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Case #2 - OB
By: Odette Bodagh
Pt Hx & Clinical Indication
 A 35 year old presented with decreased fetal movement during
her 16 week pregnancy
 Decreased AFP’s
 Fetal head demonstrates the spaulding sign with no
visible brain structures within it ( ill defined structures, tissue
 Fetal spine appears to have an exaggerated curvature
 Fetal limbs have abnormal appearance What
 Oligohydramnious- low to no amniotic fluid causing poor detail
 Heterogeneous placenta
o Calcifications throughoutI don’t see calcifications on your
 Intrauterine Fetal demise
 Ultrasound findings showed
o No fetal heart tones
o Exaggerated curvature of fetal spine
o Placenta degeneration Maternal laking
o Spaulding sign
Clinical Symptoms
 Typicals for fetal death in 1st trimester
o Absent cardiac activity
 2nd/3rd trimester
o No FHT
o No fetal movement
o Gas in fetal abdomen & chest
o Spaulding sign (collapse of fetal skull)
o Exaggerated spine curvature (concave)
o Fetal maceration Define
Causes for Fetal Death
Frequently unknown
May be congenital
Maternal factors (Diabetes)
Chromosomal abnormalities
Cord around the fetal neck
Most frequent in 1st trimester as spontaneous abortion