FIRST Syllabus Foundations in Rigorous Science Technologies Dear Students and Families, Welcome to Foundations in Rigorous Science Technologies, or FIRST! This class is a hands-on, standards-based course that will provide all students with a strong foundation for success in future science pathways and classes at Santa Barbara High School. FIRST will challenge students to make connections between various scientific disciplines while developing their observational, analytical, quantitative and technological skills. This course combines foundational studies in four distinct quarters: Computer Technology, Biotechnology, Engineering, and Green Technologies. Students will rotate through the content specific quarters approximately every ten weeks. Quarter 1: August 26 through Oct. 25 Quarter 2: October 28 through January 17 Quarter 3: January 21 through March 21 Quarter 4: March 31 through June 5 The teachers for each quarter are listed below. Keep in mind that the students may rotate through the quarters in a different order than is shown here. Biotechnology: Mrs. Quinn (Email:, phone: 966-9101, ext. 376) o The biotechnology portion of the FIRST course will introduce students to three main areas in biology: cells, genetics and the cardiovascular system, while applying an emphasis in medical and biotechnology. Students will Make careful observations about the natural world Communicate their observations verbally and in writing Perform lab techniques accurately in the interest of collecting and analyzing data Make connections to real-world applications in biology and medicine Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between cells, whole organisms and the use of biotechnology. Green Technology: Mrs. Cornelius (Email:, phone: 966-9101, ext. 361) The focus of the Green Technology portion of the course will be on ecosystems and energy. The first section will focus on the parts of the ecosystem, how they depend on each other, and how energy flows through the system. The second half students will examine the environmental effects of burning fossil fuels as opposed to energy obtained from alternative “green” sources. Students will investigate both advantages and limitations of alternative energy sources and compare them to the advantages and limitations of traditional fossil fuel energy sources. Engineering: Mr. Parsons (Email:, phone: 966-9101, ext. 314) o Through this portion of the course, students will become confident in applying the technical foundations of engineering. Students will learn broad problem solving procedures the engineering design process different types of engineering how to use measurement devices how to model systems with excel to predict future events Computer Sciences: Mr. Sullivan (Email:, phone: 966-9101, ext. 335) o Through the Computer Science portion of the course, students will develop a foundation in using computers as tools, as well as develop an understanding of the inner workings of these pieces of technology. Students will learn the answers to the following: What is a computer and how does it work? What is the Internet? What career opportunities are available with a background in computer technology? o While finding the answers to these questions, the students will learn: E-mail and Internet etiquette How to use the internet for research and to evaluate the reliability of online source materials. How to use spreadsheets Basic programming Tools to use computers efficiently, such as macros. HTML and CSS (Building Websites) How to build a computer In addition to the content specific skills listed above, students will also learn a variety of skills and strategies to help them be successful in all their high school courses and beyond. Some of the specific skills that will be taught are: How to take proper reading and lecture notes Test taking strategies Reading and literacy skills Making observations and predictions How to maintain an up-to-date agenda Teamwork and collaboration Research and presentation skills Speaking and listening skills Class Expectations and Grading: It is expected that students show up each day on time and ready to learn. Students should have paper, pens, pencils, a binder, and a backpack. In addition, each student will receive a course “reader” that they are responsible for bringing to class each day. This reader will be used all year in each quarter of the FIRST science course. It is a requirement of the course that each student creates an account on EDU 2.0 and check the site daily for critical information pertaining to this class. Parents and guardians are also encouraged to create an account on EDU 2.0 as this is a great way to keep up with students’ progress in the course as well as a means of communication between teachers, students and families. Students will have to access coursework from EDU 2.0. Computers and Internet access are available in a number of locations on campus during the school day, at lunch and after school. Period: ________ Access code: ________________________ Final quarter and semester grades will be determined by the cumulative points students earn in the following categories: Homework/Agenda checks: Weekly homework will be assigned every Monday and collected every Friday. Students are responsible for recording homework, classwork and daily learning objectives into their agendas. Students will earn points on weekly agenda checks that demonstrate accurate and up-to-date record keeping. Classwork/Participation: Students will earn points for notes taken during lectures and for reading assignments. In addition, students must come to class each day prepared to actively participate in class. Classwork completed each week will be turned in with the weekly homework assignment and daily warm-up questions every Friday. It is each student’s responsibility to keep track of homework and classwork assignments during the week until they are collected on Friday. Late work will be accepted for partial credit due. Please keep in mind that no extra credit assignments will be given. Activities/Projects: Students will earn points for lab work, group projects, and class presentations. Test/Quizzes: Students will earn points on weekly quizzes that will be based on homework and warm-up questions as well as classwork and reading and lecture notes. There will be two larger tests per quarter. Each test will be cumulative for content covered to-date throughout each semester. Final quarter and semester grades will be determined using the following scale: 90 –100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D 59% and below = F Attendance Policy: It is expected that each student is in their seat and ready to work before the bell rings each day, or else that student will be considered tardy. All absences must be cleared through the attendance office. Any work missed during the week due to excused absences must still be completed and turned in with the Friday work packet that week. Due date extensions can be made with prior teacher approval for students that have multiple excused absences or other extenuating circumstances. Tests and quizzes that are missed due to an excused absence only can be made up within one week of the original test/quiz date. Students must make arrangements to come in at lunch or afterschool to make up missed tests/quizzes. Bathroom Policy: Each student will receive two (2) “tickets” per quarter that can be turned in to the teacher in exchange for a bathroom pass. Students that do not use their bathroom tickets can turn them in for extra participation points at the end of each quarter. Students should make every effort to use the bathroom between passing periods, during lunch and after school. Field Trips: It is our goal to take students on two field trips per semester in order to broaden and enhance their learning experience. In order to assure a high level of professionalism and maximize the field trip experience for all students, attendance during field trips will be determined by the following: Students must have no more than 3 tardies per quarter and no unexcused absences. Students must complete pre-trip assignments. Students must maintain a grade of satisfactory (S) or outstanding (O) for citizenship. We look forward to an exciting year in FIRST science! Each of us is making a commitment to do our part in helping each student be successful in class. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns at any time. Thank you, Genevieve Quinn Blake Parsons Ashley Cornelius Peter Sullivan Please sign, date and return bottom portion only by Friday, August 30 for 10 points. --------------------------------------------------------Detach here.------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the FIRST course policies described above and commit to providing my best effort to be successful in class. _____________________________________________ Student Name (please print) ______________________________________________ ______________ Student Signature Date As a parent/guardian of a FIRST student, I have read and understand the policies described above and commit to providing my support if/when needed to help my student be successful in class. _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ______________________________________________ ______________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date