this website is how organized it is. It was started in 2010 and if you click on further volumes in the screen shot below which is located on the lower right hand side of the home page. It will take you to a whole separate page with every volume listed out with the corresponding journals underneath.


So why should you care? Well, many of the ERM classes talk specifically about the United

States and the environmental concerns in Pennsylvania and Centre County. This journal because it is international and contains research from all countries can help to broaden your scope on all the environmental issues around the world. It is important in the workplace to know how solving the environmental issues which may seem small impact the globe on a bigger scale. To read the journal publications, click on any volume from any year and then it will take you to a list of articles in that specific volume. From there you can download the full pdf version of any article that interests you or applies to your research.



3.a. Continued


This journal company also has other journals on similar topics such as Applied

Research, Geosciences, and Civil Engineering. So do not be hesitant to click on those journals located on the lower right hand sidebar because they have relevance to what ERM majors study too.

You can become a member of the journal! It costs money but comes with added benefits of special articles not open to the general public

If you think you have a great new idea for a new journal, you can propose this idea to them by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page and click on “Propose a

Journal” and fill out the form that appears. Who knows? Your submittal may start another journal.


3.b Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

Location - http://catalog.gpo.gov


The Catalog of U.S. Publications holds over 500,000 publications from the three branches of the government and it takes in more every day. You can type in any number of topics into the search bar and read articles and journals about what work our government has done on that subject and what they think. As an ERM major you can look up any topic on environmental science or any issue pertaining to the environment with climate change and sustainability and will find a wealth of knowledge on the topic. However, sorting through 500,000 documents can be overwhelming.

There are three types of searches: a basic search, an advanced search, and an expert search. The basic search is usually enough to find information on a certain topic. If you are looking for a certain article by a certain author than the advanced or expert search would be a better option.

The help tab at the top of the page gives more information on how to effectively use those searches.

For this guide we will just be using the basic search. If you were assigned a project on sustainable farming in one of your classes and wanted to learn more about all the different methods before starting your project you would go to the link above. Once on the home page type in the search bar “sustainable farming” and press enter. Do not forget to use quotes when typing this in. So your screen should look like pictured below.


Click go and after this a list of government publications about sustainable farming will appear like the screenshot shown on the next page.


3.b. Continued


In order to be able to read an article online make sure to that under the internet access tab to the right there is a blue link. If there is not one that means the document is not available through the internet. As an example, we will use number three because it was written in 2012, we know the author and has internet access.


Millennium Challenge Corporation, (20 April 2012). Principles into Practice: Irrigated

Agriculture. Catalog of U.S. Government Publications.


Description of Document - Principles into Practice

This report gives a wealth of information on how the Millennium Challenge Corporation works to make irrigating in the agricultural process more sustainable. This report tells who MCC partners with to take on irrigation projects and explains what they consider when investing in a community. Also, it talks about the importance of maintaining these systems once built. This report is excellent to read as ERM major because so many of the classes are about irrigation and how to make sure you are not using more water than necessary in your irrigation system. It is especially applicable if you are interested in partnering with impoverished communities to implement more sustainable farming techniques. The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications has many documents about every topic we learn in ERM and it is definitely worth the time to read these credible sources.



3.b. Continued


If you have time try to use the help tab to learn about all the other features this online catalog offers.

There is a bookshelf feature under the browse tab and you can use this to email articles from your bookshelf to yourself. The help tab will provide exactly how to do this.

Before reading an article make sure it is recent unless you are specifically trying to learn about past research. You do not want to spend a long time reading an article about the newest sustainable farming techniques that was published in 2005.



Springer Link Database

Location - http://www.libraries.psu.edu/ (link to access free Penn State databases) http://link.springer.com/ (direct link to springer link database)


The Springer Link database has millions of documents about every kind of science. It has all journals and books and articles covering all the topics we learn in the environmental resource management major. It has earth sciences & geography, engineering, environmental sciences, chemistry, biology, and many more. New books and journals are posted every day. But why does this matter to you? Well if you learned about a specific topic in one of your classes and want to learn and understand more, then this is one of the best place you can go! It is very useful when looking up resources to use in your CAS 100A speeches and research papers for your senior level classes. So how do you use it? Well in order to get everything for free, you want to navigate to it through Penn State University libraries website. Once on the libraries website (link above) click on “Database” and type in “environmental science” as shown below.


Once you press search four databases will appear. All of them are credible and useful resources but the one we are going to focus on is the third one down “Springer Link.” Click on this and it will take you to the Springer Link Website. Once there, choose any of the topics on the side bar

(shown on next page) that pertain to your research.


3.c. Continued

As an example, we will just click on the general “environmental science” discipline to ensure it applies to everyone in ERM.

However, when you are on this site feel free to browse other disciplines. If you want something more specific than the disciplines listed to the left, just type it into the search bar located at the top left of the page. Once a topic on the side bar has been clicked, you will be taken to a new page that has a list of 26,563 resources! This is an unbelievable amount of information.

Sorting through twenty six thousand articles, journals, and books is not really feasible so to make sure you are at least scrolling through the latest information click on “newest first” in the little tool box above the list (pictured below). There is also a box on the sidebar that lists sub disciplines within environmental science that can help to narrow your search.

So you can click on soil science in the box below and then hydrogeology. Then your search is looking for resources that are related to hydrogeology within soil science within the original environmental science search. After this scroll through the articles or keep limiting your search until you find the perfect article or journal for your specific purposes.




3.c. Continued


If you are short on time make sure to go into your search through the Springer Link

Database with a specific idea in mind. Narrow your search as much as you can to ensure that whatever source you choose is as related to your research as possible.

It is recommended that if you are looking for other databases on these topics search through the libraries website verse just google. Why? Because the library has already done all the hard work for you ensuring that the journals and databases are all credible.

Have Fun! You get to read the top notch journal and articles for free about topics you are passionate about!
