Complicating Factors & Multifactorial Inheritance

Complicating Factors in the Interpretation of Phenotypes and Pedigrees
The Genotype-Phenotype Relationship and the Interpretation of Pedigrees can be
complicated by the following factors:
 Epistasis -- *non-allelic gene-gene interactions that modify the expression of
a trait (i.e. the action of one locus modifies the effects of another locus).
Epistasis encompasses two different phenomena:
o Penetrance:
 Complete penetrance – all individuals that inherit the mutant
allele(s) responsible for a disease trait express the mutant
 Incomplete penetrance – individuals that inherit the mutant
allele(s) responsible for a disease trait may or may not
express the mutant phenotype (this is all or none).
 Difference in penetrance (incomplete penetrance) is
due to differences in genetic background (i.e. have
differences in other loci that modify the mutant allele).
In the above pedigree, there is ample evidence for
autosomal dominant inheritance:
o The disease is passed from the father (II-3) to
the son (III-5), this never happens with X-linked
o The disease occurs in three consecutive
generations, this never happens with recessive
o Males and females are affected, with roughly the
same probability.
o However, II-1 does not express the disease. He
must have inherited the mutant allele because he
passed it on to two children, III-1 and III-3. II-1 is
a classical example of incomplete penetrance, he
has the allele for the disease but he does not
express it.
o Variable Expression – individuals inheriting a mutant allele are
affected, but show a large variation in expression of trait among
affected individuals.
 Can be variation in severity, type of manifestation, and/or age
of onset.
 Ex: Huntington Disease – defect in gene that encodes
the protein huntingtin (HTT).
o **Modifying genes affect age of onset in
Huntington Disease.
 In variable expressivity, penetrance is complete (all progeny
who carry the mutant allele express it in some way), it is the
severity of the phenotype that varies.
 Variable expression is more striking in dominant disorders
compared to recessive disorders (it is rarely associated with
recessive traits).
Causes of Epistasis:
o Modifying Loci – genes that modify the expression of another gene.
 Ex: α-thalasemia modulates sickle cell disease expression,
resulting in a milder form of the trait.
 Hemoglobin chains in affected individuals (HbS)
aggregate when deoxygenated.
 Decreased globin synthesis in thalasemic patients limits
the hemoglobin concentration in red blood cells
(keeping them mostly oxygenated).
o Genetic Background – variations in modifying loci among individuals.
Other Complicating Factors:
 Genetic Heterogeneity:
o Allelic Heterogeneity – different alleles result in a similar, but
altered phenotype (i.e. different mutations occurring at the same
locus that cause a change in phenotype).
 Difference may be in severity of phenotype.
 NOT due to epistasis, but allelic differences.
Ex: Phenylketonuria – several alleles for phenylalanine
hydroxylase result in hyperphenylalanemia.
 One type results in the complete absence of
phenylalanine hydroxylase activity.
 Other alleles encode an enzyme having reduced activity
(less severe form of disease).
 In extreme cases, allelic heterogeneity can lead to phenotypic
heterogeneity, in which differing mutations in the same gene
can lead to dramatically different phenotypes.
 Ex: RET (ret proto-oncogene) a member of the cadherin
superfamily encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase.
Different mutations in RET can lead to:
o Failure to develop colonic ganglia, resulting in
loss of colonic motility and severe, chronic
o Unregulated kinase function, resulting in
multiple endrocrine neoplasia (MEN).
o Both Hirschprung disease and MEN.
o Locus Heterogeneity – mutations at different loci (therefore having
different genetic causes) result in similar phenotypes.
 Ex: mutations in many different genes result in Nonsyndromic Deafness.
 Genes located on different chromosomes, and expressed
in different cell types/tissues result in a similar
 Many disease traits manifest in multiple modes of inheritance.
 To date, 48 different mutations responsible for hearing loss
have been identified.
Environmental Factors:
o Environment can affect phenotype.
o Ex: Pigment in hair of Himalayan rabbits and Siamese cats.
 Temperature-sensitive mutation in coat color gene results in
light/white fur, except in extremities where body temperature
is lower.
o Sex-influenced traits – mode of trait’s expression modified by the
gender of the individual (e.g. male-pattern baldness).
 Ex: Hemochromatosis (autosomal recessive) – iron-overload
due to enhanced dietary iron absorption.
 More common in males (10x).
 Females are believed to have decreased dietary iron
intake and increased losses via menstruation.
o Sex-limited traits – appearance of certain features in only one sex.
 Ex: prostate cancer, milk production.
Pleiotropy – mutation in one gene has multiple manifestations in different
tissues (one gene affecting multiple, distinct phenotypes).
o Ex: CT locus in mice affects development of tail (curly) and neural
o Pleiotropic effects of Phenylketonuria (PKU): (in untreated
 Defective phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) enzyme,
autosomal recessive.
 High levels of Phe and metabolites in body fluids.
 Decreased head size and low IQ (inadequate myelin synthesis).
 Tendency toward fairer hair and skin than relatives, often have
blue eyes (deficient in tyrosine, a melanin precursor).
 Hyperactive and uncoordinated.
o PKU can also be thought of as a gene x environment interaction,
because restriction of dietary Phe in newborns homozygous for the
mutation prevents mental retardation.
Phenocopy – a condition in which environmental influences result in a
phenotype that mimics a genetic disease or disorder.
o Ex: Thalidomide – used to treat morning sickness in pregnant
women in the 1950s. Caused limb defects, which mimicked
Phocomelia, a rare mutation that causes limb shortening.
Mosaicism – presence of two or more genetically-distinct cell lines in an
o Somatic mosaicism – event triggering mosaic condition occurred
 Progeny of individuals with somatic mosaicism will be normal.
o Germline mosaicism – abnormal cell line present in the gonads
 Responsible for occurrence of a dominant phenotype when
neither parent was affected.
 Most commonly recognized in connective tissue diseases (e.g.
osteogenesis imperfecta).
 Ex: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) – an X-linked
recessive trait.
 Some mothers who are apparently non-carriers, but
produce affected sons, may be germline mosaics.
 While their somatic cells are homozygous for the
normal allele, their ovaries may contain a cluster of cells
carrying the mutant allele. If this is the case, the mother
has a recurrent risk for additional affected sons.
Inheritance of Multifactorial Traits
Multifactorial Inheritance – phenotypic traits resulting from the interaction of
multiple environmental factors with multiple genes.
 Characterized by risk conditioned by the number of mutant genes inherited.
 Risk should be increased for siblings of patients showing severe expression
of the trait.
 Examples: diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, hypertension, bipolar disorder etc.
Example—environmental interaction with a single gene: SERPINA1 serine
peptidase inhibitor clade A (α-1 antiproteinase antitrypsin) member 1 on HSA 14.
 Better known as α1-anti-trypsin (α1-AT).
 Inhibits trypsin and elastase (proteases) active in the lung.
 Cigarette smoke contains O2- (superoxide anion).
 Inactivates α1-AT in lung tissue.
 Inactivated α1-AT no longer inhibits protease in lung tissue, and lungs suffer
damage as structural proteins are degraded by proteases (emphysema).
SERPINA1 genotype
α1-AT Activity
 zz homozygotes show decreased survival compared to general population,
and survival of zz individuals who smoke is further reduced.
Complex, Multifactorial Traits
 Do NOT demonstrate simple, Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
 Demonstrate familial aggregation –relatives of affected individuals are
more likely to share disease-predisposing alleles with the affected individual
compared to unrelated individuals.
 Can be measured by relative risk ratio (λ):
o Relative risk (λr) = Prevalence of disease in the relatives of affected
individual / Prevalence of disease in the general population
 *Subscript r refers to relatives. Normally calculated for a
specific class of relatives.
 Pairs of relatives who share disease-predisposing alleles may be
discordant for phenotype (incomplete penetrance) because of non-genetic
 Disease-prevalence increased in close relatives of proband compared to
more distant relatives (who share fewer predisposing alleles).
 Greater concordance in monozygotic (identical) twins compared to
dizygotic (fraternal) twins.
Inheritance of Quantitative Traits – AKA polygenic traits (i.e. involving multiple
 Described by variance – a measure of the degree of spread of the values on
either side of the mean value.
o VE = environmental variance
o VG = genetic variance
o VT = total variance
o VT = VG + VE thus, VG = VT – VE
 Heritability describes the degree to which a trait is influenced by genetic
makeup (versus environmental).
o Heritability = VG / VT = VG / VG + VE
 Blood Pressure is an example of a polygenic trait:
o In twin studies, variance of blood pressure between dizygotic twins
was higher compared with that observed in monozygotic twins.
 These studies collectively support a genetic component for
blood pressure in humans.
 Concordance – describes the probability that a pair of individuals will both
have a certain characteristic, given that one of the pair has a characteristic.
Usually used in twin studies to describe inheritance of a trait (e.g. twins are
concordant when both have or both lack a given trait).
o For polygenic traits, the likelihood that MZ twins will show
concordance is significantly <100%, but is much higher than the
chance that both DZ twins will be affected.
o For polygenic traits, the frequency of concordance observed between
MZ twins is usually in the range of 20-40%.
 Correlation – used to describe relationship between two factors measured
on a continuous scale.
o Measured by correlation coefficient (R), which varies between
1(perfect correlation) and 0 (no correlation).
o Parent-Child correlation for blood pressure, r=0.3 (significant)
o Adopted Child-Adopted Child correlation, r = 0.1 (not significant)
Models for the Inheritance of Quantitative Traits
 These models examine multifactorial inheritance, so:
o Several, but not an unlimited number, loci are involved in the
expression of the trait.
o The loci act in concert in an additive fashion, each adding or
detracting a small amount from the phenotype.
o The environment interacts with the genotype to produce the final
 Additive Model – Continuous distribution of phenotypic values.
o Given a Locus A, with alleles:
 A1 = minus allele (decreases trait)
 A2 = plus allele (decreases trait)
o And a Locus B, with alleles:
 B1 = minus allele (decreases trait)
 B2 = plus allele (decreases trait)
o We make the following assumptions:
 Locus A and Locus B exert equal effects on trait expression.
 Each plus and minus allele exerts equal effects on the
magnitude of trait expression (but opposite direction).
 The effects of each allele are additive.
The figure approximates a
continuous distribution of
phenotypic values.
The F2 generation shows a
distribution of individuals
with a phenotypic range that
is dependent on the amount
of alleles each individual
inherits. Those with all
minus alleles would not
exhibit the phenotype
associated with positive A
and B loci. Those with all
plus alleles would exhibit a
severe phenotype, while
those in between would
show an intermediate
(milder) phenotype.
Threshold Model – examines quantitative traits that are discretely
expressed in a limited number of phenotypes (usually two), but are based on
an assumed continuous distribution of factors that contribute to the
trait (underlying liability).
o Unlike in the additive model, phenotypes are discontinuous—either
present or absent (rather than exhibiting a spectrum of mild to severe
o In this model, individuals are affected when the genetic
predisposition is above a certain value.
 Genetically-determined liability – defined as a function of
the number of mutant alleles carried, and/or the severity of
the effects associated with the mutant alleles carried.
o Risk increases with the number of affected relatives in the family.
o Risk increases with the severity of the malformation or disease.
o Differential risk to relatives of an affected proband increases as the
frequency of the disease or malformation decreases in the general
o Also, when the sex ratio of affected progeny is significantly skewed,
the offspring of affected probands of the less frequently affected sex
have a higher relative risk (e.g. if a trait tends to affect more females,
any male progeny of proband will be differentially more at risk than
other males of the general population due to probability).
o When using the threshold model, both genetic and environmental
factors must be taken into account.
For individuals with affected relatives, there is a curve shift relative to the general
population, while the threshold remains the same:
When there are differences observed in the environmental contribution to a disease
phenotype, there is a threshold shift, while the distribution remains the same: